Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Media => Stories => Topic started by: ~SoulEater~ on February 01, 2012, 07:08:17 pm

Title: Lifeless Age
Post by: ~SoulEater~ on February 01, 2012, 07:08:17 pm
Lifeless Age
"Ah, no. Not one step closer. You may think you are strong enough, heheh... But you need more practice than anyone else." The chilling voice of a large male wolf shattering the silent darkness seemed to be talking to someone else. The night was peaceful, dark and gloomy. Nothing stirred except the two wolves talking amongst eachother.
"You shut up! You may be the Grim Reaper, but you-you don't have the guts to get rid of me, your trusted warrior!" the other wolf protested. Fear raged throughout his voice, and he tried hard to keep it hidden. The Grim Reaper, yes, standing before the unarmed wolf.
The Grim Reaper stared at him with cold eyes. "Oh?" he growled slightly, narrowing his blood red eyes glowing through the holes in the fractured skull he wears on his scarred head. "I don't have the guts? You really are making me laugh, Blade. I don't have a soul, and you think I would horrified, depressed... Guilty...?" he snapped, clenching his teeth as he said the last word. Blade, indeed, was the wolf speaking a word with the Grim Reaper, though, things aren't turning out exactly how he planned. Blade lowered his head and clenched his fangs.
"You-you are a monster, a beast, a savage blood- thirsty demon! And to think I wasted all my life serving you!" Blade snapped, lunging in for an attack. The Grim Reaper dodged in one swift motion.
"You are making a mistake," he smirked as he chomped down on Blade's neck. Blade yelped and twisted his head, trying to get a grip on the Reaper's hindleg. It was useless. There was one other thing he could try. The Grim Reaper and his pack are elemental wolves, meaning poison, darkness, and death. Blade was of a high-skilled darkness wolf.
Blade howled, his shadow moving amongst the ground. In one swift motion, Blade's shadow coiled around the Reaper like a Constrictor, squeezing the life out of him.
"Hahaha! You think that can beat me?!" The Reaper laughed, dropping Blade's body on the hard, rocky floor. Blade coughed as the impact from being dropped knocked the air out of him.
"I-I'm not going to die from you!" Blade cried out, the bite-mark from his neck starting to foam. "What?!" he said with horror as the wound started to spread. The Grim Reaper glared at him, motionless like a statue.
Moments later, a high-pitched yelp pierced the night sky. Blood poured out from the Reaper's cave and down the sides of the rocky outcropping. Blade was nothing more than just bones. The Grim Reaper tossed them out and settled down in a tight spot within his den.


"Oh, should I stop for now? You know what mother always says, I don't want you to have nightmares," a calm voice of an elderly wolf said, speaking to a younger wolf. Perhaps his son? Yes, indeed.
"Aw, Father, but it's almost over isn't it?" the tiny voice rang out, a bit agitated that storytime was now over.
"No, Nitro... It's not almost over. That was only half of the Prologue... But, you are welcome to read this book in the morning," the father said, chuckling. Nitro was his son, of course, and his Father's name was unknown. Nitro's ears flattened at the thought but managed to force himself to say yes.
"Alright Father. Eh, what's the name of the book?" he asked, wanting to know which one it would be for his father had plenty stored in the den.
"Lifeless Age is the name, my son, now get some rest..." His father replied, settling Nitro down for sleep. Nitro smiled, nuzzling his father goodnight and closed his eyes.
"I would do anything, to be in the Lifeless Age, seems fun and filled with action," Nitro whispered to himself as he quietly drifted off to sleep.
