Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Okapi on October 01, 2011, 11:44:11 pm

Title: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Okapi on October 01, 2011, 11:44:11 pm
While I was playing FeralHeart, I noticed people in the chatroom saying Hey who wants to adopt me? and stuff like that and I'm wondering what you think about that.

In my opinion, I think "adopting"  is silly. Usually, people will forget how they "adopted" someone and then go off and do something else. I understand how people think that as creative and stuff, but I find that it has pushed to the limit and I think it must be stopped before it gets even more complex. What do you think?
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Jitters on October 02, 2011, 01:21:49 am
I am all for it! It's an easy way to start a quick roleplay and make friends. It's typically inexperienced roleplayers doing this. They learn to become more confident the more they do this, eventually taking on more daring roles in the community and joining groups, where they will gain useful roleplay experience.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Kyugima on October 02, 2011, 01:59:58 am
  There should be no issue with it. Why is it an issue? It's not like you can actually have cubs ingame so adopting is really the only option. Many change their cubs afterwards to suit their parents and be their actual cub. And they aren't always forgotten, and if they are it doesn't matter, just move on to the next RP.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: ffdani on October 02, 2011, 01:03:30 pm
I think it's fine. Someone just wants to Rp as a pup/cub, so then they ask "who wants to adopt me". Sometimes they pretend they were thier parents all along. Theres even some adoption centers around Bonefire.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Kyugima on October 02, 2011, 01:06:55 pm
I think it's fine. Someone just wants to Rp as a pup/cub, so then they ask "who wants to adopt me". Sometimes they pretend they were thier parents all along. Theres even some adoption centers around Bonefire.

  there's an entire official section dedicated to it on the forum too XDDDDD
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Kenji89 on October 03, 2011, 01:26:05 am
I find no problem with adopting. Back in March my teenage male lion adopted a young female cub and he was her "father" up until his death of old age and she was grown. It's not always a short-term thing and sometimes the parenting thing continues on.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Raz. on October 03, 2011, 01:46:30 am
I both don't have a problem with it, and then do.

Firstly I don't have a problem with it because...it's kind of a silly thing to have an issue with. People don't have issues with people being adopted in real life. Even though we're talking about rp here, it's still the same thing.

Now, I do have a problem with it (and when characters have kids in general) is when it's poorly organised/nooby and it all falls apart and the kids get forgotten within a week or whatever. When this happens it just makes me facepalm.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Kenji89 on October 05, 2011, 03:49:47 am
I both don't have a problem with it, and then do.

Firstly I don't have a problem with it because...it's kind of a silly thing to have an issue with. People don't have issues with people being adopted in real life. Even though we're talking about rp here, it's still the same thing.

Now, I do have a problem with it (and when characters have kids in general) is when it's poorly organised/nooby and it all falls apart and the kids get forgotten within a week or whatever. When this happens it just makes me facepalm.
Adoption CAN have its dark side in real life though. Sometimes (at least in the US ) parents will take in foster children just because the state pays them to.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Raz. on October 05, 2011, 08:12:22 am
O: really? I didn't know that O_o. Forcing children at people doesn't sound like a good idea.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Dlilly on October 08, 2011, 04:09:25 am
I think they should have a mentor thing for newbies! Kinda like adopting I guess.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Turrent on October 12, 2011, 07:15:54 am
O: really? I didn't know that O_o. Forcing children at people doesn't sound like a good idea.
Okay i think we're getting a bit off-topic. After all this is about adopting in the game. Anyway~

Adopting got me my first ever friend, as well as my other 34. Its very fun; its just something to do in your spare time. i spend 83% of my time on it pretending to be an abandoned pup at te adoption center.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Jitters on October 12, 2011, 07:43:34 am
We have some orphaned pups in my wolf pack right now. It makes for great plot, taking care of them and teaching them stuff.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: LarkPash on October 12, 2011, 01:31:08 pm
I am okay with the cubs/pups needing to be adopted who are not a nuisance and are out to benefit you and them in a role-play. Adopted kids can make for interesting plots! You never know if they are going to be good or evil or if they are going to try taking down the leader of a group as an adult.

I am not okay with those who just around to random people begging for parents. But then again the user is usually really young and doesn't have friends.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Tearless on October 20, 2011, 09:05:55 pm
Well, I really don't like people begging for parents/cubs in General any more than mate beggars, but if you RP into it and it's done maturely it can be pretty cool. Quite some time ago a character of mine (accidentally) adopted a cub through RP, and months later it's still going and I've made a great friend.

Essentially, it can go either way.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Goon on October 21, 2011, 01:31:37 pm
I don't really think there's anything bad about "adopting" since it's just for roleplay purposes. Though it's EXTREMELY annoying when people dash around begging you to take care of them.

Or you're sitting there talking to a friend when they sit under you or run around you asking you to be their mommy or daddy.

Just depends how people use "adoption", as Tearless said.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Jitters on October 21, 2011, 05:52:16 pm
When someone annoys me with adoption I just annoy them back by not roleplaying in a manner expected. They hate it when as a parent you tell them children should be seen and not heard, and when they persist you block them. Good times.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Moclam on October 29, 2011, 11:37:20 am
I think it's fine. The only thing I don't exactly like about sometimes, is when someone comes up to you, and they beg for you to be there parent. That I think is pushing it alittle. But otherwise I'm prefectly fine with it, it's useful for characters whom are having children in roleplay and such.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: F3rr3tLov3r on October 30, 2011, 06:50:49 pm
.3. I remember when i was walking along in FH a hord of pups came up to me and asked if I could be there adopted mother.And after that i would always go to people who are alone and just ask and make friends with them .3. I would never take a no for an answer.Once i get on FH and walk to the temmple all i here is "STASHIE" and now i have a smile on my face C: Always
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: VivaBean on November 02, 2011, 04:37:50 am
Yeah honestly, I don't see anything wrong with adoption.

And I agree with all the comments above about the cubs running up to you xD
It does get on my nerves
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: minionman27 on November 02, 2011, 05:31:19 am
i think kyugima is right adopting is the next best thing and its fun look it up "fun" or ask spongebob to sing the fun song. anyway it also helps make mating relationships go to a higher level and that solves the whole realistic mating problem.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: spiritwolf2004 on November 08, 2011, 12:41:47 am
I think adopting is fine. Its just a game. Its an easy way for pups/cubs to find homes and parent RP'ers to get kids.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: CrystalSprint on November 09, 2011, 02:30:16 pm
Here's some reading material to get you guys started.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Mr.Grey on November 13, 2011, 04:56:14 pm
XD i dont have a problem with it i have a pup on one of my char. XD shes been my cub 4 over a month
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Dunstan26 on November 15, 2011, 04:05:04 pm
Adoption is totally fine. Since we really cant rp it, might as well adopt and make the cub or pup yours. But we all have opinions we're intitled to.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: shadowwolf123 on November 16, 2011, 01:01:34 am
It's fine with me... unless a hoard of pups runs up and starts begging yout o be their parent. o.O at this point it makes me thing of Left 4 Dead because of all the pups surrounding you. It looks like they want to eat your brains. :P
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: BouncyLion1 on November 23, 2011, 12:40:17 am
Well I have made friends from being adopted :)
I think it's alright and fun for noobs,like me,to do and learn more about the game and roleplaying.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: ahmadbhai14 on November 23, 2011, 01:39:42 am
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Turrent on November 26, 2011, 02:10:59 pm
@_@ Its a fun and quick way to start RPs. I'm all for it~
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Lady Massacre on December 31, 2011, 01:15:25 am
I am okay with the whole adoption thing because it really gives others a chance to role-play. If you are a pup or cub why would you want to wander around with no parents when you could be asking to be adopted? (Unless your character is the loner type and is by themselves at a very early age.)
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: wolvesaregreat on February 07, 2013, 05:48:20 pm
I think adopting is great. Pup/cub enjoys, parent has fun and if everyone is kind RP gets fun! ^-^
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Hallucination on February 07, 2013, 07:17:44 pm
Adoption isn't really that bad. I don't see a goal to it most of he time but I have nothing against it. Mainly because not that many are literate, sadly.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on February 07, 2013, 10:23:18 pm
I do agree that it can be a quick and fun way to start RP, but what I don't like seeing is an Rp that both players liked, but it ends after that one session in many cases. I believe joining a full-time role-play together is the way to go, but adoption can still be a cute and fun way to make new buddies.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on February 10, 2013, 12:43:05 am
I don't really see adoption as a problem. Mostly new users that aren't used to roleplay adopt and are adopted, and that can give them a lot of experience in roleplay.
It also doesn't really affect other players, except when they are spamming to be adopted. That's when it's a problem.

I adopted a pup myself, and so far neither of us have forgotten the adoption thing. I've known some players that adopted a pup or cub and roleplayed with them until the group died or the character died of old age.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Demonology on February 21, 2013, 02:12:06 am
I like the idea of adopting, its a nice way to start a roleplay up though like LightHeart said they sometimes don't last that long and as Bouncy said sometimes spamming the chat is a problem but overall I thing its good thing.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: FieldsForever on February 21, 2013, 05:57:57 am
I like it. It's fun to be adopted and have short role-plays with people.(Usually after one day everyone quits) Ive made a lot of my friends this way.
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Nemena on February 21, 2013, 02:45:05 pm
I... Sometimes adopt literate pups I've seen around and roleplayed with several times  (many are usually just one-time characters!). It's how I met one of my current roleplaying parters-- I adopted her character a fair few months ago and we've been roleplaying daily together ever since! :D

Sadly, most of the time, the pup never logs in again-- or it's an utter disaster (my most recent one grew to adult within the hour and flirted with her adoptive father). Even so, the times it does go fantastic makes it worthwhile! There's no harm in it, really, minus the occasional spamming and begging.

I'll whole-heartedly admit to keeping my eye out for homeless pups (and looking for homes on my own pup-character!). :P
Title: Re: What Do You Think About Adopting?
Post by: Silvertide on February 21, 2013, 10:28:38 pm
I don't mind adopting, but I do mind it when you start a random Flourite pack and all you get is a bunch of pups. It seems everyone wants to be a pup and everyone wants a mom and dad. Can't anyone just be a normal adult? Pups can't do much you know. They can wander a few feet from the den, act cute, and nom on mushed up meat. Not as fun as RPing an adult wolf but sometimes I enjoy it.