Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: Bishop on December 02, 2011, 08:22:57 am

Title: Vyse-KingofROgue's Original Characters.
Post by: Bishop on December 02, 2011, 08:22:57 am
All art I post is 100% drawn by me. Please do not steal my art as I worked very hard on it.
DeviantART: http://vyse-kingofrogues.deviantart.com/ (http://vyse-kingofrogues.deviantart.com/)

Name: Bishop
Nick Name(s): Tux, Tuxedo, Beau(play off of bow or bow tie), and Bones.
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf (sparkle woof)
Age: 23
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Messenger boy, scout, male escort(prostitute)
Human Form: (to be uploaded later)
Mate: Currently none

Personality: A charming individual, bishop is a bit of a flirt, but is mindful of other people's feelings. He is intelligent and believes in no god, but tolerant towards others beliefs. He is also a level headed individual-wanting to work things out-and never jumps to conclusions unless his mind is clouded by rage which takes a lot to anger him to such a degree. Though he is an understanding individual, he will not hesitate to kill if any of the people he care about are in danger. Bishop is also very loyal to any friends.
Don't let his kind heart fool you. If you're the enemy he will use his charming nature and kind-hardheartedness to his advantage and manipulate anyone into giving him information.

Ability: Bishop is a wolf who relies on his intelligence rather then physical brute strength. He may not be the strongest among the wolves, but he's incredibly fast and agile. With his speed, quickness, and stamina Bishop can travel far distances quickly.


Name: Arbor (tree in Latin)
Nick Name(s): Duch Lasu (Forest Spirit in Polish)
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf (elemental woof)
Age: Unknown
Sexuality: Undecided
Occupation: Guardian Spirit, Healer
Human Form: None
Mate: None

Personality: Quiet, calm, and gentle Arbor will not hesitate to lend someone else a hand whether they are another wolf, cat, or human. Arbor believes in a world where there will one day be peace and the natural forces/elements will be in balance once again as it was centuries ago. He is the non-violent type, but don't be fooled, he will defend himself if attacked. Arbor is a wolf who goes with the flow, even though the natural world is becoming polluted he feels it is the way fate making it so and leave it to idealists to change the world for themselves. He also knows much about plants, which ones are toxic or which are best for healing a cut or even a stomach ache.

Ability: Arbor can manipulate plants at his will and can gather energy from the sun using the moss growing on his fur collect sunlight, which is photosynthesis, and provides him with extra energy. Arbor can make plants grow at a rapid rate, however this costs him huge amounts of energy. With the stored energy he can also heal others wounds.

Other Information: The green parts on his pelt are partly moss and leaves. The glowing stuff on the tips of his fur and paws are glowing algae(don't believe me? Google it) that has grown there. Because of the algae on his paws they leave behind paw prints.


Animated Version: http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p263/waya4u/Drawings/Charge.gif (http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p263/waya4u/Drawings/Charge.gif)
Name: Charge
Nick Name(s): None
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf (elemental wolf)
Element: Fire
Age: 20
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Mercenary, nomad
Human Form: (to be uploaded later)
Mate: None

Personality: Full of spirit, Charge is a wolf ready for action. He's young, but not reckless. He knows his reputation and job as a mercenary is on the line, so he thinks things through carefully wanting to get the job done as clean and quickly as possible. Charge will do almost anything for money, but he draws the line at slaughtering the innocent. He is not a very forgiving character and will seek revenge if he is wronged in any way. Charge is short-tempered and CAN make mistakes when angered.

Ability: Charge is long and slender with a medium build. He is great at running for long distances quickly. Charge can control fire to an extent and is flame retardant to an extent. His paws can draw out fire which he can use as a weapon to slash and burn his opponent. He can also draw power from the suns rays. However because his element is fire his opposite is water. When damp Charge's fire is very dim and when soaked he cannot summon a flame at all, so on rainy days he's is out of commission and stays in warm dry places until it clears up. Without his fire Charge is just a normal wolf with abnormal coloring.

Other Information: Charge is one the sons of Bishop.
Title: Re: Vyse-KingofROgue's Original Characters.
Post by: Rimfrost on December 02, 2011, 09:43:16 am
I love him c:
You got a nice char there!
Title: Re: Vyse-KingofROgue's Original Characters.
Post by: Bishop on December 08, 2011, 08:17:54 am
Character update: Arbor has been added.
Title: Re: Vyse-KingofROgue's Original Characters.
Post by: Dire Night Wolf on December 26, 2011, 07:34:44 am
All your characters are very nice, you have some good art skills, just one thing (I don't know if it was by intention though) in Arbor's description, it says "Las Ducha" in Polish, that means "Spirit's forest" if you want it to mean "Forest spirit" then it would have to be "Duch Lasu" (just thought I'd point that out)
Title: Re: Vyse-KingofROgue's Original Characters.
Post by: Bishop on January 07, 2012, 05:40:42 am
All your characters are very nice, you have some good art skills, just one thing (I don't know if it was by intention though) in Arbor's description, it says "Las Ducha" in Polish, that means "Spirit's forest" if you want it to mean "Forest spirit" then it would have to be "Duch Lasu" (just thought I'd point that out)
Ah thanks for pointing that out. I just used a translator and that's the result it gave me. Fixing now.