Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: Ryoko on November 27, 2011, 01:59:52 am

Title: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: Ryoko on November 27, 2011, 01:59:52 am
Welcome slave-Er... recruits...
You were running...
Heart Pounding...
You fall forward, mud flying everywhere...
You could hear the humans firebeasts right behind you... roaring
Lighting splits the sky in half with a fiery blaze...
Thunder cracks...
You where captured

Welcome to the force recruits! From now on you will be known as War Dogs!
You will obey our every command!
*A human reaches down and attaches a metal harness on you with a glowing red object on the back*
Everytime you disobey! *Man presses a button, and all of the wolves yelp and whine* You will be shocked!
Everytime you disobey! The shock will get worse!
You will all be put in cages, fed once every 3 days.
Given water everyday that you must share with your cell mates!
*Your vision blurrs in and out*
You will be trained by fighting one another!
I don't care if your female or male, a pup or an Elder!
*You lose conciousness and eventually wake up in a cell with other wolves*

A few Rules you have to follow:
1. Always obey your leader and human.
2. No love/affection can be shown!
3. Don't you even dare to try and escape!
4. Only 3 wolves per cell!

(These rules are meant to be broken)

So you think you can join?:

 Whats your Name?:
And your Human leader's name?: (You don't have to describe him/her)
What number cell are you in?:
What Gender are you?:
What are you like?:
Anything about your past that we need to know?:
Have a mate?:
Any pups?:
Your theme?:

290: Open
291: Open
294: Open
297: Open
301: Open
302: Open

1. No attention whores xD
2. No mary/gary sues/ godmodding
3. Litterate-ish roleplaying please!
4. Post a code for you characters appie!
5. Say "I will obey." If you read everything on this page
6. Accurate grammar and punctuation please (Spelling too!)
7. Have fun :)
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (WIP)
Post by: Ryoko on November 27, 2011, 02:25:16 am

Looks: No armor: (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/337/d/6/wolf_for_a_roleplay_by_maybloodyvalentine-d4i3222.png)
Armor: (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/337/e/2/warwolf_in_her_armor_by_maybloodyvalentine-d4i335g.png)
Whats your Name?: Jessabell (Jessie)
And your Human leader's name?: (You don't have to describe him/her) Jackie
What number cell are you in?: 291...
What Gender are you?: I'm female... not that it matter'd to you
What are you like?: Um... I'm stubborn, never wanting to listen. Shock me as mutch as you will it won't effect me. I can be playful don't get me wrong. Part of me just wants to run away from it all. I stay in the back usually but now... I take charge, not caring if I have to be covered in blood, whether its mine or not. I'm also sweet, and quiet.
Anything about your past that we need to know?: Why would I want to tell anything to you?
Have a mate?: It's not like I have the time too
Any pups?: Obviously not if I don't have a mate...
Your theme?: Avril Lavigne "Forgotten" Lyrics {{{SaD soNgS}}} (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL7QPaZZpzY#)
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: Transcendental- on November 28, 2011, 09:40:54 pm
Looks: Without armor: (http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd459/Kangaroo-ster/Elliot-noarmor.jpg)
With armor: (http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd459/Kangaroo-ster/Elliot-witharmor.jpg)
Whats your Name?: Elliot
And your Human leader's name?: Steven
What number cell are you in?: 290
What Gender are you?: I am a male.
What are you like?: I am quiet and very serious. I can be aggressive, but usually I'm very loving and sweet. My momma used to tell me I was very smart, behaved, and strong, but now.... I don't believe her. I prefer to be alone, rather than a big group, but small groups are okay.
Anything about your past that we need to know?: NO!
Have a mate?: She's was killed...
Any pups?: I-I-I did...
Your theme?: Skillet - One Day Too Late (Lyrics) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpYDgpDbmZU#ws)

I will obey.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: RavenShai on November 29, 2011, 12:32:31 am
Looks: Dark, brown pelt with red tinges that blend in. Tail tip is a darker brown along with her ear tips, almost a black color. Her eyes are round and colored brown as well, with red around the irises and flecked in, too.
Whats your Name?: Willow
And your Human leader's name?: Charily
What number cell are you in?: 297
What Gender are you?: Female
What are you like?: Silent, yet strong willed. She doesn't talk much unless needed, her silent personality would of given her a weak appearance if not for the confidence gleaming in her eyes and her demeanor. Listening to the humans is something she hates like most of the wolves, and though she wants to so bad, she often does as she's told, depending on what it is. A few times she may not, or help another wolf in need, but she doesn't give too much trouble. By outward appearances it looks as if her spirit is being broken, but really she's plotting and tricking the humans, just waiting for the right moment to escape. She's also conserving her energy, for when being shocked often of course it makes you tired and injures you.
Anything about your past that we need to know?: A work in progress, so far no.
Have a mate?: No
Any pups?: No
Your theme?: Ant1 series Karma-Stand my ground by Within Temptation with lyrics (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN6qZrcE9IQ#)
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: silverdawn on December 02, 2011, 08:56:22 pm
Heyyyy May! I'm not stalking you I just saw war wolves and had to check it out!
Ruz without armor

With armor

Whats your Name?: Ruz
And your Human leader's name?: (You don't have to describe him/her) Ti
What number cell are you in?: 291
What Gender are you?: Male
What are you like?: Ruz is a larger then normal wolf, he doesn't mind being around others but disrespect him and he'll assert his authority on anyone even a higher ranking wolf, even humans.
Anything about your past that we need to know?: Ha no
Have a mate?: No
Any pups?: Noppers
Your theme?: http://youtu.be/AiBG6vuLrzY (http://youtu.be/AiBG6vuLrzY)
Ruz: I will odey!
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 02, 2011, 10:35:39 pm

Whats your Name?: Lily
And your Human leader's name?: (You don't have to describe him/her) Emily
What number cell are you in?: 301
What Gender are you?:female
What are you like?: I am strong, caring, and have never lost a fight. Lily is very protective of what she calls her property. She is sweet but has a secret side that no wolf has ever disobeyed.
Anything about your past that we need to know?:nope
Have a mate?: no
Any pups?:no
Your theme?:

Katy Perry - The One That Got Away Lyrics (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDTouU0iABA#)
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: Ryoko on December 04, 2011, 01:56:35 am
(Everyone excepted :D we can start to rp now, btw changed my charrie a bit.)
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 04, 2011, 02:17:14 am
(can we here the changes:)?

Lily struggles as she is being drug down a hallway. In the middle of her struggle she observes her surroundings. Hundreds of wolves are in large cages lining the walls. She pulls back harder her silver collar too tight to slip off as it digs into her very thick fur. She attempts to use her claws but against the hard floors they are no use. She yips as she is tossed into an empty cage. She runs to the cage door as the human closes,locks it, and walks away. ~Hey! Get back here~ she yells as the human walks through a door and disappears. She growls to herself as she turns observing her cage. It has a small flat bed with nothing more than that. She wrinkles her forehead in frustration. She turns looking at the other wolves. ~I don't know anyone here~ she growls to herself. She sits and sighs thinking.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 04, 2011, 02:25:21 am
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: silverdawn on December 04, 2011, 03:49:12 am
Harsh menacing growls echoed through the hallway and a large male was guided to the cage, his hackles were raised, two men held sturdy poles that were connected to the chains on his neck, "He'll be good use to us... once he is broken, " his leader named Ti  sneered as he glared at his prized wolf, "HOw did you get this thing? A guy like you doesn't look like he could handle a pup." the second man chuckled. THe noises of the humans made the wolf try to whirl around to fight his captors , but the poles prevented his attack, "Ti, your going to have your hands full with this one." the second man chuckled once more as they forced him into a cage, the poles detached, the male hit the back wall with a thud. Ruz sprang at the closing cage door snarling, "D** you humans! wait till I get lose," he threatened even though he knew that the man couldn't hear him, "THen we'll see who owns WHO!" the men only laughed and kicked at the cage, then walked away. Ruz turned as he hear laughter from the wolves next door, " You won't get close pup," one the other male's voice was horse from age, " Those humans, those walking pieces of trash." the old wolf's voice cracked. The sound of rustling told Ruz that the other wolf had laid down, he was in no mood to talk to anyone anymore, "How did I end up in this hell hole." he whispered to himself and sat down with a grunt at the back of the cage.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 04, 2011, 04:13:16 am
Celestia heard the door at the end of the hall open she stood quickly and walked to the door of her cage. She looked out as a tall brunette woman was walking her way. The woman opened her cage and connected a long pole to Celestia's collar as another woman did the same on the other side. ~Wow she is a pretty one Emily~ The blonde woman said The brunette named emily nodded ~Yeh she was hard to capture but worth it she just needs to be shown who is boss~ Celestia struggled and wiggled growling and snapping. Celestia twirled and yanked as the blonde woman's poled flew out of her hand. Celestia turned and snapped at the blonde as Emily yanked the wolf back. ~Help! We need help i here! Bring Brutus she is a tough one!~ Emily yelled as a large muscular man came running in with a large pole. Celestia growled as she yanked the brunette's pole out of her hand too. ~Calm down we dont want to shock you~ Emily said softly. Celestia growled low and crouched. She hopped through the mans legs out of the cage she slid across the floor into the cage infront of hers. She began to run and slide down the long hallway running past tons of wolves dragging the poles behind her has they hit cages causing lots of noise to echoe throughout the hall.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: Ryoko on December 04, 2011, 04:16:50 am
Jessie snarled as she was dragged down the hall way. "Let me go!" Her body was thrashing, her sharp white teeth revealed. "Down you dumb dog!" A human yelled, kicking at the females side with her heavy boot. Jessie yelped and snarled, snapping at the person leg as it retreated back. She looked over at the cage, a large male was inside. They shoved her into the cage quickly and shut it. She lunged back at the closing door, clawing, and biting at the bars "I will f***in kill all of you!" She snarled, her front paws still braced on the bars so she was standing on her hind legs.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: silverdawn on December 04, 2011, 04:28:11 am
At the sound of his cage door opening then closing, Ruz looked up to see a female at the door growling. The golden-eyed wolf examined the wolf a hint of interest sparked in his eyes, "Hello miss," his tone of voice changed from before, "How did you get trapped in this hell hole?" he grunted. THe sound of another  she-wolf struggling brought his attention to the hallway, with long strides Ruz was there looking out from between the bars, anger rose in him. A harsh growl rumbled in the base of the males throat at the sight "D*** those humans."
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 04, 2011, 04:29:42 am
Celestia ran hearing footsteps close behind her. She skidded to a stop looking around. she had to make a distraction. She smiled as she saw an emergency release button that would open all the cages .She sprinted to it and smiled at the humans. ~No down be a good girl!~ emily yelled Celestia shook her head as she clicked the button a loud ringing sounded off as all the cage doors swung open. She watched as hundreds of wolves ran out of their cages and down the long hallway.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: Ryoko on December 04, 2011, 04:58:20 am
Jessie fell forward as the cage door swung open. "Hi..." She barked to the male in the cage before she started sprinting. Jessie looked around and spotted the female human who brought her into the cage before. Jackie had pulled out a remote that had part of Jessie's fur on it. The female pressed down on the button, electric currents surged through Jessie, making her fall to the ground "That was just setting one!" Jackie snapped. Jessie was on the floor whimpering as electirv currents kept surging through her until Jackie lifted her stunned body and threw her back into her cage, and took a chain. The chain was quickly chained tightly to her metal harness, the metal chaing and harness strong enough so any sized qolf can't escape.  Jackie quickly fled to a hidden room and watched beyond a glass.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 04, 2011, 05:04:28 am
Celestia smiled as she ran about checking the cages as wolves surged around her. She heard her human and the man yelling her name as she saw a femme chained up in a cage she growled. She ran into the cage looked at the wolf ~hold on. Im going to get you outta here~ she said not putting too much emotion into it. She yanked at the chains seeing nothing happening. She growled as she saw the bolts holding the chains in the wall were loose. She bit at the chain close to the end an yanked as concrete flew when the chain came loose. ~Run!~ she barked as she hopped out of the cage and began checking other cages. She looked into another cage as Emily grabbed her collar. She turned and growled. She snapped at the human as the man grabbed a pole.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: silverdawn on December 04, 2011, 05:11:09 am
Rus let out a low growl of satisfaction as he sprinted out the cell, and to his horror wolves began to drop all around him. The golden-eyed wolf leaped over the fallen bodies of the wolves who laid spazing, the male came to a door that was cracked and smirked, "Fina-" the door swung open and Ti was standing with a remote griped firmly in hand, "Bad puppy,"Ruz's leader teased, "You need to take a nice nape you've had to much fun." the human pressed something on the remote. RUz's body tensed, his muscle fibers felt as if they were moving in different directions, the golden eyes of the male were wide as volts of electricity ran throughout his body, then nothing.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 04, 2011, 05:18:19 am
Celestia didn't know what happened but that a man was standing in her way of the door and she wanted out. She jumped over a golden eyed wolf landing on the man's chest as he dropped a remote. He landed on his back and skidded and hit the wall across from the door he lay slumped with Celestia on his chest. She looked at him and growled as he lifted his head. She quickly head butted him ending his talking for a while as she looked back at the golden eyed wolf before she turned and shot down the hallway towards the satelite room. She planned on stopping the signal so there would be no more elecrtricution.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: Ryoko on December 04, 2011, 05:32:38 am
(Er.... They can't escape now :|, the chains, blots and such are unbreakable, and when the wolves are electricuted they can't run, their stunned/paralyzed for atleast 5 mins...)
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 04, 2011, 05:45:00 am
(noo! okay:)**

Celestia ran towards an exit door instead. She jumped about to hit it as she was yanked backwards in mid air and fell to the ground. She sat up as Brutus Grabbed both of the poles around her collar. She yanked backwards and snarled. She was Drug back into the cage room where tons of humans were putting wolves back in their cages . Most wolves were in their cages but tons were on the floor  paralyzed. Celestia yipped and yanked backwards. Brutus laughed ~This one diserves a plaque. She almost escaped. This is the biggest mess i have ever seen.! She is remarkable~Celestia snapped at him.She was drug into her cage and placed in the back . Brutus connected the poles to large bolts in the back of the cage. He took a steel muzzle and placed it around her mouth.  ~This should hold ya~ He laughed as the closed the cage door and locked it.She sat there staring at the door growling to herself.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: RavenShai on December 04, 2011, 11:07:38 am
Willow had been watching it all silently. From the new arrivals to the attempt escape. Even when the cage doors had flown open, she remained where she was, common sense holding her back. It wasn't the cages that truly kept them imprisoned, no, it was the collars around their necks. Even if she got out, she'd have to run far out of range to avoid being shocked, and she new that wasn't likely.

So there she sat, forever unmoving. Her red-brown eyes observed the others as they tried to make their escape, all resulting in what she expected. She saw her own "owner" coming among the crowd of people returning the wolves to their places, but seeing that his own wolf wasn't among the escape, he had no need to press the button. Instead he only came to shut her cage once more and then went to help the others return their wolves in their cages.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 04, 2011, 08:32:11 pm
Celestia watched as the last wolf was thrown in their cage most just placed in but she was chained up. She sat glaring forward. She had her head facing down with her ears back as she felt the cold metal of the  muzzle/mask around her face.  She was beating herself up inside...She let everyone down they almost made it. She watched as Brutus the really tough male human walked towards her cage. She kept her head down but her eyes looked at him. ~Come here little puppy. Oh that's right my bad you can't.~ He boasted. She jumped up and snapped at him snarling and growling the chains held her back. ~Ohh poor little pup~ Brutus laughed and walked away. Emily walked by her cage and only glance in but kept walking. Celestia shook her head and sighed. She sat down in her same position. She knew she would hear about this mess later.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: silverdawn on December 05, 2011, 02:47:33 am
RUz awoke back in the cage chained down, "What the?" the golden-eyed wolf sat up straight with a growl. THe male called out to the old wolf who had talked to him before, "Hey paps! you there?" Ruz heard shuffling and the raspy voice of the old wolf didn't answer. THe sound of footsteps brought Ruz's attentiong back to the front of the cage, Ti and the man from before were at the cage next door, "Hey! what are you doing!?" he growled as the men dragged the old wolf out with the poles,  Time for you retirement, one of the men chuckled as the walked down, the wolf was lead with no resistance, "Hey Fight back don't let them take you!" nothing answered . The humans and the old wolf disappeared into a room marked ELECTROCUTION.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 05, 2011, 02:53:32 am
Celestia looked up as An old wolf was drug down the hall. She growled and jumped up snapping as they passed ~Oh calm down trouble maker this whole mess is your fault~ she snarled and watched as they  left. She looked at herself chained up in every which way. She growled and sat looking down
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: RavenShai on December 05, 2011, 06:48:17 am
"If you ask me, he's lucky," Willow voiced out her thoughts, watching the old timer being led away. She had felt sorry for him for awhile, he didn't deserve this treatment. He didn't deserve to die, of course, but it seemed better than to make him overwork in this condition. "That's how we'll all turn out if we stay here for the rest of our lives."

Willow lowered her form to the cold ground of her cage, her expression neutral, only a slight grim frown on her muzzle. Unlike most of the wolves, she hadn't been chained down because all her owner had to do was shut her cage door. Thank goodness for that, she thought to herself. The chains look uncomfortable.

Of course, she still had the collar, though after having it for so long on her nape she hardly noticed it, only doing so when a jolt was sent through her body.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 06, 2011, 12:24:31 am
Celestia stood as Emily and two gaurds walked to her cage. Emily looked down playing with her hands nervously ~Time for sentencing~ she said quietly. Celestia's eyes widened as the two men grabbed the poles around her collar and led her out of the cage she didn't fight as they led her slowly down the hall she kept her head down and her ears back as she stared straight forward.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: jesija on December 07, 2011, 01:34:56 am
((I'm sorry. I just had to XD It's been a while since I've joined an rp in FH forums anyway...
With Armor: (http://i40BannedImageSite/34eow2c.png)
Whats your Name?: Nixi (Nee-zee)
And your Human leader's name?: (You don't have to describe him/her) Michael
What number cell are you in?: 291
What Gender are you?: Male
What are you like?: Nixi is very quiet and is scared easily, though he is quick on his paws and is only a little over a year old. He is jittery and always on alert, so he finds it hard to just relax. Nixi almost always appears nervous, and is always one to submit quickly. He is not a fighter, preferring to hide when one breaks out or just plain run. He has a thin build with small paws, and his hearing senses are superb. Nixi has small, sharp teeth that are particularly useful for snatching things...
Anything about your past that we need to know?: He was the runt of his litter, which explains why he is so small, but it also didn't help that his family mysteriously disappeared at a fairly young age, and he was left to fend for himself.
Have a mate?: Nope.
Any pups?: Nada. By the way, 'I will obey'
Your theme?: ...Doesn't have one.

Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: silverdawn on December 07, 2011, 02:36:14 am
An irritated  growl echoed through the corridor, followed by the sound of of russaling chains," Damn those humans,"Ruz growled. It had gotten quiet after the brake, wolves have been taken away, even the one who started all the mayhem, a door opened and the sounds of feet halted Ruz's growling. Ready for playtime puppy? Ti chuckled as he slid a pole onto the cage and it connected to his chained neck, Come on mutt, let's go. everything besides the chain and pole dropped to the ground at the press of a button. Ruz's purple hackled raised as they past the room the old wolf was taken into, I wonder what happened to him, doors opened and they were in a wide room, dried blood splattered the sandy ground.  "Freash meat," a low harsh growl echoed in the room, Here you go Nero, break him. a large wolf strolled out from the shadows his body riddled with scars, his body heavily muscular. "What does he mean by that?" Ruz questioned but got no answer only a moster of a wolf flying at him, at that moment Ruz's vision turned red as him and the wolf named Nero fought, the larger male clamped down on the golden-eyed  wolf yelped but shoved him off with his back paws. Ruz launched himself at the wolf and lached I to its shoulder only to fell a shock go through him, That's enough, Nero back you'll see him again. Ti chuckled darkly as the wolf retreated, Ruz fell to his side, only to be shocked again. The golden-eyed wolf got to his feet and the pole attached once more and was led ack to his cell, Ti didnt bother chain him up again, Ruz just crawled to the back of the cage and sat cleaning his wounds.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 07, 2011, 03:38:21 am
Celestia was led to a large room where her poles were held by the two men. She sat as a thin tall man came walking towards her as he observed her. She watched him closely. ~Put her down~ he muttered. Her eyes widened she backed up quickly and growled as the poles slipped out of the mens hands. She jumped and landed on the mans chest as they landed on the ground. She put her paws on his chest as she snarled in his face. He stared at her not showing fear ~Keep her instead...she will be useful~ She felt the yank of the poles as the two men yanked her off of him she growled as she was led out of the room. She was led back into the hall as one old ,scraggly wolf said ~Wow girl, you got a bad bark and bite~ as she realized it the snarls must have been loud so everyone knew what happened she rolled her eyes as she was led back to her cage and tied up. She sat and watched the men leave as she sat thinking.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: silverdawn on December 07, 2011, 04:15:45 am
(If your talking about the old wolf I said was led into a room that wolf was killed)
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: -Angel- on December 07, 2011, 05:30:51 am
Whats your Name?: Taboo
And your Human leader's name?: Madilynn
What number cell are you in?: 297
What Gender are you?: female
What are you like?: Before you get to know taboo, shes just plain and boring. Its kindof hard gaining her trust, or even getting her to talk to you. When you get to know her she's nice, and defensive of her friends. Taboo can be noisy, and definetly can be a b*tch when she feels like it. She wont fight anybody, at all. Unless she's persuaded into it, fighting is a no on her list. She tries not to make enemies, as she just doesnt want the drama. Taboo can be really wierd when you think about it...
Anything about your past that we need to know?: nope
Have a mate?: nope
Any pups?: nope
Your theme?: none
'i will obey'
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: Transcendental- on December 07, 2011, 12:07:15 pm
Elliot plopped his head down on his paws, and looked up at the clear sign that, from the outside, read 290. He flattened his ears as the wind started to blow gently. Elliot shivered as his flame colored pelt was ruffled. He stared at the bowl of food in front of him. It was from three days ago. Being in this place made him feel sick, and so to avoid throwing up, he just didn't eat. It's terrible here. Elliot thought bluntly. He stared out the chain link fencing that formed his cage, looking at precisely nothing.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 09, 2011, 02:49:52 am
(no i wasn't talking about him it is another one)

Lily looked up as Emily came into her cage. ~Okay, act good please~ emily said as she removed the metal chains from her. She stood up for the first time in a while and stretched. Her fur was flat from the metal but she felt better. Emily left the cage. Celestia jogged up to the bars of the cage and looked out at all the other wolves.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: Transcendental- on December 10, 2011, 02:38:44 am
I updated Elliot's looks, if you care to look.

Elliot swung his head over to the next cage. It contained a female and two males. He looked, again, around his cage. He was the only wolf here, and he was A-OK with it. As he looked farther down the line, he saw more cages with other wolves. Some had one, and some had two.

 Fail.   :P
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: AbbyJoyce on December 18, 2011, 10:19:34 pm
Lily growled to herself. She had to get out. She poked her head out between the bars and howled as it echoed down the hallway. ~If i can't escape might as well annoy the gaurds~ she thought outloud.
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: aelitastar on December 25, 2011, 04:07:29 am
(may join lol)
Title: Re: All is fair in Love and War .:Love/War Wolves RP:. (Open)
Post by: RavenShai on December 26, 2011, 12:27:26 am
((I think this RP is dying, May (the one who made the thread) hasn't posted in awhile.))