FeralHeart Official Competitions & Events > Members of the Season

2024 Summer MOTS Nominations

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Goodbye spring and HELLLOOOOO SUMMER! The season we've all been waiting for is finally here! School's almost out, and the Summer vacations are just around the corner- but since Summer is an eventful time of year for Feral Heart, let's get this season kick-started with our Summer Members of the Season Nominations! Good luck to everyone!

Who should be nominated?
Members of the season should be helpful, dedicated, and friendly users whom are generally liked by most of the community

How do I nominate?
Use the form below to nominate the user(s) you believe should be this year's Summer MOTS.

Please follow this format when nominating
Your Forum Username:
MOTS Nomination(s): [User(s) & Link(s) to Profile(s)]
Why? (Optional):

Rules for Nominating:
Please read rules before nominating

You must have at least 25 posts to nominate or be nominated
You may not nominate a user in the same IP range as yourself (and yes, that includes nominating yourself)
Staff members may not be nominated
If someone is already under "Qualified Users," please nominate someone else
You are allowed and encouraged to nominate TWO users
Once you have posted your choices, you may not modify your post
Nominees must get a total of THREE nominations in order to qualify for MOTS voting
Please do not nominate the winners of the Spring MOTS

For Qualified users!
If you do not wish to be entered into the final voting, please contact a staff member and leave a post here to have your name taken down from the final roster.
You cannot rejoin if you ask to be taken off the list!

Please do not chat in the nomination thread!
However, if you have a question, you may post it here for a staff member to answer.

Nominated Users
toonanimals317 (2/3)
Domino-FH (1/3)
Telluric (2/3)
Saboomba (1/3)
AeroHour (1/3)

Qualified Users
D-ead7Dog (3/3)
Kouvinxx (3/3)

The nomination deadline is May 25th!

My Forum Username: AeroHour
MOTS Nomination(s):
toonanimals317 Profile Link
Kouvinxx Profile Link
Why? (Optional):
Both active and approachable members of the community!

Nominations Counted

My forum username: Security
MOTS Nomination(s):
Domino-FH (https://feral-heart.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=347046)
why? (optional):

Nomination Counted

your forum username: telluric
mots nomination(s): toonanimals317 & d-ead7dog
why?: cool community members, always love seeing them shine as mots.

Nominations Counted

Your Forum Username: Toonanimals317
MOTS Nomination(s): Telluric and Saboomba
Why? (Optional): Active members in the community!

Nominations Counted


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