Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Media => Stories => Topic started by: Jitters on October 25, 2011, 07:10:30 pm

Title: A Night in the Everdeep. A MLP Fanfiction. ( A touch graphic)
Post by: Jitters on October 25, 2011, 07:10:30 pm
Summery: The Cutie Mark Crusaders are up to their antics yet again, but they get in over their heads when an accident causes Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash to become trapped in a deep pit, with Sweetie Belle nowhere to be found. With no hope of a rescue, the ponies must learn to cooperate to find their way out; even if it means abandoning a gravely injured friend to save themselves.

Chapter One, A Daring Rescue:

    The mid-day sun was bright over Ponyville that day. There was hustle and bustle on the streets; the bakery smelled of fresh cupcakes, the dress shop was noisy with ponies seeking the latest summer styles, stands with fresh apples and other fruits were popular stops for a refreshing snack, and there was noise aplenty. It was a busy day for all the ponies, except for Rainbow Dash, who had already completed her early morning task of clearing the clouds so that this busy afternoon could even happen. She lay relaxing on a little cloud she had saved solely for the purpose of a lazy afternoon nap outside of town, and was already dozing to the white noise of everyponies voices in the distance.

   She was quite nearly asleep when a distressed, but no less pure voice awoke her, " Rainbow! Rainbow Dash!"

  Rolling lazily so one arm hung off of the cloud, she looked over the one who's voice awoke her. She was about to let lose a snarky comment but choked back the words when she saw it was Sweetie Belle. Tears ran down her face, matting her fur, and there was a touch of foam around her mouth. She was panting and her mane looked disorganized and dirty. She had obviously been running hard for a while to get there. Lifting from her cloud, Rainbow Dash lowered herself down to the little one's level, " H-hey, what's the matter?"

  Instead of prompting a response, it seemed to upset Sweetie Belle more, and she let loose a fresh wave of sobs. Rainbow Dash sat there awkwardly, not sure how to handle this. Maybe she should take the slightly hysterical filly to Fluttershy? As she was about to suggest they go talk to the shy pony, Sweetie Belle broke her voice through the sobs, " Scootaloo is in trouble!" She cried out, her voice cracking with fresh and almost painful sobs. " It's all my fault..." She whispered between racking sobs, " It's all my fault..."

  Now quite alert, Rainbow Dash pushed closer to Sweetie Belle, " W-what kind of trouble? Where is she?" When she didn't get a coherent response, she looked in the direction the filly had come from. She couldn't be sure that was the right way, but she needed to do something. She began her takeoff when Sweetie Belle did answer, "E-Everdeep....Pit..."

   For a second, Rainbow Dash forgot how to flap her wings and fell the short distance back to earth. The Everdeep Pit was exactly that; a deep pit located in the Everfree Forest. There were many myths and pony tales about it, it was common practice to tell young ponies that The Mare in the Moon will throw them down there if they misbehave. She stared wide eyed at Sweetie Belle, " She's where?!"

   The sobs of the young filly grew louder, jumbled up with a mixture of apologies. Rainbow Dash couldn't waste any more time to comfort her though, if the fillies were in the Everfree Forest then they were likely in serious trouble. She just hoped she could get there in time.


  The jagged opening to the Everdeep Pit was crossed by a fallen tree, making a natural bridge. The dead bark didn't stop the growth of other plants though, and it was covered with mosses and vines, which was fortunate because Scootaloo hung miserably below the bridge by several of the tangled vines; the only things stopping her from falling far below. Above, on the bridge, Apple Bloom crouched low, keeping a close eye on her tangled friend, " Hang on, Sweetie Belle will be back soon with help!"


 Rainbow Dash was close to where the pit was supposed to be, but she still had to circle for a while until she found it; the thick trees made it tricky to spot, even from the air. She saw Apple Bloom immediately and went in for a landing next to her on the old log bridge. The filly was overjoyed to see her, " Scootaloo fell." She said, almost like she was tattling.

  " I did not!" The young pegusi's voice came up from below, surprising Rainbow Dash, " the wind just pushed me!" The rainbow maned pony sighed before peeking over the edge to see the orange pony swaying below, but firmly held by the vines. It would be tricky to untangle her, but not at all dangerous. " Hang on kid, I'm coming!"

  It was nearly an hour, and Rainbow Dash was making slow progress. Scootaloo's thrashing had gotten her tightly entangled, and it was tedious choosing the right vines at the right time so the young pony didn't fall. She was nearly done though, and had Scootaloo hanging on two looped vines, one holding her front and on holding her back. All that was really left to do was have her pull through the remaining vines and fall on Rainbow Dash's back, so she could be carried back to safety.


  During this time, Sweetie Belle had caught up, and was panting, but no longer crying. She lay beside Apple Bloom on the log, watching as Rainbow Dash worked on getting Scootaloo untangled. Finally, it was time for the small orange pony to move herself onto the Blue one's back. " Woah... uh..." Scootaloo hesitated, frightened of falling, or hurting her hero below.

  " You can do it!" Apple Blooms loud voice echoed into the pit. Again, she shouted " Come on! You can do it!" she began stomping onto the log making a hollow drumming noise which also echoed. Sweetie Belle joined in, shouting her support as well, " You can do it~" She sang, her own hooves adding light tapping to the beat on the log.

   Encouraged by her friends, Scootaloo released herself from the rest of the vines, landing on Rainbow Dash's back, causing her to dip because of the added weight. the two of them looked upwards to the log bridge, as the two friends above began stomping and bucking and cheering with glee! Scootaloo was grinning ear to ear, feeling relieved and Rainbow Dash flashed her a cocky smile.

  Then there was a loud crack.
Title: Re: A Night in the Everdeep. A MLP Fanfiction. ( A touch graphic)
Post by: DungeonSiegeWolf on October 25, 2011, 09:44:26 pm
MLP! Although it has pretty and pink things, I still honor it as one of my favorites!
Title: Re: A Night in the Everdeep. A MLP Fanfiction. ( A touch graphic)
Post by: Jitters on October 25, 2011, 09:54:41 pm
MLP! Although it has pretty and pink things, I still honor it as one of my favorites!

The characters are so endearing. It's hard not to like it.