Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Site/Forum Help => Topic started by: Shiro on January 18, 2012, 05:47:28 pm

Title: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: Shiro on January 18, 2012, 05:47:28 pm
This may seem a tad silly, perhaps off-topic [I honestly didn't know where to put this] but I'm sure most of us are aware of have heard of this censorship threat to the web.

So what's that got to do with FeralHeart?

Well simply put what's the chance that US users could be blocked from the game site?
Eventhough we'd likely be able to play ingame after a patch it'd be something along the lines of LolNo.
I'm confident US congress is totally out of their minds but do have trust that they're crazy and if they managed to catch ahold of any types of certain debate threads, etc. within the site they'd eliminate the use of it for us.

Maybe I didn't do my homework through and through reading all the documentations but..I'm sure somewhere along the lines someone else has to have pondered this themselves. :/

Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: Redlinelies on January 18, 2012, 08:27:38 pm
I'm not really sure how it would work out either. Really big sites like Facebook, wikipedia, youtube, will probably will have whatever content they do not like removed and blocked simply because it doesn't state what they want to hear, staying up because they cannot simply take such sources away from the people without causing a "hell" for themselves. Lesser sites that doesn't have the same user base most likely get blocked off completely if they spot some discussions or content taking it too far according to them.

Probably like slowly strangling someone or something.

I'm not sure how this law will work out for those overseas, but I got a feeling that it would start out like nothing, then turn out bigger and bigger. FH site shouldn't be a problem to a start exactly, but what will happen is not easy to tell.

All I can see is the country starting to move backwards instead.
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: Shiro on January 18, 2012, 10:27:58 pm
Yeah I could agree, sorry for the semi-off topic thread here again.
Hopefully FH's unity of nations won't cause problems or 'threats' [Psh. =_=] to our 'happy jolly free nation' and give the 'system' reason to censor it. :/
But yeah..I may suggest to the staff possibly researching the topic just incase so that they can help keep the site free of any type of violation that would mean harm for the site.

Better safe than sorry.
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: Kyugima on January 19, 2012, 01:04:30 am
  I think there might be some affect on the forum. After all, not everyones signatures are exactly copyright free, some are from Tumblr, which is a site that is DEFINATELY going to be affected. So we'll probably lose a lot of signatures XD They'll probably close down image sharing sites too, so we'll lose almost all images too, probably >.>
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: Redlinelies on January 19, 2012, 05:36:51 am
As long as the sites are hosted elsewhere and not in the US they will not be taken down. Possibly blocked for those in the US though..
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: Shiro on January 19, 2012, 04:40:02 pm
Ah yeah Kyu, thank's for that reminder I need to go and save those stray images on my photobucket. xD

But anyway thanks for replying. I guess the only thing to do now is sit, hope, and not freak out. It'll be a blow if it does happen but..Eh nothing we can do other than hope Kov doesn't release another patch anytime soon /IF/ they do pass this stupid law. ._.

BTW Would any mod/admin mind moving this thread to the discussion board later if possible?
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: Zaroque on January 19, 2012, 05:32:30 pm
Good question Shiro, and I agree with the others.
It could have some effect such as lack of members but I am sure (like the others said) they're main goal is to close down the biggest sites (Yahoo, Wikipedia, Google and a lot of other big names).

'tis very silly, people like this are all power seekers, thats why there are so many of them.
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: Shiro on January 19, 2012, 11:45:27 pm
Haha Very true. The US gov is quite controlling. The whole idea to do such a thing to start with is more, give or take, another way of honestly blocking us out from what we want so they can feed us only what they want. Serious power issues for real. xD
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: autumns on January 20, 2012, 01:25:54 am
Yeah I hate them blocking off all this, and if they end up doing anything to this site, I'm gonna get even more upset :'c.
And @Zarogue, You never know if they'll get to here or not. I hope they don't.....
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: Redlinelies on January 20, 2012, 07:41:02 am
Posting this on both threads I've seen about this.

Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: lugailover on January 20, 2012, 03:37:47 pm
Stupid SOPA.

They are dead. I highly doubt anyone stupid enough (No offense) is gonna vote yes.
But I may be wrong.
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: autumns on January 20, 2012, 10:00:02 pm
Hopefully not.... and Thanks for that Red
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: Shadowcloud on January 20, 2012, 11:25:34 pm
First of all Congress should not get involved with the internet.  I also heard that SOPA is a no, but that may be a rumour.
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: wolfgirl56 on January 20, 2012, 11:31:07 pm
Stupid SOPA.

They are dead. I highly doubt anyone stupid enough (No offense) is gonna vote yes.
But I may be wrong.
I fully agree with what Lugai here is saying.
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: Dunstan26 on January 21, 2012, 07:52:56 pm
Tons of people play FH. Over 10,000 I believe (not that many are active xD) but I doubt fh is on any danger in account of SOPA and PIPA. I also doubt SOPA and PIPA will get yeses to deny access to chiwevsitestening websites. :P
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: heartsgirl99 on January 23, 2012, 07:44:47 pm
I heard rumors that sopa and pipa died and acta is born. If those mouse-brained bills pass, how can I share and give avatars to people who request for one and as for a gift? And wiki....well.....it helps us to know about animals, movies and more and without it, we might not know what is what. YouTube is here to share videos, having fun and laughing at the spoofs and all that funny stuff. The u.s.a. Congress is dreaming that he just got ate by a pink fuffly unicorn going down!
Title: Re: [Is US congress a threat to Forum/Game Access?]
Post by: Viinca on January 25, 2012, 06:37:25 pm
Sopa is an anti-piracy bill, which doesn't necessarily affect FH, as in.. the game. I don't think so anyway. But..
It's mainly to "target U.S. websites that aren't knowingly hosting pirated content. This has been a particular concern of bill opponents Facebook, Wikipedia and Twitter, all of which have sites that depend heavily on content uploaded by users."

How can this affect the game, and can it?