Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: sixflagz on December 29, 2011, 11:37:36 pm

Title: V's Characters~ Working on ths ID
Post by: sixflagz on December 29, 2011, 11:37:36 pm

Since most people are doing this, I decided to show some of my characters too!
I must warn you, I have a ton. (Not right now I don't, but when I'm done, I will xD)



Name: V Damenium
Gender: Female
Age: 3-4 years old
Speices: Smilocat (Smilodon/cat hybrid)
Breed: Siberian cat/???, I don't know any Smilodon breeds yet. ID
Apperance: A slim, yet large Smilocat with very pointy, long ears, brown eyes, and a borwn back tuft starting from her neck down to her tail. She has small paw, a some-what saggy belly and a big, bushy tail.
Personality: Sometimes stubborn, but kind-hearted. She came be a little outgoing, yet shy. She is also very independant.
Mate: N/A
Children: N/A
Home: She usually roams from world to world, though in-roleplay, she lives in the woods, home to her Glaring, Pinewood Glaring.


Name: Shiruying Silver Kodoushi
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year
Speices: Chinsa (which is my original creature)
Breed: Albino Sipaira
Apperance: A very large chinsa with a square-ish forehead. She has large Lynx-like paws She alsohas 3 tails with blue feathers on the end.
Mate: N/A
Cubs: N/A
Home: In-roleplay, she was born and raised in Kwaka, but now likes in Chinzesa. In-game, she usually lives in Bonfire, South Pole and sometimes Flourite.
Personality: Shy and quiet, Shiruying is more of a mellow, indepedant chinsa. She can be sometimes squeamish.


Name: Mel
Gender: Female
Age: Seriously have no idea yet.
Speices: Osprey
Breed: ?
Apperance: An orange-borwn eyed osprey with a small beak, flat-ish forehead, and  small, black talons with small, yet sharp grey claws.
Mate: N/A
Chicks: N/A
Home: Usually in Flourite, sometimes in Bonfire.
Personality:Outgoing, yet sometimes snooty and stubborn. Mel is knwon as a "diva", for she wants everything her way.
Title: Re: V's Characters~ Working on ths ID
Post by: Dafniforfree on January 09, 2012, 08:20:54 pm
I like them!