Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Forum Games => Topic started by: longjump on December 04, 2011, 11:09:00 pm

Title: Survive as a---
Post by: longjump on December 04, 2011, 11:09:00 pm
OK, This game is based sorta off the haunted house/life, where the people chose the actions and the story continues etc. etc. However this is a little different. Your an animal, trying to survive, and your actions may help, or harm you as you go. (loves this kind of quiz/thing) Anyway, first person to post gets to chose what kind of animal, gender, and basic colors/markings. Pick any animal, but please avoid insects, primates, and fish. These are the stats.

Health: 100% (Your bodily health, as in, it will go lower if you are injured, or age, until you die of age)
Thirst: 100%  (Your need to drink, this reaching 0 will result in death)
Hunger: 100%( Your need to eat, this reaching 0 will result in death)
Energy: 100% (You need energy to do almost anything, if this reaches 0 you will pass out until it has replenished)
Current age:    (This will depend on what animal we start as, different animals mature more at different ages)
Title: Re: Survive as a---
Post by: Jitters on December 05, 2011, 06:46:19 am
Hmm. Can you explain the game a little better? As I understand it so far, the first person makes and animal profile....and then what?
Title: Re: Survive as a---
Post by: longjump on December 05, 2011, 03:50:35 pm
Then you get choices (example: A: Flee, B: Stand ground or C: Attack) Then people post and chose an action( a b or c), then when that action is completed, another set is available. And so-on so-on