Game & Forum Discussion > Forum Suggestions & Ideas

Group section suggestion

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I have a suggestion for the Groups Section, that there be two separate sections, one for Canine, Wolf, Dog Rp and other for Feline, Cat, Lion, Tiger ect. and another for other creatures, horses, dragons, ect.

You mean to divide this board up into those groups?

That's a good idea, it would make it easier for people to find exactly the sort of RP they are looking for. However, I think the way it's set up now is nice because some RPs don't exactly fit into just one category. Y'know? The titles work well enough in my opinion.

I personally think that would make it too cluttered child boards wise. We don't need a tonne of child boards leading to child boards.

I was thinking that as well, but I didn't know exactly how to word it. Thanks, Kyu. xD

You do know I mean the lots of others down below right? Not the Voodo Pride and such. I find it annoying, even though they are labled, to look through them all and see which ones are lion, tiger, cougar, ect. I do know by experince though, that there are more Wolf RP's than Feline RP's. Just sharing my opinion here folks. ^^


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