Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: Aedre on July 31, 2011, 03:46:32 am

Title: Heightmap/crashing issues (Evo.2 - eating my characters!!!!!!!!!!! new post)
Post by: Aedre on July 31, 2011, 03:46:32 am
Yes I have read the *read this if you have trouble with heightmaps* thread. A dozen times. I have also made a dozen successful heightmaps.

:P That's why this is annoying. Because it might just be that my computer sucks and there's absolutely nothing I can do to fix it.

So I got some new brushes yesterday and had fun making new heightmaps. I made some heightmaps, put them into mapmaker, and they worked, but they kind of sucked. So I made two new ones today - one with the new brushes, slightly blurred, and another version of the same one super-blurred, because I didn't know how smooth I wanted it. After a certain point of smoothness the rivers start turning into divets and mountains into molehills, so I usually have two copies.

After trying to put the heightmaps in six or seven times, I finally realize "Geeze.....I did everything wrong. XD 2000x2000 res, RGB mode, .JPG files." So they are now 513x513 grayscale .PNGs. Saved into the terrains folder.

I open FH mapmaker and I can load some of the other heightmaps I have made, and can load the slightly-blurred heightmap. Sometimes. Sometimes it just crashes. Other times it crashes when I try to resize the map. Other times I get this, no matter what heightmap I have loaded.

(http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr223/Aleakim/th_screenshot_07302011_232431793.png) (http://s486.photobucket.com/albums/rr223/Aleakim/?action=view&current=screenshot_07302011_232431793.png)
(http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr223/Aleakim/th_screenshot_07302011_232412476.png) (http://s486.photobucket.com/albums/rr223/Aleakim/?action=view&current=screenshot_07302011_232412476.png)
(http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr223/Aleakim/th_screenshot_07302011_232410761.png) (http://s486.photobucket.com/albums/rr223/Aleakim/?action=view&current=screenshot_07302011_232410761.png)
(http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr223/Aleakim/th_screenshot_07302011_232406006.png) (http://s486.photobucket.com/albums/rr223/Aleakim/?action=view&current=screenshot_07302011_232406006.png)
(http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr223/Aleakim/th_screenshot_07302011_232456481.png) (http://s486.photobucket.com/albums/rr223/Aleakim/?action=view&current=screenshot_07302011_232456481.png)
Title: Re: Heightmap/crashing issues lol
Post by: Jayfeather55 on July 31, 2011, 03:54:22 am
Herm.. Seems like it's a graphic problem to me. Try changing you rendering system by, going to "Options" in the log-in menu. Click on the "Video" tab, and change your rendering sub-system.
Title: Re: Heightmap/crashing issues lol
Post by: Wolfsoul143 on July 31, 2011, 04:00:34 am
Hmmmmmm....ya you might need to fix your computer O-O that's a problem I don't have an anwser for... What type of comp you have?
Title: Re: Heightmap/crashing issues lol
Post by: Aedre on July 31, 2011, 04:09:43 am
*headdesk* I'm just chalk full of issues today lmao. XD

The map I just finished (and was complaining about the other day, too.........) is called Rigidity. It had the problems with its objects appearing in whatever new map I was working on. Soooo now I (gasp!) leave my mapmaker and go to run around as a logged-in character. That's becoming surprisingly rare for me. :P And none of my trees are there? It actually took me a few minutes to realize what was missing.

And now I'm just confused and want to get back to making maps that no one is ever going to see. o.o I'm also sad because my castle I've been working on is so enormously huge and detailed that it lags out on my computer.

*huff* I think I'll go to bed. And see if it will work better in the morning. Maybe computer needs a nap?

Annnnd I see people have replied aready. If I were to change my rendering system...what would I be changing it to. XD I get a "Which of these programs would you like to use to run FH (Auto-select OGRE program)" message whenever I go to open FH again after it crashes.

And lawl I have a 2002 windows XP (laptop) with -less- than a gig of RAM. I plan to upgrade to an 8gig RAM laptop before the next school year starts but....You know what they say of the best laid plans... :P
Title: Re: Heightmap/crashing issues lol
Post by: Wolfsoul143 on July 31, 2011, 04:13:47 am
How to solve the "appearing objects glitch" (I have had this problem befor)

When you make your map and have the terrain and mask on. Get a random object and put it on the map then export it. Everything should go back to normal and when your done you can remove the object.

If having problems still pm me and I'll explain more

But I don't know how to fix the other thing sorry T3T *has failed*
Title: Re: Heightmap/crashing issues lol
Post by: Aedre on July 31, 2011, 04:21:08 am
*Pats* Is probably just a comp issue. Something I'm thinking is that I changed a 2000x2000 size file to 512x512 that probably made it pretty high resolution/DPI (I'm not sure what the exact term for that is XD).  I also changed it to 20x20 to see if that helped lol but it didn't make a difference.

As for the appearing objects...well for now its a minor issue if I keep crashing like this. o.o lol

OOH. I shall try changing the 20x20 to a bigger file...that oughta kill the rez. :P But it might also kill the heightmap....hmmm...I'll try it anyhow ^.^
Title: Re: Heightmap/crashing issues lol
Post by: Jayfeather55 on July 31, 2011, 04:21:47 am
If I were to change my rendering system...what would I be changing it to. XD I get a "Which of these programs would you like to use to run FH (Auto-select OGRE program)" message whenever I go to open FH again after it crashes.

Noooo, don't change it there. You know the screen where you log-in? Click on the "Options" button. Go to the "video" tab, and change the rendering system :3

Annndd, the magical "re-appearing objects" are a glitch in the 1.09 version of the game ;(
Title: Re: Heightmap/crashing issues lol
Post by: Wolfsoul143 on July 31, 2011, 04:24:49 am
If I were to change my rendering system...what would I be changing it to. XD I get a "Which of these programs would you like to use to run FH (Auto-select OGRE program)" message whenever I go to open FH again after it crashes.

I posted a temperairy fix for the "re-appearing object fix" I hope it will be fixed soon this is the fourth one I've awnsered today -_-"
Noooo, don't change it there. You know the screen where you log-in? Click on the "Options" button. Go to the "video" tab, and change the rendering system :3

Annndd, the magical "re-appearing objects" are a glitch in the 1.09 version of the game ;(
Title: Re: Heightmap/crashing issues lol
Post by: Jayfeather55 on July 31, 2011, 04:32:24 am

Title: Re: Heightmap/crashing issues lol
Post by: Aedre on July 31, 2011, 04:38:29 am
If I were to change my rendering system...what would I be changing it to. XD I get a "Which of these programs would you like to use to run FH (Auto-select OGRE program)" message whenever I go to open FH again after it crashes.

Noooo, don't change it there. You know the screen where you log-in? Click on the "Options" button. Go to the "video" tab, and change the rendering system :3

Annndd, the magical "re-appearing objects" are a glitch in the 1.09 version of the game ;(

Ah, but you see, I asked about it yesterday. XD Not today. Different thread. <3 thank you though. (Dun mind me joking >.> Just me notbeingfrustrated.)

But Meh =/ At least if it was consistent I could resign myself to the fact that the heightmap was 1. broken or 2. too much for my computer to handle. But I just spent ten minutes with the map loaded perfectly and I ran around it determining that, yes, the cliffs are definitely too high to jump up. So I went to load the smoother map (don't ask me why I say 'cliffs' and then want to be able to reach the top of them...my goodness I have a strange mind...) and it crashed. :P
Title: Re: Heightmap/crashing issues lol
Post by: Aedre on July 31, 2011, 04:39:32 am


Eh? Are we just postnumberboosting now? XD

Edit: mmkay guys/girls/lovely FHgoers I've gotta sleep now. o.o It's nearly 1AM and I just misspelled that entire sentcene two or three times...<3
Title: Re: Heightmap/crashing issues (Evo.2 - eating my characters!!!!!!!!!!! new post)
Post by: Aedre on August 01, 2011, 04:11:53 pm
OMG I am such an idiot >_< So I joined a pack yesterday and got their map so I -gasp- logged on with my character to get on their map. We RPed had a good time, everyone went to bed. So I go back to the Cape. And see my new map and I'm like "Oh cool I forgot those appear before I finish them, lets go try them out.

Some come up as they should. Some give like a 'no map found' error (two of them) and Rigidity appears twice. Neon appears once, and I know its an empty map so I don't touch it. TheLuckyOne appears once - and that's the one I ran around on for ten minutes checking out cliffs. I try it. I crash.

Now I can't log back onto that character without crashing. Is there any way I can fix this? Will deleting the map screw it up even worse?