Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Media => Art Gallery => Topic started by: Aliei on February 07, 2012, 12:48:54 am

Title: Ali's Artz \o/ Sketch Requests Open [Livestreaming Offline]
Post by: Aliei on February 07, 2012, 12:48:54 am
Oh hey there.

I don't always draw animals, by the way (I kinda suck with anatomy OTLLLLLLL). It's mostly my people-drawings I'm happier with (ALSO I SUCK AT BACKGROUNDS, YES. THERE ARE NONE HERE. 8D;;; )

I'll add more as they come! Most of these are sketches, or base colours. I actually have no idea where most of my proper stuff is, whoops.

Livestream Channel

Aliei - live streaming video powered by Livestream (http://www.livestream.com/aliei)

I'll just drop these here...

A character of mine called Shyn.

Yep Shyn again. In different clothes though - this was more of a vent sketch. Kinda. Scratchy scratchy sketch.

Just a kitty. c: I didn't bother shading her, though. I can't remember why. Maybe I'll finish it later...

I-I SWEAR I CAN EXPLAIN THIS GUY--! I can't actually remember how he came about. Guess he was just another doodle that I kinda liked. |D;;;
I swear he IS a guy- /shot

Ohey look an actual animal that wasn't half-assed. That background definitely was though /shot.
This is so old man. So old. I need to draw more wolves.

Chibichibichibi. This was a small birthday gift for an artist on deviantART. It's her character. He's a pomeranian. :D

NEW WORK IN PROGRESS. I love Homestuck. This does it no justice, but hopefully it'll look better once it's actually finished, eep.
Sollux is sexy- /shot

If you like what you see, don't be shy. Let me sketch for youuuuuu, my hands itch. <3 If I really like any sketches I draw, I might colour them, I'm not sure. 5 slots for now, might expand if the impossible happens and you guys like them enough.

1. .~.Jeanette.~.

To get a slot, simply fill this handy mini-form out. It's hardly a form, but it's there anyway!

Character: A description (or a reference, if you have one!) of your chosen character. I will draw both humans and animals, so take your pick!
Information: Anything you can tell me about this character. Their personality especially, since this means I can get a good pose that fits them, as well as expressions and the like.
Type: Do you want a headshot, bust, waist-up or full-body? I will also draw chibis, and I will ATTEMPT anthro if you really want me to (I've barely tried it though, be warned!). Specify what type of sketch you'd like.

Thanks for viewing~! <33
Title: Re: Ali's Artz \o/ Sketch Requests Open
Post by: lugailover on February 10, 2012, 07:49:26 pm
  Wow! I love the wolf howling!
Title: Re: Ali's Artz \o/ Sketch Requests Open
Post by: KissAndStab on February 10, 2012, 09:21:30 pm
Is there a certain application that we are needed to fill out? Also, that little Pomeranian is so adorable.
Title: Re: Ali's Artz \o/ Sketch Requests Open
Post by: Aliei on February 18, 2012, 02:44:12 am
Thank you, Lugai!

@Jeanette; I can take a general description, but you're right, I probably should add that in. |D;;; Edited!
Title: Re: Ali's Artz \o/ Sketch Requests Open [Livestreaming Offline]
Post by: KissAndStab on February 18, 2012, 08:02:13 pm
Alrighty then. c: Just one more thing, are you accepting two characters in one drawing?
Title: Re: Ali's Artz \o/ Sketch Requests Open [Livestreaming Offline]
Post by: Aliei on February 19, 2012, 04:09:05 pm
Yeah sure! c: Though it may take longer than it would for just one. Is that okay?
Title: Re: Ali's Artz \o/ Sketch Requests Open [Livestreaming Offline]
Post by: KissAndStab on February 19, 2012, 09:39:56 pm
That's alright. If you don't mind I'll put both characters information in two separate applications.

Character: http://i42BannedImageSite/wum5qe.jpg (http://i42BannedImageSite/wum5qe.jpg) Feel free to mess around with her colours and such.
Information: Kite thinks of Bear as a best friend, maybe even a brother. She senses when he is upset and knows that she should probably leave him to think about somethings, she knows where he's coming from, he usually tells her little bits about his past.
Type: Full-body please.

Character: http://i40BannedImageSite/2wf8ke9.jpg (http://i40BannedImageSite/2wf8ke9.jpg)
Information: Bear is very antisocial, he keeps to himself pretty much all the time. Though sometimes he'll turn slightly sociable when Kite (character above) is around. He actually has a tiny crush on Kite, though he has never told her because he's scared it'll wreck they're friendship.
Type: Full-body.

PS: Kite's information is sort of a fail. :3
Title: Re: Ali's Artz \o/ Sketch Requests Open [Livestreaming Offline]
Post by: KissAndStab on April 26, 2012, 12:36:47 am
-Double-posting- ;-;
May I ask how the drawing is coming along?