FeralHeart Creations > User Creations Collection

//Delay's Stuff\\ [Delay Preset v1 RELEASED]

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remaking my thread because i need to reserve some posts at the beginning n_n

//Delay's Stuff\\
Hello, guys, and welcome to my thread of original creations and other goodies. Here I will post all of my stuff, from maps to presets to more! You are free to download any of these things, just please abide to the rules provided for each of them, and most of all enjoy!

//Table of Contents\\
-Player reTexture Mod v2-

-Delay's Skin
-Touch of Nature Skin-


Carpe Diem Map Pack

-CDc Delay-
-CD Zetai-
-CD Sarco-
-CD Juin-
-CD Saeda-

-Ringo and Delay's Item Pack-

//Give Feedback\\

I'd love to hear what you guys all think of these here. If you wanna write a review to be posted in this thread, here's how!

> Simply fill out this form:

--- Code: ---[b]Username:[/b] username here
[b]Reviewing:[/b] what you're reviewing for me
[b]Review:[/b] your review
[b]Rating:[/b] rate/5
--- End code ---

> PM your filled form to me (Delay).

> I will look over your review and see if I'd like to post it for everyone to see. Thanks!


Player reTexture Mod
Version 2
-Modified Feline and Canine fur shades
-Completely redone masks for both Canine and Feline to enhance the realistic look of the models
-Completely redone eye and teeth masks to further improve the appearance
-Modified masks to make the paws a mix of the main pelt and underpelt colors
-Completely redone wing textures for both Bat and Angel wings
-Modified mane so it doesn't appear lighter than the color intended

and more!

Soon to come: Sky reTexture Mod ; Mini reTextures (includes portals, water, etc) ; Marking reTexture Mod


//Works in Progress\\n/a

Here's the collection of Skins that I've made both for myself and for you guys!

Delay's Skin
Version 1

This is my own personal skin! I'm not giving it out for download, no. I'll be releasing other skins in the future though, keep an eye out!

Touch of Nature Skin
Version 1
So, I've been considering doing a sort of 'earthy' skin for a while. This is a pretty basic skin just for you players who want a bit of a nature touch to your gaming in Feralheart!

Hey, I'm willing to make some more skins. If you guys have ideas, give 'em to me!

//Works in Progress\\n/a

none for download yet!

MAYBE to come... my old map pack maps

//Works in Progress\\n/a

//Carpe Diem Map Pack\\
The Carpe Diem Map Pack is probably the biggest project I've taken up for Feralheart. This map pack currently consists of 14 maps, and it's not even complete yet!

-There's the INSTALLER and the MANUAL. INSTALLER is recommended; MANUAL is mainly for Macs.
-I've replaced some of the terrain textures in this installer, so if you wish to keep your own, BACK THEM UP!!!
-If you have had an earlier version of my map pack, DELETE THE EXPORTS, or else THESE WON'T WORK

-You can NOT CLAIM ANYWHERE IN THIS MAP! Everything belongs solely to Delay and Carpe Diem.
-You can NOT use this map pack as a set roleplay destination for your own pride or group. This is for Carpe Diem only. You MAY use these maps as TEMPORARY ROLEPLAY but you can not advertise these maps as your group's roleplay home.
-Do NOT come in here during a pack roleplay! You may visit it but not while we are roleplaying.
---Even if you are in here when we arrive, you will still have to leave.
---Failure to do so will result in booting or banning from the game.
-No 'automatically joining' CD just because you have this map.

//Praesidio\\The entire land as a whole is known as Praesidio. As you can see in this map, it's located to the north of Fluorite Plains.

//All Maps\\Catch (v2)
Plains of Praesidio (v3)
Ortis Shore (v1)
Eminus (v1)
Sidus Reach (v1)
West Sylas (v1)
East Sylas (v1)
Invictus Isle (v1)
Vale (v2)
Aeternus Curator (v3)
Praeteritum (v1)
Anguis (made by Ringoluver)
Tacit Grove (v1)
Travel (v1)
Tacit Grove

Ortis Shore

Invictus Isle

Sidus Reach

-Game <c> KovuLKD
-Meshes <c> their rightful owners
-Textures (terrain/object) <c> myself and their rightful owners

  #Catch / Ortis Shore / Invictus Isle / Eminus / Sidus Reach / Anguis <c> Bethesda Softworks (Oblivion;Skyrim)
  #Plains of Praesidio <c> Within Temptation
  #Aeternus Curator <c> BioWare
  #Travel <c> Sierra Entertainment
  #West Sylas / East Sylas <c> NaughtyDog
  #Tacit Grove <c> rightful owner
  #Praeteritum <c> rightful owner
  #Vale <c> rightful owner

-Anguis created by Ringoluver! Thanks, Nop!

All the support from everyone, people who helped me find music, gave me ideas, everything. Thanks!

  All map designs and some terrain textures <c> Delay (http://delayni.deviantart.com)
Any claiming or copying will result in banning from Feralheart.


Username: genesis9
Reviewing: Carpe Diem Map Pack v2
Review: Being a map maker myself, I can appreciate the time and effort that is put into making /good/ maps for Feral Heart, and Delay's Map Pack takes the cake in my opinion. Their clever use of height maps and basic objects to make something extraordinary is, in my opinion, a rare sight. The mood that is set with each map is different and creates a feeling of peace. I like the way that the trails seem to lead off out of sight, as if alluding to something that's just around the corner, and making it feel as if all of the maps are cohesive. Not to mention that there is so much to explore! The maps have a very nice pace to them, and aren't overcrowded with a massive amount of shrubbery. There is just enough to make it feel very realistic, and at some points magical. Along with the great choices of music and ambient sounds, Delay has created a whole world for their RP, and it's something very special. If anyone ever gets a chance to download this Map Pack and try it out, I would highly recommend they do. Thank you so much Delay for making it available to everyone!
Rating: A well earned 5/5



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