Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: KarissaC9 on November 16, 2011, 10:51:59 pm

Title: ~The History~My characters~
Post by: KarissaC9 on November 16, 2011, 10:51:59 pm
Name: Rosetta Human

        She was 0 when born in the hands of her mother Aphrodite. Her father wasn't there, yet they knew that they could not keep her. So they quickly gave her to a human family, as they took care of her as thier own. Turning the age 4, she had just got up from a nap and walked to her parent's room. Suddenly she froze, hearing screams, and she knew. Looking around the corner, she saw her parents being dragged out of the house, and she sank into a little crouch and start silently sobbing. She saw a lit flame in the window, then it disappeared, as she wiped away the tears and walked outside. Seeing nothing but ashes, she ran to the phone dialing 911. She told them [she mumbled and was a baby so it was hard to understand her] of what happen, and they sent the orphanage owners to go get her. The car came to her door as they came in and picked her up. She was set in the car and droven off to the orphanage. She thought her life was as worst as it was, but it was even worse. She was 13, thinking that no one would take her. Yet this brown-eyed, redish-brown haired teen that was just maybe 13 or 14, came in and adopted her. Yet she did not adopt her to have her as her own child, but to get her out. She knew something of her, and so now Rosetta travels with a group of teens. Mikey, Sierra, Skrillex, SnappyFingerz, and others. But near a lake while she was catching fish, she found a little wolf pup named Chidori. She made friends with the little puppy and it became her little friend from there. After finding out Sierra was the daughter of Poisedous, she freaked out. Though Sierra kept telling her that she was the daughter of Aphrodite, and she did NOT believe her, so she just accepted the idea that she was human and not a god.

btw= Rosetta is super smart, mature, and has blonde curly hair,  crystal blue eyes, blue shirt with white angel, and black jeans, with a kitten named Rosabelle and a pup named Chidori.

[I will add more soon. So, soon to come.]