Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: Emberflame on November 27, 2011, 02:09:07 am

Title: Home-Made Cat Toys
Post by: Emberflame on November 27, 2011, 02:09:07 am
I made this cat toy for my cat and I began to wonder what other good ideas were out there. So I decided to make a topic on cat toys so we could share ideas :D The toy I made is Squirmles attatche to a string Squirmles are the little fuzzy worms atatched to a really thin string. You can get them at the store, simply break the old string and tie them onto a pice of thicker and stronger string about 4 ft. long. there, perfect cat toy for pets who like soft things that drag around!  ;D
Title: Re: Home-Made Cat Toys
Post by: Rak$ha on November 28, 2011, 12:26:12 pm
Hmm.. Maybe I should start making toys for my cats other then spending $60+ every christmas on them XD
Title: Re: Home-Made Cat Toys
Post by: Kyugima on November 28, 2011, 12:28:37 pm
I got old hangers and string, and put bells and feathers and stuff on it, and just hung it up somewhere. Another thing I made was I used a glove, put string on teh fingers, and attached things to the ends XD My cat dexter loved them XD
Title: Re: Home-Made Cat Toys
Post by: Emberflame on November 29, 2011, 12:56:22 am
My cat likes softer less noisy things than bells (but he makes so much noise playing with his toys, whats a little more? lol!) but the glove thing is a great idea! I can use it when I grow out of my gloves.  and you should try it Rak, its easier and alot of fun! (but of course, the occasional repair is required XD)
Title: Re: Home-Made Cat Toys
Post by: Psychopomp on November 29, 2011, 04:24:12 pm
A good kind of... "enrichment" toy (if you have any kind of treats your cat likes :]) is to get an old bottle of sorts (preferably something that can't hurt your cat if you like... cut holes in it) and as I said before cut holes in it, put treats inside and see your cat bat at it like mad. I did this for my cat only I used a kind of plastic ball (and garage tools. x] I had too much free time) and she loved it. I prefer to use something that's pretty thick so the thin plastic wont cut your fuzzy friend in any way.

Other than that, you could always do the simple tie-something-to-a-string thing. Or get even more creative and build some kind of moving toy for them. :)
If your cat is a certain breed, you can find interesting facts on them (some hunt snakes, others are bred for other reasons) but I've seen pretty great ideas to make a toy for your cat that brings out its interesting traits.

For example: people with servals sometimes to use toy snakes because servals hunt snakes a certain way. It's quite funny to watch if anything and the cat gets a kick outta it. <3

And that glove idea is awesome. xD; Adopting a kitty soon. I'm gonna keep that one in mind. :]~
Title: Re: Home-Made Cat Toys
Post by: Emberflame on November 30, 2011, 01:38:25 am
thats cool :)
Title: Re: Home-Made Cat Toys
Post by: animal on January 28, 2012, 05:19:49 am
Maby put 2 cat toys on 2 plants of wood with sting and glue the 2 pices of wood like a X then make them move like a puppet!!! That would be great form soemone with more than one cat! =D
Title: Re: Home-Made Cat Toys
Post by: evelynn on January 28, 2012, 05:49:46 am
I tied a stuffed mouse doll by its tail to a string and the cats loved it! It had an uneven distribution of weight so when I dragged it across the floor t weebled and wobbnled and when the cats jumped on it it or pulledon it I could pull it in different directions and it would "flip".
Title: Re: Home-Made Cat Toys
Post by: Emberflame on January 28, 2012, 04:43:08 pm
lolz, both of those ideas are cool ^^