Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: Hamilton on August 11, 2011, 07:59:11 pm

Title: Hamilton's standard plot-fodder. (8/23)
Post by: Hamilton on August 11, 2011, 07:59:11 pm
Because I so need another thread to keep track of....lol

No particular order.

Winchester Grigs
Chester is a growing mutt of unknown decent. Currently just shy of his first year. He is socially awkward and incredibly shy. Easily frightened, he is often running from one hiding place to another. As if something were constantly chasing the lad. Chester has yet to meet anyone and currently travels alone. He's response to being approached would likely be to run, cower, or wet himself. Felines especially creep him out and may cause him to faint.
Species: Mixed canine. primarily wolf
Health: moderate to well. a little hungry. overall 85%
Preset: no/never

Silent and stoic. EX has a tendency to sit and stare for hours on end. Watching. Perhaps, waiting. The stained remnants of war-paint somehow accentuate the battle scars on his face and body. He can't speak well, his dialect foreign and his tongue charred by disease, so he doesn't speak often either. He won't back out of a confrontation, but he doesn't just go looking for trouble. The way his eyes dart about hints at a more complex creature beneath the stern gaze.
Species: mixed feline. heavy on the tiger.
Health: doing well. overall 97%
Preset: yes

Hamilton  (alias: Hamilton Hocks, Hamilton Avrit, BaconButt)
Simply random. Hamilton's behavior fluctuates so excessively that pinning down his personality would take an eternity.
Species: lion
Health: doing well. overall 97%
Preset: yes

Gustav just want's to be loved. As a living plush-toy, it's what drives his very sense of being. Without someone to cuddle him, what is he? A freak, that's what! He is patient and caring and will sit for hours just listening to anyone talk to him. He'll keep your secrets and let you know it'll all be okay. Though he, himself, isn't immune to depression. Gustav has no sense of touch. Only yanking on his stitching will, at least, cause him pain. Don't pull to hard! If his stuffing falls out, he'll die!
Species: Plushion. lion form
Health: stitching holding strong. overall 99.99%
Preset: yes

Resident undead of Palm Paradise. Can only travel at slowest (walking) speed. Very contagious. And always hungry. Beyond that, a generic zombie coyote.
Species: Coyote. zombiefied
Health: undead. falling to pieces. overall -60%
Preset: yes

Obedient to a fault, he'll do anything anyone tells him to do. Unless it goes against the wishes of his master, of which he doesn't have. Clovis lives only to serve and be controlled. Some might call this a fetish, though in truth it gives him no arousal. Though he maintains a ability to conjure up massive lightning-bolts, he has no control over their direction. Often injuring himself instead. The collar about his neck is comprised mostly of vines and sticker-weeds. Beneath, his neck is massively scarred.
Species: Tiger. unlucky lightning elemental
Health: A little singed but otherwise doing well. overall 89%
Preset: yes

A raging ball of merciless maroon fluff. Sydney prefers to disembowel you now and ask questions never. Because your tender, juicy bits are absolutely delicious. Though he's still too young to do any real damage, it doesn't stop him from trying. Despite his older sibling's warnings. He once held great contempt over Floyd, but since the loss of several family members and the disbanding of the pride, he has had no choice but to learn at least one creature is not meant to be eaten.
Species: Mixed. Primarily demon with a generous helping of lion and a dash of panther.
Health: constantly angry but well fed. overall 99.99%
Preset: yes

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Speedy, cunning, and incredibly feminine. Floyd would rather take up residency by himself, in a nice secluded cave where he could lure unsuspecting meals. However, the passive eunuch has his paws full trying to keep his little brother from  killing himself. Not everything is all business though, as Floyd has a weak spot for a strong, bold male. Turning him into an embarrassing pile of awkwardness at the drop of a hat.
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Species: Mixed. Primarily demon with a generous helping of panther and a dash of lion.
Health: tired. overall 84%
Preset: WIP

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There is no bigger grumpy-butt in all the world. Draxyle hates everyone and everything. If you ever do catch him smiling...run. As far and as fast as you can. Drax will not hesitate to attack anyone he deems fit. He frequently uses words like "game" and "player", though what he's referring to could be anyone's guess. Something is definitely off about him....
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Species: Smilodon. Heavy on the fire demon.
Health: Pumped. overall 98%
Preset: WIP

Hey! Some of these characters have presets! You should probably download them. You can find the download links in this thread (http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=6640.new#new)!