Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: hysteriaa on December 15, 2011, 09:24:35 pm

Title: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: hysteriaa on December 15, 2011, 09:24:35 pm
So, I dont know if its just me, but literate rps are taking over. xD. Yeah I can rp literate, but Its just TOO much to write huge sentences all the time, seriously dude I'm not an author what do you expect? I like rping descriptive, but not like "Her paw was swallowed by the wet, collapsing earth while progressing towards the figure in the shadows of the alley, edged with morning mist, blah blah, blah blah, descriptive, yes I'm still typing, yes I wrote a best seller book"  For a sentence where my char is just walking, I say something like "She approached the mute figure standing in the dark corner of the alley"  or not even that descriptive, all you need to get across is that your character is approaching a blurry figure in the dark of night. Your not writing a book dude, this is coming from your head & you are talking to a person who will respond back, you dont need to take 10 minutes to reply back that you are walking towards him xD.

Anyway that's my opinion, but most rps I cant even get into if I wrote something as descriptive as that. Then I ask "Well give me a sample of what you want me to write like" then they give something SO similar to mine I'm not even kidding its like they stole it from me. Like WHYY DUDE??? WHY??? YOU PLAYIN WIT MEH?? xD

Most of the rps with awesome maps are literate, why??
It's weird cuz I get into most literate rps, but other ones are just so weird that even if you are a tiny bit off, they kick ya out, you know?

vote for your favorite way to rp up there ^
& Tell meh what you tink of the rp style you voted for down dere v
And haz a Merry Christmas!

P.S. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just stating my opinion of strict literate Rps cuz I dont think its fair for them to set up those kind of rules for people who aren't obsessed with amazing descriptions for every sentence xD.
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: Raz. on December 16, 2011, 01:55:11 am
I'm mixed D: I'm not fussed when it comes to rp styles.

Generally when I've seen literate rps they're just...so over literate with very lengthy posts it's like "...wait what are you even trying to describe anymore?" |D and then on top of that it's like "what on earth are 'orbs' and 'banners' and all that wolfspeak :S"

I've never actually rp'd on FH but I'm just going on from my lurkings around ingame and on the forum.
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: ~*Scream*~ on December 16, 2011, 07:06:25 am
I'm literate, even in semi-literate RPs... I feel odd in that position XD
But... It's become... A bad habbit .-.
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: aelitastar on December 28, 2011, 09:47:34 pm
im sorry, i can be litterate but its such a PAIN to write these huge paragraphs, i often stick to semi litterate, taken that most rp's i fill up the chat box at least once on FH, and on the forums i try to post at least a paragraph :3
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: hysteriaa on December 29, 2011, 02:00:25 am
Nice opinions.
Yeah I agree, I cannot write huge paragraphs every 5 seconds xD

I pretteh good when it comes to rping, ask anyone who has been in tobi's street dog rp who has seen me rp. Everyone literally stops just to see me rp with dudes, mainly becauz my character has this thing for tricking the dudes & getting them angry but getting away with it bc she is trickeh, pretteh, and agile, and she is a thief (dont steal my char lol) xD

Wow now that I reread that it sounds extremely show-off-ish... sorry for that xD
Anyway, My main point though, you don't have to write EXTREMELY large + descriptive paragraphs to be the best rper/ get the most attention, you/your character has to have the tricks & the personality, sometimes even the lifestyle or back story.
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: hysteriaa on December 29, 2011, 02:07:01 am
Like even those strict literate players are just boring most times. It's not about how strictly descriptive you present your characters actions that MAKE the character special to everyone else, its about the characters presentation/appearance to those around it that makes it special and unique.

That is why some literate players bore people, too many long descriptions about surroundings & not enough of the character's actions &/or views of it.
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: LunaSpirit on January 03, 2012, 03:04:05 pm
This is just my thoughts, but I like massive long paragraphs. Its like theres no story if like someone posts. "She laughed while looking at his face," where as if you post. "She laughed in sweet amusement, watching him with careful wanting eyes, ect ect...." Theres more story line to it and it gives others some idea on what to post. I dont RP in game though so....
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: Kyugima on January 03, 2012, 05:42:38 pm
  Personally I hate short replies. Why? Answer is simple. You give me that lousy post, and what am I supposed to do with it? I want to reply to something, not wait for the next sentince because you've given me NOTHING to reply to. Some one on one RP's I've been in before have died off VERY quickly because of that. I could not make a reply because there was simply NOTHING to reply to. So I try to stick to the more literate RP's, despite not being that great at them.
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: LunaSpirit on January 03, 2012, 05:50:33 pm
Agreed very muchly! ^.^
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: hysteriaa on January 03, 2012, 08:41:39 pm
Very true, that is why I like semi-literate rps. I'm very picky, I cant take strict but I can't take easy either xD
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: Raz. on January 04, 2012, 12:56:56 am
I also dislike the elitist literate rpers, although I've only really seen it on Neopets.
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: Robin_Wolfieh on January 04, 2012, 01:19:18 am
I also dislike the elitist literate rpers, although I've only really seen it on Neopets.

Exactly. -but I don't know about that since I finally quited that "fyora-forsaken" place.

-but I'm pretty flexible when it comes to it. Now, even if the roleplaying stlye is chat formed, it irritates me when a simple action is cut short with only a few words. At least make it 5 or 6 words before posting it in. I can stretch that. -but "She sits", *sits down*? C'mon. Gimme something to work with.

Besides, I don't want to force myself to hit my head upon a wall to reply to a terse comment. So, semi-literate is best pick. I only seen a few strict ones upon my FH lifetime and they request samples and have private maps. Glad I'm not there. Not many would be there unless they are "Grammer Hitlers" or something of the sort.
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: aelitastar on January 04, 2012, 01:26:59 am
(oh gosh, a advertisement for wolves mating has popped up o.e)

i can sometimes be nice and just play along and give what i normally give in a rp post, but it tends to annoy me XD

Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: Zarago on January 06, 2012, 01:31:09 pm
Literacy for the win.
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: CrystalSprint on January 06, 2012, 02:40:25 pm

I always assumed literate and non literate meant if the characters could speak or not. Because animals don't usually talk :/
Title: Re: Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
Post by: Raz. on January 07, 2012, 05:13:39 am
No they don't, but rping would get rather dull fast if it was just:

"woof woof bark"

...unless you're into extreme realism.