Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Member Bio & Journals => Topic started by: Thunders on February 07, 2012, 02:25:04 am

Title: Ash's Tale
Post by: Thunders on February 07, 2012, 02:25:04 am
Alright, so this is my bio... whatever. So, just some general info about me.
 Name: Ashleigh
Character: Ash, short for my IRL name
Alias: Ashe, Ash Ash, LeeLee (don't ask!) and on and on and on and on
Age: 15 and I'm saying this so you can get a general idea of my behavior and thought process... Lol wow
Gender: Female
Location: North Carolina, USA
Currently: Typing this
Music: Geez. If today was your last day, It's my life, Wolf's Rain OST, Naruto OST, Let it rock, I want to rock, Animal I have become, Hero, Narnia battle theme, Requiem for a dream remix, Viva la vida, You cant take me, Wobble (YES), This is war and more
Movies: Racing stripes, Balto, Call of the wild, Eight below, Ice age, Brother bear, Spirit: stallion of the cimarron, Twilight, Batman Begins and more, cant think of them right now
 Books: Twilight, Black beauty, Narnia, Percy Jackson, more
Personality: quirky, smart, sarcastic, quiet, angry... it depends. If I seem random, it is because I am trying to not let all my anger out. Trust me, being random is way better than complaining.
Think that's it.