Feral Heart

Community => Leaving => Topic started by: OreoHeroz on January 03, 2014, 07:03:23 pm

Title: Absence, for a little while, perhaps.
Post by: OreoHeroz on January 03, 2014, 07:03:23 pm
Lol I can't believe I'm posting here.

Some of you might be already doing a victory dance when you saw this title made by me. Idk really what you are thinking.

There has been some change in my life and I'm really uncomfortable with it. There's something going on between my family and me that is private and I'd rather not share. Life with school is getting rather busy, and there's this one teacher that piles homework everyday or each week for us. I know it's supposed to help us in our studies, but...writing assignments for each week? Um, no thanks. It's her first time teaching here at our school, so it's sorta understandable.

For some reason, Feral Heart doesn't seem addicting to me anymore. I used to go on everyday with excitement, but for the past few days, I'm pretty reluctant, and I'm starting to forget to come on. I don't feel anything when I come on, like when I used to when I joined and began to be active. To be honest, I think I spend too much time drooling over FH, rather than spending some time with my family, though they are normally busy, especially my parents - cooped up in their work. ;-; And now that we got our first dog...things are probably going to be a little more chaotic.

So, point is, I'm probably not going to get on Feral Heart anymore, really. Perhaps in the summer, but not the whole half of 2014. Sure, I am going to pop on for a while, and maybe roleplay a bit, however I won't be very active. Maybe not just active, but not active at all. A further note; I'll be on and off, posting and keeping silent. Sort of hibernation, in a way.

Thanks all, for making FH a wonderful experience for me. Hope you have a great 2014, and may God bless.
Title: Re: Absence, for a little while, perhaps.
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on January 03, 2014, 07:15:03 pm
Awww nooo not you Oreo! :o It's sad seeing you go - you are a friendly, familiar face here on the forum. I'll miss seeing your name cropping up here and there.

But I understand; life can get difficult and change things. I hope things get better for you soon, and that we'll see you again some time. You'll be welcomed back with open arms.

Best wishes to you,

Title: Re: Absence, for a little while, perhaps.
Post by: darkknight on January 03, 2014, 07:35:53 pm
It's saddening to see you have leave, Oreo. . .
Reality has its a way of showing itself - most times, it's for the better. With your new teacher, hopefully she'll get adjusted to her new environment soon and not slap as much work on your class. Also, your teacher is probably giving you so much work either they are nervous about the new position in the school, keeping to their standards, or they're simply trying to start off "small" with the new students. In the meantime, try to bare with her and be patient.

I hope you get to spend more quality time with your family and take good care of your new pet. I would like to say, a Happy New Year, to you and take much care. Good luck. 

Title: Re: Absence, for a little while, perhaps.
Post by: ritat on January 03, 2014, 07:46:00 pm
Oreo Aww, this is very sad. I almost cries half way through this letter. ;n;

You have been a nice floof lately and I know Feral heart has become very... boring in my opinion. But as we all say that we

are glad to be with each other and meet new friends. So I was give you a nuzzle before leaving us for awhile because you

have been always trying to share new things with us. Family problems always happen and sure it will pass along very

horrifically but don't worry, our hearts are with you. Homework can be done easily, and hopefully you would finish them as

early as possible. <3 

Love, Ritat Your Life Saver~  
Title: Re: Absence, for a little while, perhaps.
Post by: unnbrellas on January 03, 2014, 08:04:46 pm
-Clings to leg- NOOOOOOO

Anyway, You have your reasons. Hope you have a nice 2014 <3
I feel like this post should be longer, but my brain is broken. Sorry! XP

Hope to see ya around every now and then~
Title: Re: Absence, for a little while, perhaps.
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on January 03, 2014, 08:13:36 pm
Understandable Oreo, I was the same. But then, 4 months later, I came back, very excited. I hope the same will happen to you with time. Farewell friend<3
Title: Re: Absence, for a little while, perhaps.
Post by: OreoHeroz on January 03, 2014, 09:08:38 pm
Thank you all for your kind words<33 I really appreciate it ^^

@DoctorFlobby: Thank you Flobby^^ I'll miss your name popping up here and there as well.<3

@FoxPhilosopher: Thanks for the advice and for your words<3

@Rita: Thanks to you too, and -nuzzle- back<33

@MochaCocoa: Argh D: -shakes leg wildly- Nah, just kidding. Thank you^^

@Starbutt: It was nice meeting a sweet person like you^^ Thanks for your words.
Title: Re: Absence, for a little while, perhaps.
Post by: AlphaEclipse on January 04, 2014, 12:41:59 am
*Clings to your face* o3o OREOOOOOBUTT<3 I'm sure everyone understands your absence. I hope chur New Year is wonderful~ :3

C'yer Oreobutt<33
Title: Re: Absence, for a little while, perhaps.
Post by: Shenidan on January 04, 2014, 01:04:32 am
;__; Oreo..why.. Wait Writing assignment for a week? Same here, Anyway I will really miss you so much..I didnt even get the chance to meet you in-game, It is sad to see you go, I miss you posting everywhere in the forums<33 but we all understand your absence Good luck and and take care<3 I hope you have a wonderful new year<3
Title: Re: Absence, for a little while, perhaps.
Post by: Jackkdaw on January 05, 2014, 04:37:02 am

Oh gosh. -Deep breath-
This was devastating to read. Seriously.
You were the first person I really got to know around here, and, I am more than thankful to call you a friend now.
It's going to be weird to not have you around much anymore. It's been a blessing to get to know you through here and Imma miss 'ya, buddy. ;-;
Lol, sounds like a funeral eulogy

Anyhow, I really hate to see you go, buddy, but I'm glad that you've chosen the correct priorities. Take care, have fun with your family, and make sure you don't procrastinate with dat school work. TRUST ME. IT WILL GET YOU NOWHERE. -Is a procrastinator-  -Barely graduated- >;3
Hehe, nah, you'll be fine. c:

Well, I wish you luck with everything, my friend, and I'll continue to pray for you.
Don't forget if you ever need anything I'll always be here for 'ya.
I hope to see you around sometime.


Goodbye and God bless, mon ami. <3


Title: Re: Absence, for a little while, perhaps.
Post by: shayy on January 05, 2014, 05:04:03 am
awww no Oreo! Dun go :C Its gonna be so  sad not seeing you around on the forums. But i understand, I hope you can come back in the future and hang with us again..
Title: Re: Absence, for a little while, perhaps.
Post by: forks on June 06, 2014, 06:11:51 pm
:deep breath: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooO why you oreo? I can't believe this! So so so sad! Don't leave us! Chu were so awesome and helpful! Come Bak pls! !! Will u be active in the forums?
Title: Re: Absence, for a little while, perhaps.
Post by: LordSuragaha on June 06, 2014, 06:17:35 pm
This thread is quite a few months old already. Please try not to necro. Oreo has also since returned around the site again.