Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: Trinityshade on January 28, 2012, 05:25:43 am

Post by: Trinityshade on January 28, 2012, 05:25:43 am

The Tale of the wolves that reside in this valley is not for the weak of heart, but I will share it with you in any case, so perhaps you will understand Why this must be.

       Long ago in the the isolation of the Zura'Theb Valley; far from the Fluorite's furthest shores, lived the largest collection of wolves the world had ever seen. There were many packs, small clans, and off-side tribes that lived together in harmony under one central king that they believed lead them in prosperity. Under the good king's rule the packs were joined as one heart, one mind, one assembled family. Come the day of the death of the king, a new one was to be chosen. The elders of the packs gathered on the moon rise cliffs to discuss the new king. But none could agree on another ruler. Each thought a member of their clan/pack/tribe was more deserving than the next, and war sprouted over who would be the next ruler.

        Years past, and the time of great sorrow past over the valley. It was a time of murder, and deceit. Betrayal, and corruption. Many died, and packs disbanded until there were only three left. The pack, Los'Sernek is the largest however, the least fierce of the three. This pack believes in numbers, and family ties to gain power. The clan, Dem'razek, is the smallest, but believes in corrupting, and scheming to gain power for themselves, it is a broken clan that preys on everyone, and everything, even their own ranks. The tribe Zev'Raina is the most balanced pack, however they are the most savage. They will do whatever they have to in order to achieve their goals.
There is a war boiling underneath, everyone wants power, but which pack will give way to the new king? Join us, and perhaps tip the sclaes in your favor.

Welcome to the Forsaken and Forgotten.
Post by: Trinityshade on January 28, 2012, 05:27:52 am
Please feel free to check out the webside located H E R E (http://forsakenforgotten.webs.com/), for more information, and finer details.

(A more detailed list of ranks can be found on the website)

MAPS: Zura'Theb (Mainland): 50% complete.
Los'Sernek Packland: 25% complete.
Zev'Raina Tribeland: 100% Complete. (Download not yet available)
Dem'Razek Clanland: 0% complete.

Alpha/alphess: Beryl & -- (1/2)
Beta/Betaess: -- & -- (-/2)
Delta/deltaess: -- & -- (-/2)

Leading pair: -- & -- (-/2)
Council: -- & -- (-/2)
Star reader: -- -OR- -- (-/1)

Chief/Chieftess: Fallen & -- (1/2)
Advisors: -- & Jareev (1/2)
Spiritual Leader: -- -OR- --(-/1)
Post by: Trinityshade on January 28, 2012, 07:24:07 pm
Post by: Trinityshade on January 28, 2012, 08:16:26 pm
A P P L I C A T I O N  ! !

To join please fill out this application:
Code: [Select]
Forum Name:
Character Name:
Rank: (detailed list of specific ranks for each pack can be found on the pack website under the  "ranks" section)
History: (Not necessary)
Roleplay Sample: (This should be a spin off from the above entrance scenario. Which path did you choose, what happened afterward? PLEASE be REALISTIC with this)
Extra: (Anything you'd like us to know about you, or your character. Any questions/comments/concerns? Anything that might add to the plot?)

If you wish to apply for a high rank (listed above) be aware that I will be looking for an ACTIVE roleplayer, able to rp at a semi-lit level. I do reserve the right to REJECT any applications I do not see fit.
Post by: xXEmo_CookieXx on January 28, 2012, 09:27:03 pm
Forum Name: xXEmo_CookieXx
Character Name: Jareev
Gender: Male
Age: 4 human years (20 wolf years)
Rank: Council
Appearance: A larger wolf with a scar across his left eye. He is a brown wolf with multicolored (black, white, dark brown) markings and piercing gold eyes.
Personality: Jareev is a strong wolf, a fighter none the less. He is strong willed and will not give up easily, but very, very admiring of the Chief. He seeks not to take her place, but to advise her in her way of ruling the tribe.
History: Jareev was born a fighter, the alpha of his siblings. His pack was a thriving one, only made up of five other members; but fierce as they were. Jareev rose to the top, soon over-throwing his father in the alpha's position. Jareev was a great leader, though when sickness struck the pack the male was terrified and struck with grief. The pack slowly died out, Jareev not able to do anything. He trotted through the land, hoping to find company of any sort, only to be caught in the worst blizzard of his life...
Roleplay Sample: Jareev's heart pounded in his chest, his golden eyes flicking every-which way. Finally, panic stricken, he ran towards the path on the right. His nails picking up the snow, freezing his paw-pads even worse than they already were. He was already breathless as he came across two other wolves. The wolves were large, almost as large as he; and they smelled of testosterone, obviously a fighting pair. Jareev set his ears back as the wolves bared their fangs. "Well well," they spoke, circling him in different directions. "A stray has wandered into our territory," one mocked. Jareev curled his lips into a snarl, his fur fluffing up. "I am no stray!" he barked with authority. The other wolves snickered and snapped at his heels, making Jareev jump in a dancing motion to avoid their jaws. Finally he snapped, clamping his jaws on one of the warrior's hocks and throwing it aside, only to be attacked by the other one. He kept battling, the words of hope pounding in his head. 'If I survive... If I survive...'
Post by: Trinityshade on January 28, 2012, 09:52:53 pm
I appriciate the work put into the bio. Jareev have been ACEEPTED as the Male Advsisor for the Zev'Raina Tribe. Please be sure to check both the site, and this thread for updates. Welcome to the Roleplay ^.^
Post by: xXEmo_CookieXx on January 28, 2012, 11:48:32 pm
Thank you very much. I appreciate your accepting me into the roleplay. I look forward to it.
Post by: Trinityshade on January 30, 2012, 10:59:14 pm
Post by: Trinityshade on February 02, 2012, 10:22:32 pm
Post by: xXEmo_CookieXx on February 03, 2012, 12:40:42 am
Le bump.
Post by: Trinityshade on February 05, 2012, 06:48:42 pm
Post by: Trinityshade on February 07, 2012, 01:12:59 am
Post by: Trinityshade on February 07, 2012, 11:01:40 pm
Post by: xXEmo_CookieXx on February 08, 2012, 12:16:06 am
Well. Un-interest in this group is rather high :\
Post by: Trinityshade on February 11, 2012, 08:12:00 pm
It is unfortunate, and sad, because I actually thought I had a good Idea here :(
ah, well... I'm not giving up on it.
Post by: xXEmo_CookieXx on February 12, 2012, 01:50:31 am
Indeed you did have a good idea, actually. Just.. people prefer to stick to the crowds like a herd of sheep.
Post by: Trinityshade on February 18, 2012, 03:41:09 pm
Post by: Trinityshade on February 20, 2012, 12:58:22 am
Post by: Trinityshade on February 22, 2012, 11:57:23 pm
Post by: Trinityshade on February 27, 2012, 01:48:03 am
Post by: Trinityshade on February 28, 2012, 12:14:28 pm
Post by: Trinityshade on February 29, 2012, 10:47:58 pm
Post by: Trinityshade on March 02, 2012, 12:12:01 am
Post by: xXEmo_CookieXx on March 02, 2012, 12:17:49 am
I am so sorry for my inactiveness. I really am. It is because I have gotten my computer taken away and am currently using my iPod. For this I apologize, and am sorry I did not contact you about this sooner.
Post by: Trinityshade on March 03, 2012, 03:20:13 am
It's completely fine. This thread doesn't have much to look at right now & since my laptop is also currently acting wonky, I w been forced to bring development to a stand still as far as the map goes.

However, I will still be looking for members to join us, and I do appriciate your loyalty, that is something you do not find often, and I can promise you it will not go un-rewarded in The long run.
       -- Trinityshade
Post by: xXEmo_CookieXx on March 03, 2012, 03:55:04 am
Thank you. My loyalty lies wherever I commit myself.
Post by: Trinityshade on March 04, 2012, 05:58:44 am
Post by: Wolf} on March 08, 2012, 12:35:09 am
This looks intersesting:

Forum Name: Wolf}
Character Name:  Jetta (Latin for Jet Black)
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year
Rank: Warrior (if not then Apprentice)

 A almost pure back wolf with bright green eyes, and pure black mane and markings. She also seems very friendly But watch your-self around her!

Jetta may seem like a very kind, caring, sweet and nice wolf. But that's a lie, Jetta is an aggresive wolf, normally she will get to know you a bit, but if she doesnt like you you should run. Jetta can attack at anytime even if she's calm and being nice. She hides most of her feelings and she would rather die then give up to someone else even if she knows she may die. But every once an awhile you may see the true nice side of her.[color/]

Jetta's past isn't something she likes to talk about. She used to have everything she wanted, friends, parents, brothers and sisters, not to mention being next inline for Alpha. She lost it all in an instant when he pack died fighting a rival pack while she was out hunting. She came home to a dying pack and being chased out of a territory that used to be hers.

Roleplay Sample:
She ran as fast as she could but stoped suddenly at 3 paths, a middle, right side, and left side. Quickly she chose the path to the right. A few moments past and Jetta stoped to catch her breath. Suddenly her heard paw steps "Who's there!" she snarled. "What do you think your doing? Being in our territory?!" a voice snapped and 2 wolves came out from hiding. They were hevily mussled, tall, and were probally stronger than Jetta. But why did Jetta care? She had nothing left to lose. "Get out!" the 2 wolves growled, "Make Me!" Jetta yelled showing no fear and with that one wolf charged her, She doged the attack and grabbed the wolf by the sholder and and tossed him as hard as she could. She kept getting attacked by the wolves, growing weak but she couldn't give up. She though of how her pack died and the last words she heard "Never give up, Never"
(Its long, I know my RP lines are a bit shorter though.)

Extra: Rp date time stuff like that cause im on west coast time so...
Post by: Trinityshade on March 09, 2012, 02:32:18 am
Thank you for applying make sure you keep updated by checking tge website.
Currently I should let you kno the maps have been put on HIATUS until I can get my laptop fixed. However, feel free to role play on the forums.
Post by: Wolf} on March 09, 2012, 10:50:42 pm
ok but just to let you know i can only download off Media fire the other sites my computer dosent like i dont know why.
Post by: Trinityshade on March 11, 2012, 10:42:55 pm
That is fine since I only use media fire ^.^
Post by: Wolf} on March 12, 2012, 03:04:10 am
^^ ok good and my parent is driving me crazy! im not even soposed to be on the computer 0.0
Post by: Trinityshade on March 13, 2012, 10:38:47 pm
Post by: Trinityshade on March 14, 2012, 11:22:33 pm
Post by: Wolf} on March 15, 2012, 03:35:18 am
oh hey i have an idea of how you can get more people on the group make a sig for it thats a click or add the link below like the link in my sig.
Post by: Trinityshade on March 16, 2012, 01:09:56 am
That's a pretty good idea. I think I'll take you up ob tht one ^.^

Lemme get busy~
Post by: Wolf} on March 16, 2012, 09:53:46 pm
Post by: Trinityshade on March 18, 2012, 12:46:18 am
Post by: Trinityshade on March 19, 2012, 09:38:12 pm
Post by: Trinityshade on March 21, 2012, 11:00:38 am
Bump bump :P
Post by: Trinityshade on March 24, 2012, 05:27:33 am
Bump again
Post by: Trinityshade on March 26, 2012, 04:22:32 pm
Post by: xXEmo_CookieXx on March 26, 2012, 11:48:02 pm
Post by: ilovewolve on March 26, 2012, 11:55:01 pm
PLease Leon stop spamming
Post by: Jitters on March 27, 2012, 12:03:04 am
Jade, please leave rule enforcement to the MODs. There was no reason for you to be posting in this thread. If you feel a user is breaking the rules then report their post.
Post by: ilovewolve on March 27, 2012, 12:07:44 am
were it says report to moderator?
Post by: Jitters on March 27, 2012, 12:08:23 am
Post by: ilovewolve on March 27, 2012, 12:09:31 am
Ok i did it already
Post by: Trinityshade on March 30, 2012, 02:47:17 am
Post by: Trinityshade on April 03, 2012, 08:44:23 pm
Post by: Trinityshade on April 06, 2012, 03:55:08 am