Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: VivaBean on October 27, 2011, 10:04:46 pm

Title: Holidays are Back
Post by: VivaBean on October 27, 2011, 10:04:46 pm
So, it seems everywhere I go, everyone is getting ready for the holidays... But two months early? Man, I love the feeling of it all but everyone is going all out on my street with lights... In fact, my whole city is filled with luminarios and other lights. Not to mention my two neighbors fight on how well their decorations are. If one neighbor adds something, the other one HAS to add two more things to one-up them. It's quite funny.

Also, something that is helping everyone to get into the holiday spirits....its been snowing the past two days. In October? Yeah, weird.

My favorite things about the holidays?
1. I get to wear hoodies and jackets all the time :D
2. Hot chocolate, hot tea, hot coffees from starbucks :D
3. Gingerbread, peanut brittle, cider
4. Decorating with family (or friends in my case). Haha my two roomates want to join in on my neighbors' "decoration war". I dont think there's anything better than seeing all the lights at night :D
5. Break from school. For the kids in dorms, they get to go home for the holidays. Which....I chose to do the cheap way and rent a house with some friends...but still, no classes for a while.
6. More romantic dates! LOL. I dont know about you guys, but I feel way more romantic during the fall and winter. Plus you get to go like ice skating and out here we have this thing called The River of Lights at the Botanical Gardens. :D Here's some pictures:

But yeah you guys get the just of that. It's a huge biopark filled with amazing lights :D Lol!

I also love the whole holiday movies that are on tv all the time. Right now it's all scary movies and it's amazing. I can't wait til 25 days of Christmas because those are all movies I watched during the holidays when I was a kid.

So what about you guys? What do you all like about the holidays? Care to share pictures of the holidays around your community?