Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: Kyugima on January 14, 2012, 02:59:58 am

Title: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 14, 2012, 02:59:58 am
Welcome to the Wolves of Stone Fang Valley! A Semi Literate Semi Realistic Wolf pack!


  The Stone Fang Valley Wolves are a pack of wolves proud of their healing knowledge, and well known for being able to cure and heal almost any illness or injury. If you are sick or hurt, chances are their vast medical knowledge that is past down and added upon with every generation has a cure or quick fix. They are so well known for their medical knowledge that it is not uncommon for healers from other packs to make the harsh journey to the packs territory to learn their ways. The Stone Fang Valley Pack is accepting of these wolves, and will let them stay until they have learnt all they need to know. Despite the Stone Fang Valley's willingness to take on apprentices from other packs, they actually do not get a lot of them, and of those not all complete the througha  vast desert, training. The journey to the pack alone is a treacherous journey, through a vast and unrelenting desert where very few survive. The training is also hard, as medics are expected to share their space with teh sick and injured, and are always on call, no breaks. They are expected to learn quick, and learn a lot, so a lot of pressure is put on the apprentices, especially those that have come from other packs, as they do not start learning as early as those that belong in the pack.

  Of course, just because the Stone Fang Valley wolves are based more around medical knowledge, doesn't mean they can not fend for themselves. They have guardians for the specific job of guarding the medical wolves as they travel around gathering rare herbs and plants that grow in their territory, and there are hunters for the specific job of feeding the entire pack. Of course, during the times where there are less members in the pack, guardians and hunters share the same jobs, hunters gaurding the pack, and guardians hunting to feed everyone. Once the pack is larger, they allow for the two ranks to do their own jobs without having to assist the other.

  The Pack is governed by a council of the Alpha pair, Beta Pair, Head Guardian, Head Hunter and Head Healer. They work together to keep the pack functioning and working together. Alpha's and Beta's can be from any rank within the pack, but are more often than not one of the young of the previous pair and their mate. The Head's are the leaders of each rank, chosen because of their knowledge, strength and such, and are often the elders and teachers of their said rank. The Alpha's, Beta's and head and their mates have their own living section within the pack. It does take quite a bit to be  a head of the rank, and needs a lot of trust from the Alpha's and the Beta's.


Alpha Male
Alpha Female

Beta Male
Beta Female

Head Healer
Head Healers Mate

Head Guardian
Head Guardians Mate

Head Hunter
Head Hunters Mate






Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *SERIOUS WIP HELP NEEDED*
Post by: Kyugima on January 16, 2012, 10:49:06 am


The map is incomplete due to issues that keep popping up when I test it out, such as wrong textures and falling through the ground when you go through gates into different parts of the map.
  the main section of the pack's territory is a mountainous Vally surrounded by large rocky fang like mountains (as is suggested by the name of the Vally, Stone Fang Valley) that protects the pack. The valley is full rare herbs and plants that are good for healing, and two small/medium sized sections of water.


  There is a group of stone platforms that the pack has used to create their home on, surrounded by the mountains of the valley.


  The stone platforms are seperated for different ranks and such. The heads have their own section, that everyone has to pass through to get to their respective areas. The den with the glowing stone is and always will be the Alpha's den.


  The hunters come next, a large cave where all the hunters sleep is here, as well as their own little space out the front. Guardians and Healers have to pass through here.


  Next are the Guardians, the closest to the Healers section, so that they can guard them. Like the hunters, their space is just a large cave and a space out front.

  Last is the healers section, and the infirmary. Healers are expected to sleep in the same quarters as the ill and injured, so they can take care of them 24/7, and build up a resistance to illness themself. if there is a wolf that has to be quarantined because their illness is very serious and very contaigous, the quarantined wolf will get the healers section to themselves, and the rest will take the Guardians section and Guardians and healers will be expected to share the same space.


  Past the cave system is the hunting section and the desert.



Coming soon.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *SERIOUS WIP HELP NEEDED*
Post by: Kyugima on January 16, 2012, 10:49:17 am

OOC Rules

*No Swearing and Cussing. If you feel it HAS to be done because it suits your character, starring it out is fine.

*Try to make your characters as beleivable as possible. I will NOT accept pups that have survived since birth by themselves and such. It just doesn't happen.


*try not to Powerplay or Godmod. I understund if you are not certain what these terms mean, just ask if you don't XD

*When you first join you will be given a bit of a test period. You must be active for a week before you can use the basic markings, in the apprentice section, and after a week or so you may use the markings of the rank you have chosen.

*NO MATING. You can have mates, but I do not want to see IT or read IT if you know what I mean.

*OOC in General, IC in Local, and Announcements in group once the map is up. UNtil then, this is an in forum RP.

*Be respectful of others

*Realistic colours please. I don't mind a little variation, but do try and keep at least some what realistic.

Your Character must have SFV after their name ingame.

Pack Rules

*Listen to the Alpha's. Beta's and Heads, they know what is best.

*If Numbers are low, Guardians and Hunters share Jobs.

* Healers must share space with the sick and injured unless the Head.

* Guardians are expected to guard healers that travel outside the Packs living space

Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *SERIOUS WIP HELP NEEDED*
Post by: Kyugima on January 16, 2012, 10:49:29 am


 All Markings

 All Markings

(head) Healer:
-Cub Spots
-Marble 2
-BackLeg Stripes
-Dorsal Stripe
-Toeless socks

-Cub Spots
-Marble 2
-Simple stripe
-Ear Rims

-Cub Spots
-Ring Center
-Ring high
-Ring Low

(head) Guardian

-Cub Spots
-Back Splotch
-Marble 2
-Striped Hyena
-butt stripes
-Toeless Socks
-Chimera 2
-Fading Stripes
-German Shepard

-Cub spots
-Marble 2
-Striped Hyena
-Chimera 2
-Simple stripe
-Eye Stripe
-German Shepard

-Cub Spots
-Back Splotch
-Striped Hyena
-Fading Stripes
-Ring Center
-Ring high
-Ring Low
-German Shepard

(head) Hunter
-Cub Spots
-King Cheetah
-Marble 2
-Snow Leopard
-Spotted Hyena
-Striped legs
-Toeless socks
-Chimera 1
-diamond back
-Fading Spots

-Cub Spots
-King Cheetah
-Marble 2
-Snow Leopard
-Spotted Hyena
-Chimera 1
-Diamond Back
-Simple stripe

-Cub Spots
-King Cheetah
-Snow Leopard
-Spotted Hyena
-Ring Center
-Ring high
-Ring Low
-Diamond Back

Apprentice (New members fall under this category.)
-Cub Spots
-Marble 2
-Toeless socks

-Cub Spots
-marble 2
-Simple stripe

-Cub Spots
-Ring Center
-Ring high
-Ring Low


Application Form

Roleplay Sample:


Alpha Male

Alpha Female

4 years old.

Cerin is a thinker, and is often found just sitting quietly, staring into space, just thinking. She is sweet, and kind hearted, willing to do anything for those who need her help.

Beta Male

Beta Female

Head Healer

Head Healers Mate

Head Guardian

Head Guardians Mate

Head Hunter

Head Hunters Mate





Sameth Windsong



Sameth is very energetic and eager to do tasks. She doesn't like to be idle, so she can be a bit of a pest while looking for something to do. She makes a great planner, but sometimes her plots can be a bit more detailed and complicated than they need to be, which leads to mistakes by others. She's a little superstitious and can often be heard muttering stuff like "The wind is blowing the wrong way" or other silly things.



3 Years

Personality:A well-displayed optimistic wolf.He earns a nickname of the "Observer". He observes things from afar without anyone even knowing.He keeps to himself most of the time, but he socializes when free of will.According to some, he focues on doing other things to avoid socializing.He's a sly but clever wolf, and it's not best to underestimate the quiet ones.

http://emmy-cakes.deviantart.com/art/Skylar-281039199 (http://emmy-cakes.deviantart.com/art/Skylar-281039199)




Personality- Skylar is kind and caring but strong and determined. If you respect her she eill do the same, if not.. there will be a problem. Skylar always gets what she wants. She's stubborn and can be insecure but all she really wants is to be accpeted.. And loved.

Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *SERIOUS WIP HELP NEEDED*
Post by: Kyugima on January 18, 2012, 03:47:04 am


Not accepting just yet


Not accepting yet
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *SERIOUS WIP HELP NEEDED*
Post by: Kyugima on January 18, 2012, 04:01:14 am

Roleplay Plot

None yet, RP hasn't started XD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 18, 2012, 04:03:12 am
Alright, finally up and running! I am accepting members, but the RP will not start just yet, not until we have plenty of members!
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Jitters on January 18, 2012, 04:59:40 am
Name: Sameth Windsong
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Rank: Apprentice
Appearance: (http://i40BannedImageSite/wulcvn.png)
Personality: Sameth is very energetic and eager to do tasks. She doesn't like to be idle, so she can be a bit of a pest while looking for something to do. She makes a great planner, but sometimes her plots can be a bit more detailed and complicated than they need to be, which leads to mistakes by others. She's a little superstitious and can often be heard muttering stuff like " The wind is blowing the wrong way" or other silly things.

Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 18, 2012, 05:08:19 am
Woo! Accepted!
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Jitters on January 18, 2012, 05:45:50 am
I'd better be -_-; LOL
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 18, 2012, 08:55:25 am
After all the help you gave me, I'd be crazy if I didn't accept you in XDDDD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 19, 2012, 10:20:34 am

We have a map! It is a whole lot different than the screenshots XD that map failed. I'm just not sure if I should put the download up openly or send it Via PM when someone is accepted into the pack.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Xx_KillerWolf_xX on January 19, 2012, 11:38:09 pm
Name: Moon
Gender: Female
Age: 6 months
Rank: Pup.. I was wondering if  I could be a lone pup.. If not that is completely fine.
Appearance: I'll put a picture.
Personality: Moon is quite shy, she doesn't really like to speak to others. Moon also has trust issues that developed from her past. Most of the time she would just give you a blank look, it's like staring at a wall. But maybe, just maybe someone can show her that she can trust them she will be back to normal.
History (optional): Moon was born under 2 omegas, her parents Crystal and Tank were un-liked and miss treated in their pack. They even broke laws, and the biggest one of all was no omega is allowed to mate with out informing the alphas, well since they knew they were un-linked and a disgrace, they decided to have a pup without informing their alphas. So has the weeks went on and Crystal was getting "bigger" their alphas noticed some signs, so they waited, and waited, until she finally gave birth. Her parents were sent to a "prison"like place until they decided their punishment... Weeks past and Moon was in a foster care center while her parents were in "jail". Almost a month past till the alphas made their last and final decision, which was to kill Moon's parents and banish Moon. Everyone watched as Moon's parents weer killed, even pups. Moon was only about 3 months at that time, so you are most likely wondering how did she survive? Well lets just say not ALL the wolves of the pack hated Tank and Crystal, they had a plan in case something like this happened. Daisy the best known friend of Crystal's was waiting till they banished Moon, so she could escape and take Moon in. So she did, Moon stayed with her until she was 5 months old, because sadly Daisy past after saving Moon from a wild bear. But before she pasted, Daisy was teaching Moon the ways of the wild, on how to survive, catch food, and stay away from danger. And now she knows how to catch small things such as rabbits, hares, fish, and bugs, she also knows how to spot signs of danger. But now all she really wants is a place where she doesn't have to be on alert and hide from anything.
RP Sample:
  Moon ran across the ice-coated grass, the frost crackling beneath her paws. She leaped the ice-encrusted river in one bound, paws skating on the opposite bank. Scenting a mouse, she skidded to a stop, and dropped into a hunting crouch. Paw over paw, she stalked the scent, paws light on the ground, until she saw the mouse, eating a berry. In a great leap, she landed on the mouse, delivering a quick bite to it before it could utter a squeak.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 20, 2012, 02:31:45 am
  I'm not sure about the lone pup thing... Perhaps if I could see the history I could think it over? See if it is a decent one, so say, your character didn't raise itself from birth because its parent abandoned it and blah blah blah XD And also a RP sample, I forgot to add that to the list of things required in the Appie.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Xx_KillerWolf_xX on January 21, 2012, 05:44:18 am
Okay I added a history and RP sample!
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Avanna on January 21, 2012, 06:46:00 am
Name: Arrow
Age:3 Years
Appearance: (http://i43BannedImageSite/2cf9ulf.png)
Personality:A well-displayed optimistic wolf.He earns a nickname of the "Observer". He observes things from afar without anyone even knowing.He keeps to himself most of the time, but he socializes when free of will.According to some, he focues on doing other things to avoid socializing.He's a sly but clever wolf, and it's not best to underestimate the quiet ones.
History: Nothing much to his past.He ran away from his birthpack after his beta father, Okulae told him what truly happened to his mother, Jasi.That she died of child-birth.Arrow blames himself every mention of it.Not wanting to deal with the pain and suffer he'd caused his father, he banned himself form his own pack, and not even by his father.Now his father is left mateless and might have to seek out another.The entire process made Arrow's back crunch in defiance.He now acts like he was born in this pack spiritually.
Roleplay Sample:Arrow made his way down to the nearest river, obviously something was on that quiet mind of his.The apprentice stared down at the dancing reflection bestowed below him.A growl forged from his throat and expressed into his lips and fangs, growling at himself in the mirrored image." I killed her..I killed her..My own mother. How could I do such a thing1? I'm sorry.I'm sorry.." Arrow cried, staring at the reflection seeing his father's face.A sincere copy of his father.He then buried his nose into the river, as if this was truly his father.Fading tears streamed down the black streaks running down the inner cores of the sides of his nose.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Avanna on January 21, 2012, 06:47:07 am
Eh..Let me know if you can't read this. I just love this Font Face.))
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 21, 2012, 09:39:46 am
  The font face is quite alright XD Although, I know my vision is terrible, even with glasses, but the words don't need to be that big XDDDD Jks

  And Avanna, I like your character, just not super sure just yet, but consider it a pretty much yes from me, I'm not thinking too well, I feel unwell today, went to the movies and stuffed myself with junk XDDDD

  And killer wolf, what I really want to see is your character having interaction with another character, of your own making of course XD I want to know you won't just type a "ignores" when someone tries to interact with your character. I am a little wary of the history, but it doesn't seem too bad right now, and I'm also wondering if the pack should accept a pup in when they are so small and have no one to take care of pups right now, which reminds me, I haven't figured out what is done with pups yet... Probably stay where their parents live until they figure out what they are apprenticing for and move there.

  And guys, when I said rank in the app, I meant in the future once you prove you are active, at this point we just have future apprentices, no actual proper ranking Wolves XDDD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Jitters on January 21, 2012, 06:59:06 pm
Oh, sorry. I wanna be top Alpha. *winks*
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Avanna on January 21, 2012, 08:46:10 pm
Sorry! Lolz. You see this Font is small normal size, and so I didn't want to have anyone squint to see my App.I know I don't want to =].  And I completely understand.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 21, 2012, 09:47:11 pm
Oh, sorry. I wanna be top Alpha. *winks*

But I'm da Alpha *pout*

  And you are accepted Avanna XD One little tip, you don't have to do it, it's just something that does bother me a little with ALL characters I see, perhaps tone the black down a little? LIke, move the sliders to 5 each or something? I personally find pure pure black on the FH models kinda looks... terrible, because it blocks out teh fur shading and they just look weird XD I never use pure black myself, and just wanted to tell you about that little tip XD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Avanna on January 22, 2012, 01:00:40 am
I was thinking similiar aswell. True black on wolves is basically a dark brown if in sunlight.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kula on January 22, 2012, 06:23:57 am
Name- Skylar
Gender- Female
Age- 2
Rank- Beta Female
Apperence- Currently cant put a pic up now but will later. Skylar is all black with white under fur. She has a pale green marking under her eye on both sides. (not realistic I know, can be changed is need be.)
Personality- Skylar is kind and caring but strong and determined. If you respect her she eill do the same, if not.. there will be a problem. Skylar always gets what she wants. She's stubborn and can be insecure but all she really wants is to be accpeted.. And loved.
History- Skylar's parents where killed by a strange wolf when she was only a pup. She was sure to die on here own but she was saved..by an elder male wolf. He taught her everything she knows. One fateful day the same wolf that had killed her parents appeared.. She remembered his face perfectly. Skylar confronted him but he attacked. Nava (the old wolf) jumped infront and sacrificed himself. The coward wolf ran. Skylar has never gotten over the loss of all she cared about. Ever since she has been hell bent on revenge..
Rpsample- The dead grass crackled and crunched under the weight of her blood crusted paws. Small particles of dust filled the air as she ran further into the middle of no-where. Her blood shot eyes were dried out from crying. Onlt the reminance of tears stained her face. Finally her legs gave out and she well to the ground in a heap. Suddenly a shadow blocked the sun above her. "Who goes there!?" She asked in a panic. "My my my dont you look horrible, Skylar."
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Dezu on January 22, 2012, 09:05:53 am
Name: Dezu

Gender: Male

Age: 3

Rank: Healer

Appearance: Dezu is a smaller shy wolf. He has always felt he was different simply because he is interested in male wolves. Dezu has snow white fur with a yellow/grey shine on the bottom. (This will change to the correct markings if accepted.)

Personality: Shy, Feminine

History: Dezu has always had a troubled past. Ever since he was a cub he has always been interested in male wolves. Afraid of what his friends/family would think about it he kept it to himself which had mentally damaged him greatly with the constant worrying. After he turned 3 he decided to tell his pack of his "orientation". Almost instantly they exiled him because of this. He has been keeping his head low and surviving on hunting smaller animals and cowering from anything larger than him.

Extra: Dezu has never had any interest in fighting. If challenged to fight he will back down no matter what.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 22, 2012, 09:21:51 am
Dezu, I need a RP sample.

Meemo, If I do accept you into the group, is it alright if your character doesn't get boosted to beta? Because I want to make sure your character is trustworthy, and I do have someone in mind for the position Sameth But if they don't want it and want another position then your character can prove themself XD

  Also, guys, so far I have seen RP I don't really like. It's not that you write bad or anything, it's just that you guys have written either something that seems on the edge of powerplaying or just overdramatic stuff, or RP samples that don't actually show your Skill with RP. Characters that are shy or antisocial HAVE to have interaction within their RP samples. I'm not trying to be mean, It is just that you see enough people who just have their character sitting on the edge ignoring everyone to know a antisocial/shy character is not always the best for a RP, unless that person knows how to properly RP that personality. And it doesn't help that at the moment that seems to be pretty much EVERY character that is joining XDDDDD So we'll just have characters going:
*is quiet*
XDDD I don't want to see that kind of thing, I want to see something proper when it comes to interaction with another character, evn if it is ignoring them. I want to see if you can pull off an antisocial character.

I'm sorry if it seems like I am nitpicking, it's just that antisocial/shy characters are 1. Overused and 2. rarely RP'd properly and 3. Not very good for a hopefully active RP.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kula on January 22, 2012, 10:20:04 am
I didnt expect to be a beta right away so thats completely fine. If you decided on the other person thats fine also, im not picky :3 And I can say for a fact I will not be quiet.. :D
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 22, 2012, 10:56:13 am
I didnt expect to be a beta right away so thats completely fine. If you decided on the other person thats fine also, im not picky :3 And I can say for a fact I will not be quiet.. :D

Yeah, your RP sample isn't so bad, it just goes in the overdramatic section (The one section where I was truly nitpicky) and the doesn't truly show your skill at RPing section, and it is in that section because of the dramatics, which I know you can't pull in every thing you write unless something dramatic happens every post XDDDD Perhaps something more everyday occurance, because I find writing something big about an everyday occurance needs more skill than something dramatic.

  I know I'm nitpicky, but I just felt that with your sample I couldn't really tell if it was actually good or just dramatic XD And I will have to wait until I see the character before I can actually say accepted or not, so hopefully you can get a screenie up. But I actually think you would be accepted XD I'm just very fussy (In every aspect of life I'm fussy)
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kula on January 22, 2012, 10:22:09 pm
Okies! XD Here I go..

Skylar laid down in the soft green grass. The trees gently swayed back and forth in the wind, causing small ripples in the large body of water beside her. Her silky black coat shone in the light and her green eyes sparkled with contentment. "Heh" She giggled softly as a bright blue butterfly landed on her wet nose. As is flew away Skylar jumped to her paws and chased after it. "Come back here!" Laughing she sprinted after it. The scent of daisy's filled the air as she tumbled into a flower bed. Big white soft clouds filled the sky, a small smile played on her lips as she watched them float by.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 23, 2012, 02:46:33 am
  That's pretty good actually XD Now all we need is to see the character, and you'll probably be accepted XD I just want to make sure it looks like a decent character. Is there any reason why you can't get a image up?
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kula on January 23, 2012, 03:12:19 am
Sorry about the sample, Im a little sick. :3 My comp decides to die if I put a pic up. Ill take a screenie and pop up the link to my DA :)

EDIT- http://emmy-cakes.deviantart.com/art/Skylar-281039199 (http://emmy-cakes.deviantart.com/art/Skylar-281039199) <<<dere it is XXD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Avanna on January 23, 2012, 02:41:26 pm
This is awesome! More wolves =)
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 28, 2012, 10:55:15 am
  Awesome Meemo! Just a suggestion, if you would lighten the black just a little? I find it just makes wolves look nicer, you don't have to though, you're accepted.

  On ANOTHER note, from no on all characters will be required to place SFV after their characters name XD I have created the group ingame, and when the server comes back on I will be waiting for your requests to join unless I see, in which case I will send you a invite!

  I will also send out the map as soon as I can through PM, unless you guys think it would be easier to just place it on teh first post? I just don't want to have just anyone come jumping onto the map.

  Characters will be placed on the first page as soon as I can XD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Zaroque on January 28, 2012, 11:44:26 am
Name: Baroque

Gender: Male

Age: 6 1/2

Rank: I'm not picky, babe. Any rank that needs filling up.

Appearance: Hurrr. ~ I believe FH to up and running is the best way for me to show him. I can't really remember his design at the moment.

Personality: Baroque is skilled in may ways, he loves to take a stroll by the seaside and look for shells and other things, what he loves to do is go out and be by himself, so he is not the social type. However, he bonds quickly and you'll find it that he is rather good at making friends though he does not have many (He doesn't really need 'em). His daughter Zaroque is his pride and joy, so he is always looking out for her, you'll find him whimpering by the coast if he doesn't see her in a while.

History: Baroque didn't have a very interesting life, though he was fortunate. There was little drama in the pack that he previously was born into. They had strange ways, like when hunting, they would make a large circle around the whole herd and pick a fawn or a lame deer. When he was around two, he left the comfort of his home to start his own pack, after meeting the lovely Zara (Zaroques mother and Baroque's mate) he created a large pack of 15 strong wolves. Unfortunately, a rumour started spreading through the main packs that there was a disease spreading across the whole of the plains, infecting the small packs and killing them off. This is what happened to his and Zaras, only a few survived to tell the tale. The ones left were him, Zara and 2 other pack members. He told them to go off and find themselves a healthier pack for they were no longer a family.

Roleplay Sample: Oh heck. I am terrible at these. Sorry for complete and utter failure. >>

Baroque slowly padded along to a stream, it was small and the trail was thin, just a small trickle of water went down on the velvety green grass and downwards to the small pebbles until it reached the fast flowing river. The sound was like beating drums in his ears. Baroque turned around and walked along the small stream until he came to the coast. It was lined with soft sand and the water was crystal clear, the sea was calmer at this time of day. ''Few.'' He shook his head from the sound of the river just behind him and ran towards the water. (I can do better, but its the morning. cx)

Extra: Nuuuur.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 28, 2012, 12:48:01 pm
 Sounds great Zaroque! And yeah, the server being down does make joing packs harder when it comes to images XDDDD The history is interesting too, and I like the roleplay sample. No drama, no fuss, and shows good skill with RP XD Semi accepted, a image has to be shown first, due to the pack having certain markings for each rank, and you have to stick with markings for an apprentice at first, just to make sure your active before we give you full rights to the markings, but I don't think that would be an issue XD.

@Everyone: A lot of people joining seem to think I meant your at apprentice rank when you first join, then you move up to your wanted rank, and that is absolutely not it XD That is with the markings only XD You have to use apprentice MARKINGS until you are deemed active within the RP and can move on to a full roles markings XD So we have only apprentices XD

@Meemo: That also reminds me, if you can't be Beta, what position DO you want?
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Zaroque on January 28, 2012, 03:02:26 pm
Not an issue at all m'dall. I'll get a screenie on Monday for ye'.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: zakari101 on January 28, 2012, 03:31:06 pm
Name: Johnny (you can call him Nny for short)
Gender: male
Age: teen-young adult
Rank: hunter
Appearance:*i will have a picture up once FH is running again* has Blach top fur with grey underfur his tail tip is almost black but has a tint of red. he has eyes that are the color of ice. his marking color is grey
Personality: smiles from time to time, is almost emotionless, doesnt like to be touched, doesnt talk very often, is a little insane, and also blurts random things out because of his head voices
History: doesnt know anything about his history, is still trying to find out about it.

RP sample: Johnny was walking around trying to find something to do, until he heard a rustleing in the bushes. Johnny went to go check out the noise, and saw a little cotton tail, he knew it was a rabbit. Nny then lowerd himself to the ground getting ready to attack the rabbit but, he steped on a twig. The rabbit flinched up and Johnny just went  in straight at it. The rabbit was smart enough and kicked him in the eye, and then jumped off his face. Johnny then muttered "stupid rabbits...." and continued to walk.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: wolfgrrl13 on January 28, 2012, 11:41:08 pm
Name: TIS-SEE-WOO-NA-TIS  Lol jk, it's Bly.
Gender: Female
Age: 2 1/2 years old
Rank: Hunter
Appearance: -will put up pic when servers are back up-  ((Is that ok?))
Personality: Bly is a young, energetic wolf.  She is nice, caring, and will do anything to help others.  She is very social, but a better independent hunter.  She is a natural at hunting and is known to go days without food just to let others eat.
History: Bly had a pretty much normal life.  For a loner.  She was born to a lone female, Akani, and when she was born, she had learned that her father was killed by a lynx mother while out hunting.  Because of that, the starvation period began.  Bly was the only to survive in the litter.  Her mother was out hunting, and found the lynx mother's den, which contained six kittens.  Akani found that the lynx mother was gone, so she made quick work of the kittens and brought one back to Bly.  When the mother lynx found out, she tracked Akani back to the den and fought, but Akani protected Bly and killed the lynx.  1/12 years later, Akani was found by indians and taken away, leaving Bly without a family.
Roleplay Sample: -The she-wolf poked her muzzle up into the crisp air.  The scent of a hare flowed into her nose, and she dropped instantly.  The slight rustle of leaves sounded.  A quarter of the sun just above the horizon, and the orange eye of the hare was visible through the bare bush.  The she-wolf stalked forward inch by inch until the whole figure was seen.  Bly tensed her muscles and powerful haunches launched herself off the ground, over the bush and onto the escaping rabbit.  With a sharp bite to the neck, the squeal of the rabbit echoed.  Bly tore into the fresh flesh and howled with delight.-
Extra:  Hope this is ok, if not, tell me and I'll change it up a bit.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 29, 2012, 01:43:26 am
It's quite okay XD I'll just have to wait for teh server to go back up so you can put an image in before I fully accept you XD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: wolfgrrl13 on January 29, 2012, 02:49:32 am
Alrighty.  I'm thinking about her being either brown, grey, or white, white underbelly and not sure about the markings yet.  I'll just have to see.(:
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kula on January 29, 2012, 08:20:35 am
THankchu so much :3 Yeah, I've been meaning to tone down the black. >D umm..as for ranks Im thinking.. Guardian/Head of.. Not exactly sure of what it consists of however :P
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 29, 2012, 08:56:52 am
Guardians are like scouts/warriors, mostly in charge of 'guarding' the pack and keeping them safe.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: BrusselsSprouts on January 29, 2012, 09:10:23 am
( Hi may I join? I don't currently have a picture of my character yet, unfortunately. )
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 29, 2012, 09:28:49 am
if you wish to join, you must fill out teh application. It is somewhere on teh front page, I think maybe teh second or fourth post.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: BrusselsSprouts on January 29, 2012, 09:34:52 am
( Okay, I will go check out teh front page and look for teh application. )
( Teh. :B )
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: BrusselsSprouts on January 29, 2012, 11:19:23 am
( nevermind, don't add me )
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on January 31, 2012, 04:39:55 am

The server is up once again! So I expect those of you who received the map Via PM to get it install, and check it out, and those that have applied but couldn't put an image up need to get an image up as soon as they can! I will try and invite you guys into the group if and when I see you, but do not be afraid to be motivated and search for teh group and request to join XD There is no certainty that I will be able to find you guys XD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: wolfgrrl13 on January 31, 2012, 01:29:25 pm
Here's Bly.  If you need me to change anything, just let me know.

Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Zaroque on January 31, 2012, 07:37:03 pm
Thank you Kyugima, I'll get Baroque now for a screenie. :3


Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 02, 2012, 03:42:19 pm
Brittany, yours looks all good, but Zaroque, I'm not sure about your character... they do seem a little TOO unrealistic? Perhaps lighten the black just a little, and tone the greeny blue down a bit?

And I am thinking about putting the download on the first page, what do you guys think? Should I? I am seriously struggling with this decision...
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Jitters on February 02, 2012, 06:17:05 pm
I think you should leave the download private, however give it out to people wanting to test the map before they join. I read way to many horror storied about people who have their maps public...
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 02, 2012, 06:37:43 pm
Yeah, that's why I am reserved about putting it up, but then people will need to come to me when they join and get teh download from me. And if tehy join ingame then that will be harder to do and all that...
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Jitters on February 02, 2012, 06:41:57 pm
put the download as a tinyurl and give them that in game.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 02, 2012, 06:44:43 pm
XD Perfect idea XD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Jitters on February 02, 2012, 06:46:59 pm
I do that all the time with my presets and maps. I have a tinyurl for pretty much all of my downloads.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: wolfgrrl13 on February 03, 2012, 12:49:42 pm
Thanks, Kyugima.  And I'm sorry I didn't reply yesterday.  A simple mistake got me grounded from the laptop.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 15, 2012, 10:04:46 pm
Hey guys, if you didn't get the PM with the map download, can you tell me? I can't remember who I have sent it to and who I haven't sent it to yet.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: wolfgrrl13 on February 15, 2012, 10:31:21 pm
I need it please.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 15, 2012, 11:18:23 pm
Sent it Via PM just then XD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: wolfgrrl13 on February 15, 2012, 11:54:43 pm
Thank you!(:
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 17, 2012, 01:40:01 pm
  Hey, can you guys tell me what timezone you are in? I wish to try and find a decent time for everyone to get together, so I can add you all to the group and for future RP hopefully XD Things are slow with this, and I really want to get it up and running soon.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Jitters on February 17, 2012, 05:50:09 pm
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 17, 2012, 05:53:52 pm
Should have mentioned I would prefer it if it was in the UTC thingie, I don't really know what PST is XD I'm starting to get used to UTC though...
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Jitters on February 17, 2012, 06:07:43 pm
UTC - 8
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 17, 2012, 06:33:03 pm
Thank you!
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: wolfgrrl13 on February 17, 2012, 10:16:53 pm
I live in Central United States. -6 when I look at the forum time when I go to my profile.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Zaroque on February 18, 2012, 03:32:39 pm
I live in the UK, which is GMT (General Mountain Time)
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 18, 2012, 04:36:25 pm
ok thanks XD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: FreedomWing on February 20, 2012, 03:06:30 am
 -I said i would consider you :D You seem very organized and friendly, so why not? :3-

 2 years
--Desired Rank--
 NightIce is a selfless wolf, her only desire and drive is to heal and serve only her pack. She won't refuse to help anyone though she is known to afflict grudges if you so much as sneeze the wrong way. Appearing as if emotionless NightIce can be very solitary and lost in work, some times at the expense of her health and well being. Though when you scratch at the wall of her heart she becomes very warm and loyal. She shows that she is not just a capable healing but of loving.
 Being born of a rouge mother and a pack born father, she was tossed back and forth between lives. it was hard at times but NightIce saw that you just needed to take life as it is, but this has left her some what emotionless when confronted with new wolves. Though when her father died of rabies her mother took it upon herself to teach her daughter the ways of healing and resistance. Her mother then found herself old and withered, easy to catch disease. When NightIce could not save her mother from even a simple cold, she blamed herself, promising to never let another die of some thing so little again.
--Roleplay Sample--
 The she-wolf stretched on the dew enriched grass of the small forest, her long sandy legs seemingly reaching for the stars. Licking her chops she found her daughter resting in a nestled bundle along side her, the mother wolf let a low coo to awaken her pup. The glossy blue eyes of the little wolf fluttered open to see the graceful nothingness of the sky above her.
"NightIce, my little darling, its time to go see papa," mother wolf said as she rose from her resting spot. The shimmering of the sun glittered across the sandy dunes of the wolf's pelt. NightIce rose herself not excited in the least bit, the ashy grey of her fur shook the little sparkles of water away.
"I don't want to mama," NightIce cried out, "the other pups there are mean! They call me foul blooded..."
Mother wolf widened her eyes, offended that anyone would dare say that about her beautiful child, she growled lowly.
"Your father is waiting for you, you know you can't disappoint him," she said despite the dramatic cries of her child. In protest NightIce sat down and dug her little claws into the ground, in hope that her mother would not carry her away. Though the jaws of maternal instinct took the little wolf away from the ground, she then began to pad off toward the forest's boarders.
--Hope that is enough :3--

Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 20, 2012, 05:40:54 am
  Wow! Wonderful application XD Definately accepted! And thanks, I try to keep things organised (I'm actually not too good at it though XD) And you'll have to forgive any spelling mistakes I make, I type pretty fast so I miss them. I go back and try to fix tham all afterwards, but sometimes I just don't catch them all XD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: FreedomWing on February 20, 2012, 05:46:36 am

Thankies! :D

It looks really good compared to what I've seen. It's also very detailed when it comes to the location, it gives a lot of character and story. :3 A few mistakes won't kill anyone,  if there was any. I surely didn't notice. xD
Im glad this is realistic, I was kinda afraid of joining and non-realistic one cause of god modding and what not. Wolf Quest had such a problem with that.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 20, 2012, 06:00:26 am
Ok, time to test if you can receive PM's XD I'm going to send you a link to the map to download. You'll have to unzip it and put the files inside in the exports folder in the feralheart folder. If you don't receive the message when I say I have sent it, then you might not be able to receive PM's...
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: FreedomWing on February 20, 2012, 06:03:46 am

Alright, sounds good. I got the how to on the map down loady thingy.
 Though why wouldn't i be able to accept pms? Sounds kind of redonkculous.

Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 20, 2012, 06:06:37 am
If you have the same name as someone else the PM's sent to you can be sent to them sometimes. I had that issue because I created a first account with the exact same name, but it glitched, so I had to create a second. But for some reason all my PM's would be sent to the other account. So I put a full stop at the end to make it different, and voila, I got my PM's again XD

And teh PM is sent.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: FreedomWing on February 20, 2012, 06:09:18 am

Ahh, that makes sense. :3 I thought it might be like i have to stay on like three days before i can recieve one, or some thing undesirable like that.

I can't wait to look at the map, I've been staring at those floating rocks up to floating island for like 2 hours. I want some thing interesting to look at.


I don't think i have recieved it. It would notify me in the top right, right?
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 20, 2012, 06:11:58 am
I should also mention that the map no longer looks like teh screenshot, I had issues with falling under the map so I had to change it, and I made it smaller too. And to make it less laggy I took the mountains out, but they are still "there" just can't be seen in the map XD

I get a pop up when I receive a PM... Hmmm... let me check the member list.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 20, 2012, 06:16:42 am
Double post for attention

It turns out there are actually quite a few Fawns >.< You might have to change your username a little if you wish to receive PM's...
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: FreedomWing on February 20, 2012, 06:18:07 am

Its better then fallling thousands of feet and only to climb again. D:
Its probably wayyyyyyyyy way wayyy better then anything i could ever do. I rather have a smaller map then have lag. A sacrifice well worth it.

I think my computer/internet might be blocking pop ups. If its the popup im thinking of.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Jitters on February 20, 2012, 06:19:42 am
Your forum name sometimes causes PMs to glitch. If you go to "profile" You can change it, maybe try putting a period at the end like Kyugima did?
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: FreedomWing on February 20, 2012, 06:26:15 am

Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 20, 2012, 06:27:28 am

Woo! Sameth, wanna go ingame on the map, or are you at work or something?
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: FreedomWing on February 20, 2012, 06:40:33 am

I fell like such a newbb
But the world is in Cape of Distant Worlds right?
But where? Is there a portal or a certain cave im supposed to go?

I've extracted the file into a new folder i created in exports before i extracted the file. Is that all im supposed to do? I've read the tut like a million times. Is there some thing im missing.

Or maybe im a nugget with no brain. xD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Jitters on February 20, 2012, 06:42:36 am
No need to create a new folder, the game cannot read them in a folder. Just drop all the ugly little files right into exports....-splat- and a portal will appear at the cape.

And sorry Kyu, I cannot join you in the map this evening, I'm tired and promised to do some re-textures for the sims for my co-worker...and i haven't started, XD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: WolfBrother on February 20, 2012, 06:42:53 am
Name: Moon
Gender: Female
Age: 10 months
Rank: Outsider
Personality: Moon is a very shy and quite young wolf, she is not big on the talking. Moon tends to stay to herself and away from big crowds. Most of her time she stays in the dark.
History: Moon was not always like this, quite and shy. She used to be a very fun and loving little pup, that was until her and her family were banished and became outsiders. A few days living n the outsider style her mother and father were killed, she watched them die and get eaten. Ever since then she was never been the same. Deep down she just wants to be accepted.
Roleplay Sample:
  -Moon sat at the egde of her camp alone, all by her-self. "Why can't I be like the others?" She said to her-self looking into her reflection in the still water. She looked up at the night's dark sky and she just closed her eyes as if she was trying to do something. Soon she heard foot steps, her ears perked and she turned around but only to find another pup older than her behind her. She gave a deep sigh and stumbled up to her paws "What do you want this time?" She said.

Sorry if my RP sample wasn't that good I can do better. But other then that I hope you like! :D
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: FreedomWing on February 20, 2012, 06:44:08 am

Thankies so much!!
I wanted to be all organized. D:



I did get it to work. Thankies for telling me. I shall remember in the future. xD
Well i just chilling out, its a very detailed map, i love it!
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 20, 2012, 07:01:33 am
  Wolf, I am not so sure about your application. I would prefer at the moment that we don't have any outsiders, as that is actually not a rank, and at the moment we don't have the people to be accepting parentless pups.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Zaroque on February 20, 2012, 05:39:29 pm
Kyu, if I get on Baroque now, will you be able to accept him into the in-game group?
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 20, 2012, 05:45:39 pm
Sure, I'll head ingame right now to meet you... Where? Do you have teh map? Or are you one of teh people I forgot to send teh link to?
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Zaroque on February 20, 2012, 06:02:15 pm
I was one of deh peeps you forgot to send the link too. I'll tell you where Baroque is in-game when I get on.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 20, 2012, 06:03:41 pm
Ok, I'll send the map to you while I'm at it XD... Although, it is heavy in members right now and my family is about to get up, that is five people using the net at the same time, so If I don't show up, my FH crashed due to overload XD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Zaroque on February 20, 2012, 06:15:01 pm
Ack. cx
I fitted the SFV at the end of Minus's name.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on February 20, 2012, 06:27:34 pm
Awesome XD
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: FreedomWing on February 20, 2012, 07:02:07 pm

Hopeing for some new and fun members! :D
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on April 05, 2012, 03:07:09 am
Wow this has been quiet for a while... But I don't want it to die, I put effort into this!

If you wish to stay in this and start Role play, please post here, and if you have the link to the map in your PM's somewhere, could you send it to me? I moved computer recently and forgot to bring my maps across with me. So not only do I not have the map, I can no longer change it if necessary, so some time in the future I may have to make a new map for this group.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: wolfgrrl13 on April 05, 2012, 03:10:40 am
I would like to rp with you guys still.  I'm Bly in this rp.  And I just emptied my messages a few days ago.  -.-  Sorreh.

But I can zip up the map and give you the link.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Jitters on April 05, 2012, 03:12:57 am
I'd like to stay for sure.

If you'd like, Kyu I can collaborate a new map system with you. I can mesh ya know.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Avanna on April 05, 2012, 03:20:09 am
Hello, I'm back and I apologize for bailing out on you guys so soon. Let's just say, I got a heavy ban from my main computer source and I can't access it because it remains in an almost 24-hour basis locked room.
Slowly I am regaining this freedom as long as I stay on my mother;s good side =P
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on April 05, 2012, 03:26:28 am
If you'd like, Kyu I can collaborate a new map system with you. I can mesh ya know.

Marry me. Now.

Hello, I'm back and I apologize for bailing out on you guys so soon. Let's just say, I got a heavy ban from my main computer source and I can't access it because it remains in an almost 24-hour basis locked room.
Slowly I am regaining this freedom as long as I stay on my mother;s good side =P

Understandable. If you are able to get back on the computer to join us, you are welcome to, when you can. Your character will just sit in the sidelines, waiting for your return XD

And awesome Brittany!
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Avanna on April 05, 2012, 03:30:20 am
Hopefully I will be able to join you this weekend. Spring break ^.^ Now is also a good time to rejoin the party =p
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Jitters on April 05, 2012, 03:37:06 am
Lol, yes Kyu, I will marry you. PM me with any help you may need. I can mesh, and I make a mean 6 color mask. ( not to mention AWESOME maps). The only thing I dislike doing is placing objects, lol.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: wolfgrrl13 on April 05, 2012, 03:46:56 am
You may kiss the bride.  Lol, I got the link.  I'll PM you, Kyu.  Who else needs it?
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on April 05, 2012, 03:54:13 am
I like placing objects, for me, doing the other stuff is the strenuous part XD I'd prefer a ready made map for placing stuff on XDDDD We are the perfect match! I shall prepare the reservations for our wedding! And our honey moon shall be in Paris!

Thanks Brittany!
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Avanna on April 05, 2012, 04:00:07 am
I think I need the link aswell. I think I deleted the message x.x

And ooh lala Paris! I wish to go, to test moi francais of course ^.^ Congrats you two =P
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: wolfgrrl13 on April 05, 2012, 04:04:19 am
Lol no problem.  And I'll PM you the link now.
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on April 05, 2012, 04:10:33 am
Thank you very much Brittany!
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: wolfgrrl13 on April 05, 2012, 04:11:45 am
You're welcome.(:
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Jitters on April 05, 2012, 04:13:39 am
<3 we'll make the best maps ( and couple) in the universe!
Title: Re: Wolves of Stone Fang Valley *Open and Accepting!*
Post by: Kyugima on April 05, 2012, 04:18:31 am
Yes! We shall rule the world with our map making skills and love!