Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: TouchOfMadness on August 21, 2014, 01:44:25 pm

Title: When the Roleplay Hits the Fan...
Post by: TouchOfMadness on August 21, 2014, 01:44:25 pm
I'm sure you've had this happen to you at least once in the wonderful world of roleplay. You'll just be roleplaying like any ordinary day with your group, and all of a sudden, someone will say or do something strange, and, one thing leading to another, the roleplay descends into utter chaos and madness. Whether it's OOC drama or just an explosion of randomness and hilarity, whatever serious roleplay that had been going on at that moment just goes "poof!" I know this happens to me all the time. Once it resulted in my wolf character and another pack member making a list of jewelry and interior decor we could make out of the organs and body parts of our enemies. Another time ended up in my pack forming a recruitment drive twerk train (good times :3). And one time myself and two other pack members were chilling on one of the rock formations in Flourite. My character Cadfael was laying on her back when another wolf approached...

Ash: Crap! It's my mate! She's crazy. I've been trying to get rid of her forever! -crawls over and lays on top of Cadfael-
Cadfael: What are you doing?!
Ash: Shh! Just trust me on this!
Cadfael: GET. OFF.
Mate: -comes over- What's going on?
Ash: Baby, it's not what it looks like! This is...CPR! Yeah, CPR. She swallowed a bee. Isn't that right, Cadfael?
Cadfael: Derp.
So this continued for a while and got stranger and stranger as it went. Eventually Ash's mate somehow died, and so we started arguing over how we were going to dispose of the body. Undeniably one of the oddest conversations I have ever participated in. Anyone else have any experiences like this?
Title: Re: When the Roleplay Hits the Fan...
Post by: Wyldercat on August 21, 2014, 03:35:06 pm
A very interesting topic, Zealot, this happens a LOT with me. Sometimes, I roleplay my hyena, Chiwa, attacking lion cubs (not randomly, of course) in a TLK roleplay and it got awkward pretty quickly:

Me: The young hyena crept forward silently, eying the cubs intently, a smirk crossing her mildly scarred face.
The Cub: *turns around and runs away*
(This went on for a while until combat actually broke out)
Me: Chiwa sprang forward, her jaws parted and aimed to snap at the cub's shoulder.
The Cub: -bites-
Me: Chiwa cackled insanely with the rush of the hunt. "That all you got?" She swiped a paw at the cub's ears.
Another random derpy cub: LEAVE HER ALONE! -jumps on hyena and bites, tightening jaws so is impossible to shake off nn-
Me: [OOC: Dude, no offense, but that's kinda powerplaying...]
Random derpy cub: No it's not! -roars loudly- YOUR powerplaying by attacking cubs!
Snow F Angel: You mean hyena! You kill cubs AND powerplay!
Me: 1. Attacking cubs isn't powerplay, and 2. ITS JUST A ROLEPLAY!

(the angel started freaking out, and I watched for a few minutes, as it was kinda funny :D but in the end, I just blocked everyone.)
That's the most strange encounter I've had so far. Yours tops mine though, in my opinion. XD
Title: Re: When the Roleplay Hits the Fan...
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on August 21, 2014, 06:14:08 pm
-Small laugh- I normally have either very serious role-plays that go crazy and random to crazy and random role-plays that go extremely serious - there is no between.
I never really venture out to Bonfire, Ficho, etc. (I mainly stick with Ascension and Lonely, going to Fluorite when I'm bored), so my serious role-plays are normally very serious and emotional; there are few that become different, though.

If I'm role-playing in Party, it's normally hectic and absolutely amazing. Most of the time, atleast. But when I role-play something serious in Party, and then it gets hectic, I just laugh it off - especially if I send my post as soon as someone was invited.
Normally we often do bracket role-plays (role-plays that don't leave OoC but are still in character) whenever it goes insane.
I don't recall any at the moment sadly, though will get back to it if/when I do.
Title: Re: When the Roleplay Hits the Fan...
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on August 21, 2014, 09:24:45 pm
I was in a role play and we were having an argument with our "rivals". It eventually got to where we were throwing cookies at the opposing team xD
Title: Re: When the Roleplay Hits the Fan...
Post by: Jango_Fett on August 22, 2014, 02:22:27 am
Okay, so we were all going to the N/Z lake.... And we decided to take a car ride.

Long story short, we ended up running over the Master Chief, and I got thrown out the car window.

We are very serious.
Title: Re: When the Roleplay Hits the Fan...
Post by: Codaxunion on August 22, 2014, 01:21:18 pm
We ask all our "Victims" OCC,if we can role play eat them before we even start. If they give us the go ahead we do it. Now this one wolf from another pack, waits for us to hunt to do this.

Retired pack alpha: "Now for the Ritual" -bites down on the Faes neck- "Go along with it"
Fae: -giggles- "Ahhhh so scary someone help me!-
My pack: -ignores his comments-
Retired Alpha: ((we ask them ahead of time and tell them we will eat them))
The Wolf: NO YOU DON'T!!!
Me: ((How do you know if we did or we didn't?))
The pack: -ignore list-