Game & Forum Discussion > Game Suggestions & Ideas

General Improvements

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The thread has been updated with more suggestions!

Chat tabs and bigger item list is something I can definitely look forward to seeing.

I agree with everything here!


--- Quote from: Ironic on April 17, 2021, 11:19:34 am ---Chat tabs and bigger item list is something I can definitely look forward to seeing.

I agree with everything here!

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Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and feedback!

These are all some wonderful ideas! I would love to see them all implemented! I think that my favorite idea is the chat tabs because especially if you're advertising for a group, you might get multiple whispers to deal with so you don't want to lose your conversation with one person. It would also be really helpful because its so easy to accidentally type in the wrong chat channel because you aren't 100% paying attention!


--- Quote from: Insoholic on July 26, 2019, 09:51:59 pm ---
* Game Localization
How many of you think it would be a good idea if the game was translated into other languages? Due to general thoughts that have been popping up over time regarding game translation and localization, I started working on a project that'd support the including of players from many different cultures and backgrounds. I wanted to ensure a truly authentic experience for our players - regardless of their nationality. It'd be great if we could have the option to choose the language of our game or something of the sort implemented in the upcoming patches. What's more, game translation and localization also opens doors to advertise FHU worldwide!
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--- Quote from: Insoholic on July 26, 2019, 09:51:59 pm ---
* Community Portal (Player Submitted Content)
It'd be amazing having a large selection of player submitted fan art, game fan fiction and screenshots. Great community contributions and fun content may even be highlighted in update threads, monthly newsletters and livestreams (Fan Screenshot of the Month, Fan Art Spotlight, etc). The finest creations would also be showcased throughout official FHU social media.
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Just gon' nudge a little bit- it says "FHU" instead of "FH" there xD Anyway-

Chat Commands

Personally, I'm not too big on the chat command idea. I'm perfectly fine with clicking through the menus to switch chats or send friend requests. That's how it's been for so long and I personally would like to see it stay that way. That's just me though. What I would like to see however is a "Player Look Up" function from within the friend menu. You can already type in a username to send a friend request, but I would love to see it changed to when you enter a username, it simply brings up their player card. From there you can do whatever- be it close the menu, send a friend request, group invite, party whatevah. Kinda like in Animal Jam, you can search for players via the buddy list, and if the player exists their player info will pop up.

Game Localization

I'm sure it would help out non-english speaking players in being able to jump into the game a bit easier. It always helps when you can actually read menus lol It would be nice if, on the download page, we could have the different languages be available for download. It should be noted in a disclaimer though that the servers are english however the menus have been converted for convenience.

Chat Tabs

I do like the idea of chat tabs- in a game I used to play, ArcheAge, you can create your own tabs and change their category(s) as well. You can mix and match which chats you want showing up. You can have Local, Global, Party, all that. I hardly ever used them, however. I wasn't very talkative in that game so there wasn't a need lol I would imagine being able to turn off said chats would still work the same, but one would still be able to create more focused tabs of only Local and Group, or Party and Whisper, generally any mix that you want.

Sanctions Section

I like the idea, but I don't think it would be that easy to set up to be automatic. I have no clue though since I am no coder xD Raz or Dylan (since I know the cheetah can code shtuffs) would have to way in on that idea to see if it's even possible- anywho. It would help with the users who feel intimidated to approach us, so they can just log into the forum and see what's goin on. If they have questions they can of course still PM any one of us.

Small Announcements (Monthly Newsletter)

This has come up in discussion a couple times, and I do believe there has been mention of this somewhere else on the forum, but there isn't really all that much going on in the game/community to justify monthly announcements. Regardless, it is definitely something to keep in our back pockets to implement when we can.

For things content-wise, the things that are being worked on can't really be shared per request of Raz. As much as I want to share those things with everyone, we do need to respect his wishes. I do try my darnest to at least drop small hints though xD

Community Portal (Player Submitted Content)

We do have our official DeviantArt that many fluffs do submit art to. For awhile players would submit screenshots to our instagram and they would be featured n shtuff, but I would love to see a little more focus on it though. I think it would be neat if we could do like, maybe seasonal art/screenshot/preset contest though! We could showcase entries/winners  I would totally be down for that.

Bigger Item List

I believe this has been brought up somewhere else as well awhile ago... Can't remember where exactly. Essentially, my response was basically I'm fine with the slider as is at the moment since the base game doesn't have a boat load of shtuffs. If I wanted a bigger menu for the items an markings that I downloaded, then I would surely download it. However, if more things were to be added, then yes definitely I can see where a bigger menu would come in handy~

--- Quote from: Insoholic on July 26, 2019, 09:51:59 pm ---
* Variety of Biomes
First and foremost, I would like to start off by saying that Impressive Title allowed for exploration of a massive world with a wide variety of biomes to explore, from a frozen tundra to a roiling volcano. The public maps need different styles and forms, some additional fun elements, and last but not least, a variety of biomes. The community, as roleplayers, needs more environments, such as a tropical rainforest (jungle) biome, a desert biome, a swamp/bog biome, a savanna biome, a tundra biome, and maybe even a volcano biome. The idea of biomes would provide different habitats for all kinds of unique characters, species and roleplays to fit the needs of players with social interests and love for different environments. It's less boxed in and looking back at the aftermath of previous map updates, I feel people prefer when maps aren't connected by walls but rather by water.
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