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The Return of Kohaku

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--- Quote from: Keirai on January 07, 2011, 06:54:41 pm ---Very interesting character there! Perhaps we can chill together In-Game once my inital MUST SEE EVERYTHING rush wears off. lD

--- End quote ---

Thanks!  Kohaku's my pride and joy, really.  She's been through a lot of changes to get where she is now.  >w<
I'd love to hang!  ...Once the sever's up, that is.  x'D  I'll probably be running around like a madman at first, though, hehe.

Yeah me too. lD

I couldn't download and play even if the server was up, I'm at home on dial-up. However I move in to my dorm this weekend with wifi and ethernet, so I should be okay then. lD Excited~

I managed to DL it and get it working with CrossOver, at least.  *Mac user*

My internet has been really moody lately, though.  I need to call Verizon and yell at them.  =3=;;

Beat them up.

And I can't even load a two minute youtube video, unless I sit there for a few hours. lD So yeah. Not gonna try it.

But yea, we definitely have to hang out somewhere awesome.

I plan to.  It's ridiculous.  >:/  Even my phone signal is suffering!

If I get bored enough today I might try my hand at mapmaking, just to pass time.  :3


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