Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: angelre on February 20, 2012, 03:52:21 am

Title: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: angelre on February 20, 2012, 03:52:21 am
Ok, I hate when some weirdo starts trolling or stalking me.  I have an idea I want everyone to read.

 Okay, here it goes::

Should we have buttswinging taken out?

Well, I think yes. I don't want anyone buttswinging over my character.
This is a common move that people use to make things gross.
Who likes a troller??

Should we have a chat filter like in Free Realms?
YES!!! I do not want anyone cussing while I am trying to RP.
I do not really like having people cuss and while I can't see anything. >.<

Should we have at least two or three mods per map in FH?
I would say yes.. I don't want anyone do anything to me unless it is in Role Play.

Should we have a spamming thing? Like a limit like this:
If a person says something, shouldn't it have like a 17 second timer before your message can be sent?
I would say  so. I don't like to say something, look up, and someone types so fast that it is gone in 2 seconds.

Well now, I have a question....

Is it okay if someone just lays by you? It isn't really weird.... like what if they are playing as your mom or something?

Can we put in some of the former dance moves from I.T? I really liked them. >.<

Can you like make this group thing where it shows the home of the group?? I don't like having to go to Cape all the time. >.>

Answer please...  ;D
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: xXKitsuneNinjaXx on February 20, 2012, 05:35:10 am
Those seem like some really good ideas C: Unfortunately, I can't do anything about some of these things, but I think they would make the game better. I don't usually use buttswing for anything at all in-game.
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: Kyugima on February 20, 2012, 05:56:56 am
  Getting rid of the buttswing: I use it as a dance move. And personally, I think that it should not be gotten rid of just so people can't use it for "Rape" as there is also one other they use so we would be left with only one dance move, and the game shouldn't have to change to stop people breaking rules, but those that break rules need to go.

  Swear filter: ABSOLUTE NO. We had a swear filter on teh forum, and what good did that do? None. People just assumed it gave them permission to swear. Which it didn't. And once again, people who break rules shouldn't be given a way around them, but wiped out.

Mods in maps: So... you think mods don't go around all the maps? They do spend times in teh maps. The issue is that they have LIVES. They can't be on 24/7, it isn't a job where they have shifts, and places they are forced to go at designated times, because the mods are here to also PLAY THE GAME. And not that many mods can all be on at the same time, they all live in different timezones.

The spam one I don't mind.

Also. Mods and admins don't really have ANY control over what goes in game, KovuLKD does.
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: LunaWolfen on February 20, 2012, 06:30:47 am
I can understand about the spam filter but I don't want buttswing banned. As long as it's used appropriately, it's ok.  :)
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: Jackalfur on February 26, 2012, 10:25:13 pm
I don't think a timer would work, because some people can't type that fast. And I don't really use the buttswing, but many other people use it appropriately. It wouldn't be fair if those people who are innocent couldn't use it anymore. Plus, the swear filter... I mean, I used to play WolfQuest as well as FeralHeart, but WQ is getting rediculous. What I mean is, a swear filter-- yes, it'd be a little nice, but it would probably make people think they have a right to cussing and swearing.
I kind of have to agree with Kyugima. What good would banning the buttswing and placing in filters do? It would probably just make people upset and leave...
I don't want anyone to think of this as offensive... D:

But it wouldn't be fair for the game to change so those people would stop being innapropriate... The best solution is to kick them out, or even ban them.
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: ~Falconflight~ on February 26, 2012, 10:43:03 pm
I agree with almost all of this, except the filter. Free Realms blocks out words that aren't bad, and its very annoying. Other than that good ideas.
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: xXKitsuneNinjaXx on February 26, 2012, 10:56:58 pm
I do agree with mostly everything, I'm sorry if I'm seeming mean, but I'm serious here. I've not met anyone who really uses the buttswing for appropriate reasons-only for video spam and...other things.., also how does a swear filter give people the right to cuss? Actually, the swear filter really isn't that great an idea, I just wanted on the really bad words, but nothing on 'crap' or anything-that's just plain annoying. Honestly, I don't see what's so wrong with cussing, but people find it offensive, so I won't do it if it makes you feel more comfortable. They're just sounds you'll have to deal with sooner or later in your life. Sorry if I'm being offensive, but I can have opinions, can't I? If you a problem, then you should learn to be a bit more accepting of other people. Actually, I think we usually do have mods in maps, because there are quite a few mods, but they're usually just in the background or not on General. I actually am a bit confused by the spamming timer limit thing-I don't think 17 seconds is gonna make much of a difference, and I rarely meet any spammers on here anyways, and if I do, it's their own fault for getting -10 billion karma and being banned.A Also, yes, I know that I've already posted on here, I'm not an idiot, but I just thought I'd explain some of my motives. I was partly being nice as well. I'm typing this fast just because I'm a bit frustrated. I really am sorry if I'm coming off as rude =w=.
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: lugailover on February 28, 2012, 07:30:40 pm
I completely agree with this, but the chat filter? Nupe! I used to be in WolfQuest and the chat is physical TORTURE! Also I never use buttswing in a ''rape'' fashion and about 90% of the people don't either? You should just block/Report/Ban the peson.
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: ~BobCatBoy~ on February 28, 2012, 09:33:45 pm
The swear filter, no the swear filter in WolfQuest it is so annoying. And there should be like 4 or 3 mods in one map because its more better, one mod might find another problem in one map and the other will find another in another map, others i agree.
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: xXKitsuneNinjaXx on February 28, 2012, 10:13:32 pm
The only reason 90 % of the people do not use buttswing inappropriately is because most people do not even use it...I cannot even think of an appropriate reason for buttswing besides looking completely stupid. Only thing anybody ever does that's not quite as bad as using it in a "rape" fashion is video spam movement.
@No one in particular
Also, like I said, swear filters are good, but only to an extent. You should be able to say words like "hell" and "crap," and "ass," (as in a donkey or something), but nothing really bad.
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: Kyugima on February 28, 2012, 10:17:04 pm

Only thing anybody ever does that's not quite as bad as using it in a "rape" fashion is video spam movement.

So, apparently I and others I know don't exist? Because I use it as a dance move, others use it as a dance move too. Just because YOU have never seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just saying.
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: xXKitsuneNinjaXx on February 28, 2012, 10:28:18 pm

So, apparently I and others I know don't exist? Because I use it as a dance move, others use it as a dance move too. Just because YOU have never seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just saying.

True-but couldn't you live without your 'dance move?' Are you saying a small population of people could not give up your dance move for selfish reasons to protect the safety of people? I'm not trying to be mean or anything, just trying to be reasonable here. I'm sorry if it comes across that way, but buttswing really doesn't serve much of a purpose, maybe comedy, a few laughs, but I'm serious on the fact that it really is for the greater good for buttswing to be taken out. I can be honest that I will probably not miss it, maybe for a bit, because I don't really like change that much, but it does good for the safety of everyone. If you don't like what I'm saying, you can always choose just to not to listen. I'm expressing what I think, I'm not trying to be rude. It's not rude to think something different from the person beside you-I really am sorry if it's coming off that way, but it's not the way I mean it.
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: Kyugima on February 28, 2012, 11:30:50 pm
  If we are going to remove ways for people to "rape" people, we would ALSO have to remove the head bang dance move, crouching, sitting, etc. And why should we cater the game for the rule breakers? They obviously have no respect for the rules, and shouldn't be here. Why coddle the fools who can't be sensible and remove things to do when there are already so VERY few things in the game?

  And you seem to be misreading what I am saying. I am NOT saying that because there are people who use the butt swing this isn't a option, I was simply stating that you are WRONG in saying that NO ONE uses it appropriately. And it isn't even a small group of people either, the inappropriate people just outnumber them.

  All in all, you are saying let the rule breakers and trolls stay within the game, and just remove the butt swing so you can feel safe when really, the nasty people who do those things, and WILL find another way, are still in the game? Are we supposed to strip the game down to a point where you can barely do anything other than speak for the sake of your false security?

  I am not trying to start something, it is just that people don't seem to realise that just removing a dance move will not solve ANY issues, just give people a false sense of security, it is not a case of a differing opinion, it is a case of it just won't WORK. It would be like making all blades blunt so murderers won't stab others. Those people will still be walking amongst you though, and will always find another way around it, AND you stop people from using it for the reason it is meant to be used. A solution that solves nothing.
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: xXKitsuneNinjaXx on February 29, 2012, 12:14:15 am
You must give 'trolls and rule-breakers' some incentive to leave. Trolls and rule-breakers will not just leave because you ask them to politely (or firmly for that matter), you cannot supply them with the powers to be rule-breakers, or you are just tempting them to break the rules. Also, I'm not neccessarily saying that you have to absolutely remove buttswing from the game-just that it is not an idea that you should throw away. What you are saying is you are going to supply them with ways to break the rules. Even if you ban them, they still just make another account and continue with evil deeds.

   Also, I'm not saying that no one uses it appropriately-I have never seen someone use it appropriately, which does not, like you said, mean that no one uses it appropriately. I'm all for not punishing all for the crimes of the few, but this is not the case in this situation.

  Also, no it would not be like making blades blunt so murderers wouldn't stab others-I'm trying to take away the blade so they can't use it in the first place.

Also, about the headbang and crouching and sitting-I don't believe you should take away crouching and sitting. The point of taking away buttswing is because no one uses it for appropriate reasons-and since I believe that you should not punish everyone for the deeds of a few, you should not take away crouching and sitting because they are normally used for the intended reasons.

You could do this with the buttswing as well, too, but instead of completely removing it from the game, you can alter both the headbang and buttswing so they do not act so 'inappropriately.' Like I said, I am not making it mandatory for you to take these things away-I'm not making it mandatory for you to do anything at all, I'm just stating what I believe.
For example, you could just make the head bang instead of both the head and posterior. For buttswing-you can turn it into a back-flip or a roll an action such as that.

I understand you're not trying to start something, and I appreciate that because I don't want to get into a full-blown argument over something as silly as keeping in a simple animated dance move. You do not have to argue against me, for I am not trying to force you think as such. You may believe what you like and do what you like with that game, I am stating what I personally believe, so I am not saying you must believe that, and if you would respect that this is my opinion as well I would greatly appreciate it. The only reason I argue back is to avoid mis-communication between two people, and to tell you my own point from my perspective. If you don't want to listen, that's fine-I'm not forcing you to read what I have to say.

Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: Kyugima on February 29, 2012, 12:57:05 am
Even if you ban them, they still just make another account and continue with evil deeds.

All bans are IP bans, make another account and that account will have the exact same ban as the first. the mods are not silly enough to think just banning one account will get rid of these people.

Also, no it would not be like making blades blunt so murderers wouldn't stab others-I'm trying to take away the blade so they can't use it in the first place

It would be the same thing. Take away the knife and they will grab a gun. Take away the butt swing/ modify it and we WILL have to take away the crouch and sit because they'll start using that instead. We take away that and they'll just get in the chat and start making things worse there. Then by the whole idea that removing things fixes everything, we would have to take away the chat.

Why not just get rid of the trolls, rather than in game functions is what I'M saying. Get rid of butt swing and sure, they can't use it any more, but they are still going to be there, breaking the rules. It is a temporary fix that only provides a false sense of security.
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: xXKitsuneNinjaXx on February 29, 2012, 01:23:25 am
Even if you get rid of the trolls more trolls will come-it's an endless cycle of banning people. So I'm trying to help cut down the 'work' (I know it's not work, but there's not really a word for it--cut down having to ban people) so that you don't have to ban as many people and then everyone will be happy because they have game rights. If you weren't listening-still a lot of people would be using the chat besides trolls, and I said you should not punish the many for the deeds of a few-even though this is not the case for the buttswing, it would still be a case for the chat, sit, and crouch because a lot of people would still use them for their intended purpose. Besides, this talk is about getting rid of the buttswing, not sit and crouch, so it would make sense to just ban people if they keep on persisting on breaking the rules-I'm just saying that you should get rid of/modify the buttswing (although I'm not saying you have to-this post is about ideas, so this is my suggestion). Also, many people do troll the chat today, and that's where the swear and spam filter come in. Spam-filter only allows you to type every certain amount of seconds-I never really disagreed with it-just didn't understand it. So even if you are a slow typer-that gives you an advantage since spammers usually just type short-large fonted things.
Like you said, it would only be a partial way to get rid of trolls, but right now it is utterly impossible to completely rid a game of trolls, so you might as well get rid of the troll's 'weapons,' that way they can still play the appropriate way, and know that what they're doing is not acceptable, but not having to be so strict as to ban them. If you drive them off, it's their problem for not being able to use your resources properly.

   Now, I don't want to be arguing with you for days over this, so can't we just make up and accept that we have different opinions on this buttswing matter? I see and respect your opinion/perspective, and I see your point in it, but I would like you to see my perspective as well. You do not have to agree with it, nor do you have to put it into action, I just would like for you to accept it instead of challenge every aspect of it.

   Man...I keep having the urge to say something so me-like I hate arguing and being so serious....
I'll just do my normal rambler trademark thingie. (Kitsune_<-------rambler
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: lucario7727198 on March 02, 2012, 05:54:34 am
The dance moves are fine. Each one is only disgusting when people make it so, and the people who would use it for sexual harassment must be banned. No need to take out the dances; that would just be letting the trolls win.

It would be nice to have even one mod per public map 24/7, but it isn't possible. That's why there's such a thing as taking a screenshot and reporting an offense on the forums.

Having to wait 17 seconds until you post again is really more cumbersome than anything. Sometimes the chat goes fast, but trust me, it's better than having limitations like that. Neopets does it and it's really annoying. It definitely wouldn't work for FH.

A swear filter would be good for sexist, racist, and extremely suggestive curse words, but nothing that isn't too terrible. I'd like to have the freedom to say what I like in private chats with my friends, thank you.

Yes, it's fine if someone lies beside you. That's not suggestive at all.

It would be cool if a group leader could set a home for the whole group. So aside from your character's individual home, you could also click a button on the Group Tab and go to your group's map/roleplaying area/whatever. Is that what you're trying to say?

Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: BlackCatTrain on March 03, 2012, 05:15:43 am
I completly disagree with the filter, Kovu trusts that we dont need it, and some people swear in Roleplay.
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: Ouuka on March 03, 2012, 06:39:59 am
Some really good ideas here, i agree on many, but i dont think butt dance should be taken out, maybe just a way to prevent trollers from raping ppl
Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: Redlinelies on March 09, 2012, 01:42:26 pm
It's true as stated a few posts above, those who are out to troll break the rules will plain out find new ways to do so if they are limited, and it's pretty much how every single place works.

Chat filters wouldn't solve the situation at whole either, and it would just limit the communication between users but also take time to create and implement into the game. This idea is really not the best option.

Most about the mods have been explained already, they work for free and are there to play the game just as much as anyone else. There's simply no way possible to organize a way for mods to take shifts sitting in maps, not allowed to even play the game. The mods that are fairly active do an EXTREMELY good job, and I know that many times their actions are not even noticed by the majority of the users, this is because they are not meant to walk around and chit chat with everyone in mod speak, or warn every single user they see so others can know. They all work silently most of the time, never really get much nice words for it but only complains when they cannot be around, or even when doing their job.

The spam timer thingy is not a completely bad idea, but I believe it would just filter out some of the spamming.

Title: Re: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!
Post by: ~BobCatBoy~ on March 09, 2012, 06:33:03 pm
Erm I'd say only make the buttswing appropiate when the person is doing a good thing like some people make dancelines and use buttswing, and when the person would not use it properly I think the good idea is to make it disapear for that person who used buttswing in a inappropiate way. The swear filter in WolfQuest is annoying and neally made me uninstall it so the swear filter shouldn't be used. Maybe there should be a home for a rp and I really hate it when cape laggs and makes me unisntall the game and install it again so i think that would be a good idea. Spamming less than annoying, more than being banned. Maybe there should be 3/4 MODs in every map in FeralHeart. Maybe KovuLKD should hire some good MODs who dont ban people for no reason like I saw when I used to play another game and it said 'You are banned for 24 hours for bad words' but I just played.