Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: Orkekum on January 03, 2012, 06:23:03 pm

Title: Fix one detail
Post by: Orkekum on January 03, 2012, 06:23:03 pm
Title: Re: Fix one detail
Post by: Redlinelies on January 03, 2012, 06:42:04 pm
I'm very tempted to give you sly comments for yours as an exchange, but I will try not to.

I will keep this as short as simple as possible. No, Feralheart does not cause any "issues" on your graphics card if you actually run one from this century, the game is somewhat unstable at times though and could use a few tweaks if possible.

About the keyboard glitch that causes crashes I can very well understand your concern and annoyance since it's very easy to accidentally hit one of them letters and hopefully it will get fixed shortly, kov is currently the only one that can look into this matter right now though.

However, these crashes you claim can be from very various things, and not only can they be things directly caused by users, but if it's the game to blame, it can be very very hard to pinpoint what the actual crash come from without any proper information, as here.

Pretty much FH is a game in the making, and there's a lot of things going on for it, as a free game we must tolerate a few backfires every once in a while since this isn't exactly a company that takes care of the server, and our game creator need to find his time to sort these issues when he gets time. Some things are probably easier to sort than others, but keeping in mind that it's a free game we all play.

And I really don't get what the point were with the last comments there, only thing I'd say is possibly fix your attitude just a lil. Then we'd be all good :3

Title: Re: Fix one detail
Post by: Orkekum on January 03, 2012, 07:13:53 pm
Hm, maybe, it tends to get annoying to crash so often, but thank you for replying.