Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: BigCatsRock! on February 15, 2012, 12:17:04 am

Title: Some Ideas :)
Post by: BigCatsRock! on February 15, 2012, 12:17:04 am
I have a few ideas that you guys might like :)

 1. Maybe being able to have markings on your mane? like if you were like some animal with a multi - colored  mane that was for example a black mane with a white tip. Like the markings could be " Tip, Swirl,Flame,Stripes,spots,Ring, and Stripe.

2. Maybe on the feline model you could add " Cat Tail " to the tails selection? because i have seen a lot of cats out there in public maps... and maybe add " Long Hair Cat Tail " ? because there ARE some long haired cats with short hair tails and it is just odd...

3. more actions? maybe like yawn, bark ( with sound ) ,Meow ( with sound) , hiss ( with sound) Growl ( with sound ) ? :)

4. fighting,health bar, and cure??? like it IT there was fighting and a health bar and cure.... and like if someone attacked you your health would go down a little...and to cure you lay on your back in a pool of water and wait untill red goes away on health bar and turns green and then you use cure. And to attack you right click the screen?

5. A friend search to see if you are friends with someone or not like if u have LOTS of friends and you dont want to croll through THOUSANDS of usernames so there is a little search bar thingy when you type in a username and see if you are friends with them or not... it would say in the chat box either " user found " which means you are friends with this user and " user not found " which means you are not friends with this user.

  DO you like these ideas or not?? :D please post comments and vote how much you like these ideas :)
Title: Re: Some Ideas :)
Post by: feralheartdog on February 15, 2012, 01:58:21 am
Those are great suggestions,but we have wings we just got and updating this type of stuff into the game TAKES TIME! We all (almost all) wanted to fly, have wings. Kovu did hi best and we go them. Kovu has a ife of his own= College,family, and more. His life doesn't revolve around FH.But they are great ideas.
Title: Re: Some Ideas :)
Post by: Crin on February 15, 2012, 02:14:26 am
Well, Kovu is going to be adding hunting, though drops will not be included, so I'm not sure about the health bars and such and such... More realistic actions would be helpful, and I rather do like the yawn action idea. Growl and hiss may be good actions, or perhaps just an emote. I know they may have them already, but perhaps emotes could be... less dramatic. Friend search... I like that idea too. Perhaps not the most useful, but maybe a side project type of thing... Hmm.
Title: Re: Some Ideas :)
Post by: sarabi26 on February 15, 2012, 10:34:39 am
i love 3 and 4 i really hope they add that!!!
Title: Re: Some Ideas :)
Post by: heartsgirl99 on February 15, 2012, 05:13:30 pm
Love the fighting,cure and Heath bar idea.
Title: Re: Some Ideas :)
Post by: BigCatsRock! on February 17, 2012, 01:44:08 am
Thanks guys! i appriciate your support. @Shanith yes, i know Kovu has a life i just thought it would be cool to add more actions so the game would be more realistic and you wouldn't have to RP everything your character does because thats a lot of typing and you will get tired after a while from all the typing :P
Title: Re: Some Ideas :)
Post by: BlackCatTrain on February 18, 2012, 11:35:50 pm
Fighting idea is awsome.......But maybe if your health bar went down so much your screen would just go blakc for 3 seconds, and then YAY your normal!!