Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Species => Topic started by: Rasiel on February 20, 2012, 05:56:24 pm

Title: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Rasiel on February 20, 2012, 05:56:24 pm

This is the Official My Little Pony group on Feral Heart, a map will be coming soon! :)
You may either apply for a pony or create your own! :) (I am willing to make presets)

Here are the Ponies!

Twilight Sparkle: Open
Rainbow Dash: Taken By Rasiel
Pinkie Pie: Open
Rarity: Open
Fluttershy: ZombieKitteh
Applejack: Open
Princess Celestia: Open
Nightmare Moon: Idiotchosen
Applebloom: Open
Scootaloo: Open
Sweetie Bell:Open
Derpy: Crystal(lol_lions)
The Great and Powerful Trixie: Open
Gilda: Open
Big Macintosh:Open
The Wonderbolts: All are Open

In Game Username:
Pony you are applying for:
Small RP sample:
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: NeonANDKyro on February 20, 2012, 09:51:57 pm
Pffft coolio, I guess I'll join with my ponysona xP xD

In Game Username: NeonANDKyro

Pony you are applying for: Not applying, I'm joining as my Ponysona :P her name beh Neon Lighty (If I'm able to join, can you possibly make a preset for Neon Lighty? If yes I'll send chu a PM for a pic of her)

Small RP sample: A turquoise mare with a pink and cream mane and a rainbow tail sadly trotted alone through Ponyville, trying desperately to ignore the gasps of fear and murmurs of insults that only spoke about her prosthetic wings. 'Dear Celestia, how long am I able to put up with this treatment?!' the mare thought to herself, shutting her eyes tightly before opening them again. 'Even DERPY gets treated better than me.... and she's wall-eyed...' Her train of thought was interrupted when she bumped into something, or someone. "Huh?" The mare's neon lime eyes darted up only to greet confused sunny orange ones. "O-oh I'm sorry!" She apologized immediately,  retreating backwards towards a water fountain. Not waiting for a response, she darted off, ignoring everything around her. The only thing she heard last were pleads calling from the distance, telling her to stop. "Neon Lighty! Wait, stop!"
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Rasiel on February 21, 2012, 03:21:11 am
Your pony sounds great ^^ and yes I can make a preset for you, just post the pic on here cuz the PM is down
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: xShadex on February 26, 2012, 05:39:42 am
Dang! I wanted Rainbow Dash! >:O I guess I'll have to make my own ponysona then! Will post later with new ponysona! :D
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Rasiel on February 26, 2012, 06:05:17 am
Okie (:
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: NeonANDKyro on February 27, 2012, 12:51:35 am
Oh yeah! I almost forgot the link to my charrie's pic :3 here it is:
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/358/5/2/neon_lighty__adult_young__by_kiarathefox-d4k50jl.png (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/358/5/2/neon_lighty__adult_young__by_kiarathefox-d4k50jl.png)
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/337/5/2/omg_ish_my_lil___poneh__d_by_kiarathefox-d4i3xg8.png (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/337/5/2/omg_ish_my_lil___poneh__d_by_kiarathefox-d4i3xg8.png)

Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: sixflagz on February 27, 2012, 01:15:47 am
I would like to apply. :3

In Game Username: petfans

Pony you are applying for: My ponysona, Paintdrop. Pic: (without wings, She's just a unicorn now)http://www.iaza.com/work/120227C/iaza11796333267100.png (http://www.iaza.com/work/120227C/iaza11796333267100.png)

Small RP sample: A young, pure white unicorn walked through a forest with many decaying trees, and dead leaves beneath her hooves. As she trotted through the woods, hoots of owls and cracks of twigs were heard all around. Almost no living thing lived in the forest but flies, crows, the odd owl, and worms. PaintDrop was lost, and she had been lost for days. PaintDrop had been kicked out of her old home. She had been traveling for a new home, but luck never came until now. She looked up as she saw light gleaming through the shadows. She planted her hoofs on the ground to start dashing to the light. What she found was a gift, a new place for her. That place was Ponyville.

I know, long RP sample. xD
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Rasiel on February 27, 2012, 01:20:31 am
I'll get on your preset as soon as I finish the map

and welcome to the group V~ :)
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: iScarclaw on February 28, 2012, 12:18:38 am
In Game Username: Nightmare Moon
Pony you are applying for: Nightmare Moon
Small RP sample: The dark mare watched in silence from the shadows of her ruined castle, glass littered the ground from the former decorated windows, letting in the soothing light of the moon that was once her prison. She stared with contemplating eyes at the rather spacious and empty room where she had been snapped back to her senses. The goddess wondered what she would have done had she won and kicked a small pebble with her hoof.

Why was she going to attack her own sister anyway? Yeah, she had sealed Luna on the moon for a thousand years, but in the end it seemed to have done her some good. With a snort, she trotted up to where she stood before her ultimate defeat by the Elements of Harmony, and sat down on her haunches, staring off into her thoughts.

"Its nice to see that there's some ponies who do appreciate the night sky, maybe I was being too rash?" Nightmare Moon asked herself, changing back to Luna in the progress. They did celebrate Nightmare Night, and after the misunderstandings were set aside, it was all very entertaining in the end. She'd have to practice talking again...why DID she start talking like that anyway? Now that she thought about it, it was awkward.

Ah, my my, did she have plenty to work on!...Wait, why hadn't Celestia told her, anyway!? "I assume....its a way to teach me a lesson." she murmured with a heavily embarrassed sigh.

Here's a picture, she's unused by the way:

Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Rasiel on February 28, 2012, 01:03:00 am
Your perfect for nightmare moon! (:
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: iScarclaw on February 28, 2012, 04:08:02 am
Your perfect for nightmare moon! (:

0//w//0 Why thank you!
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Thebaltofan123 on February 29, 2012, 02:00:57 pm
In Game Username:Lionkinglover123
Pony you are applying for:Applebloom
Small RP sample:Applebloom walked around ponyville.She looked at her flank relzing all the ponies had cutie marks she feeled like she'll never get but if she keeped trying she'll get it.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: sixflagz on February 29, 2012, 08:49:47 pm
I actualy decided to change PaintDrop to a unicorn. So don't include the winmgs in the preset. xDD
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Rasiel on February 29, 2012, 10:33:31 pm
Okie dokie (:
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: lol_lions on March 01, 2012, 08:58:11 am
Heres my application.

In Game Username: lol_lions

Pony you are applying for: Derpy Hooves, Because shes...Well....Derpy.

Small RP sample: The Wall-Eyed Pegasus was bouncing around in the air, Not caring about anything going on around her. She fluttered about, Landing to focus her Eyes onto a small ladybug. One eye watched it crawl away, The other staying in the same place. She giggled a bit, following it. Eventually, She fell over a root, Losing track of the ladybug. She frowned sadly, And got up, Shaking herself off.

Picture, because hey, Everybody loves pictures!
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Rasiel on March 01, 2012, 12:47:49 pm
Great sample and Picture! (: I'll put you in as Derpy On the first post
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Thebaltofan123 on March 05, 2012, 09:27:28 pm
In Game Username:Lionkinglover123
Pony you are applying for:Applebloom
Small RP sample:Applebloom walked around town with scootaloo and sweetie bell " Ugg we are never going to get are cutie marks! What? Hold on guys" She saw a pony having a hard time arts and crafting " What's wrong? Oh i see you cant art and craft well my talnet is arts and crafting! I could help!" She spended i lot of time arting and she was done " There you go m'am bye!" She looked at her flank and got her cutie mark "YES YES! Well better show it!". Sorry i have no pic FH isnt working for me......Her cutie mark is a hammer with a green stripe and a apple on it........My rping is dumb but thanks bye!
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Thebaltofan123 on March 05, 2012, 09:28:27 pm
Oh my username is thebaltofan123 sorry for that P:
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: ZombieKitteh on March 06, 2012, 11:07:46 am
Seems someone beat me to the idea. *Already had meshes comissioned for the MLP houses* x')

In Game Username: ZombieKitteh
Pony you are applying for: Fluttershy
Small RP sample:

The pale yellow pegasus wandered through the park. Soft pink mane bounced slightly behind her as she went. It was a nice day, Fluttershy liked that. With a smile she trotted towards her favorite tree to relax under. Something caught her eye in a nearby bush though. A brown, fuzzy creature squeaked in the bush and she went over to investigate. "O-oh my.." The mare frowned noticing the small chimpmunk was huddled in a ball shivering. "Here you go, you poor thing.. Fluttershy will fix you right up." Cooing the words gently she leaned down picking up the small creature and headed back towards her cottege.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Rasiel on March 07, 2012, 02:30:54 am
You've got the part for fluttershy :D
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: ZombieKitteh on March 07, 2012, 09:02:29 pm
Wewt :3
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Shadow Raikou on March 16, 2012, 01:17:51 pm
I guess I will apply, I had a MLP group I led as Derpy, but it died, so I am willing to join again. I want to apply both for Pinkie Pie and Discord. I have a OC Discord's brother, but I am applying as Discord... Although I can make a Discord, if you can make a preset for me I will be really happy!

In Game Username: Shadow Raikou
Pony you are applying for: Pinkie Pie
Small RP sample: Pinkie Pie was packing the cupcakes into the basket, all the while thinking how she is going to reach Fluttershy's cottage in all this rain. When she finished packing, she sighed and opened the door.

The cold wind rushed in along with some leaves, making Pinkie's hair messier than before.

"Well that was a little uncalled for!" Pinkie said to herself, happy of her new look. She went outside, rain colliding with her body. She closed the door, a hard task to do, fighting the wind. Then a blast of thunder shook the sky, leaving Pinkie's eyes open. "It would be safer to wait out the storm." Pinkie said, giggling to herself. She opened the door, as the wind pushed her flying into the bakery. As she struggled to close the door, Gummy went flying out into the storm. "Oh no!"


In Game Username: Shadow Raikou
Pony you are applying for: Discord
Small RP sample: Discord gazed at the oncoming traffic of ponies around the garden, all the while drinking chocolate milk in his mind. He watched the sunset's orange rays shine upon him, it was actually nice in there. He could do anything without getting tampered by the elements. The only thing bad is how he got turned into stone, or to be exact, his expression when he got turned into stone. He watched as normal pegasus ponies left the garden as first class Canterlot unicorns casually came into the garden for another formal party. Then he glanced at a pony. Isn't that... Fancypants again? Oh come on, his parties are the worst! Worst of the worst ponies come and follow his commands. Even Celestia isn't this boring. I sure hope that pink pony and the blue one throw a party here. I still remember the one on the purple one's birthday. Again, Fancypants was there too, but he was acting better with those six.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: claw123 on March 16, 2012, 01:55:20 pm
Can i be Rarity?? I will make a char to mach her ...
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: sparklydog on March 17, 2012, 12:43:52 am
I'll be the princess. :D
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: NeonANDKyro on March 17, 2012, 04:40:14 am
If you guys want to be those charriez.... u guna havta fill a application :P 1 page yo. And your gunna havta be able to download presets and maps (That is, if there still is a map Taylor xD)
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Rasiel on March 17, 2012, 04:02:37 pm
Thank you NeonANDKyro, Are you wanting to be both pinkie pie and discord? Your fit for both of them ^-^
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Shadow Raikou on March 18, 2012, 05:59:27 am
Well yeah, but I definitely want to be Pinkie. I cannot create presets, so a Discord preset is far beyond my reach... your wish xD When and where do we RP?
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Rasiel on March 18, 2012, 01:41:47 pm
we will start the RP when the map is finished :) I will put you down as Pinkie though :)
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Dragony on March 25, 2012, 03:02:21 pm
In Game Username: Dragony
Pony you are applying for: Big Macintosh
Small RP sample: Mac looked at his sister, and shaked his head. "If yah' ask me, that just dosent add up" he said, ready for an irritated ansver. But suprisingly, he didnt get any ansver at all. The stallion sighed as he trotted away from the farm. He deserved a break. He heard Applejack scream after him, but he ignored it. It was time to, for once, rest abit.  When he entered Ponyville,  noone seemed to care about him. Big Macintosh continued a bit more, now simply walking. When he stayed up, he started thinking. How long had he been gone?! He started to run back. *No resting fo' me* he thought. When he ran through Ponyville, the sky was dark. He continued, a bit tired.(No more ideas what to write ;; )
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: BlackVortex on March 25, 2012, 05:30:12 pm
In Game Username: BlackVortex
Pony you are applying for: The Great And Powerful Trixie
Small RP sample: Trixie walked down the path away from Ponyville. " All Trixie had, wrecked!" She flipped her mane. A peace of paper flew out. It was an autograph she had given to Snails. ''Nothing worth keeping.''she muttered, leaving it laying on the ground. A couple of ponys passing by looked and started laughing. ''Trixie must be getting close to Phillydelpha.'' she thought. Then stopped ''The great and powerful Trixie is no one to be laughed at!'' she squealed. changing at the 2 mares, she yelled,''Trixie should not be made angry!'' Using the last of her smoke spells, the same one she had used in her Ponyville escape.
She turned  around laughing, the smoke hiding her, and galloped of towards cantorlot, to put on another show.  
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: blackhayateFMA on March 28, 2012, 03:27:36 am
My little Pony..Cuteness or so my sister would say. xD
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: NeonANDKyro on March 30, 2012, 07:38:12 pm
-eyetwitch- Fullmetal Alchemist. FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST. FULLMETAL ALCHEMIIIISSTTT -glomps and dies from epicness-
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: happygrl1908 on April 01, 2012, 09:17:17 pm
In Game Username: happygrl1908

Pony you are applying for: Sweetiebell (I think I could play her without a preset xD)

Small RP sample: -the little, white filly sighed as she looked, glumly at her blank flank. It was if it were mocking her. She then stamped her front hoof on the ground and looked at both Scootaloo and Applebloom- "Girls, we have to keep trying to find our true talents! C'mon, we have some cutie marks to earn!"
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: happygrl1908 on April 01, 2012, 09:37:12 pm
I tried making a Sweetie Bell an it didn't turn out as good as I thought. Is this acceptable? If not, could you please make a preset? This wouldn't be bad if at least the main could be bi-color lol

Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: happygrl1908 on April 01, 2012, 11:53:43 pm
*mane* sorry >.<
Title: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart Form- Sungazer
Post by: Spirittai1 on April 05, 2012, 04:35:03 am
Sungazer, The friendly, drive-you-crazy, pinkie pie kind of pony. XD

In Game Username: Spirittai1

Pony you are applying for: My very own pony; Sungazer. :D

Small RP sample: I wish that every-pony knew how I felt when no-pony came to my birthday. They always go to my sisters party, Pinkie Pie.

A pic of her! ;D
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Shadow Raikou on April 05, 2012, 10:38:19 am
We still don't have a map.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: WhysoSerious? on April 07, 2012, 08:27:12 am
Removed. My sister shall stay out of my account.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: baltowolflover on April 22, 2012, 02:23:14 am
I'll like to join im baltowolflover my pony is twlight sparkle please let me join! whisper me! Ps: yes im a girl i love mlp :)
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: NeonANDKyro on April 23, 2012, 12:53:02 am
Balto, if you want to join the rp, please make the application on page 1.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: baltowolflover on April 26, 2012, 05:14:58 am
can i join? im twlight sparkle whisper baltowolflover heres my picture of her: file:///C:/FeralHeart/screenshots/screenshot_04252012_221113612.png
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: baltowolflover on April 26, 2012, 05:17:30 am
~xX My pony took me 10 min's to make i love my little pony :3 if the link doesnt work here: file:///C:/FeralHeart/screenshots/screenshot_04252012_221113612.png    hope you like it. Xx~
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Jitters on April 26, 2012, 05:22:29 am

Please do not spam this thread. You have been asked to fill out the application on the first page, which you have not, and on top of that you're double posting the same thing, you can edit your posts by clicking "Modify" in the top right hand corner of the post.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: blacksoulscars on April 28, 2012, 03:46:11 pm
In Game Username:Blacksoulscars/soulwolf999
Pony you are applying for:my own ponyosna (or however chu speell ett) Princess Soul
Small RP sample: The purple alicorn troted around the castle boredly, holding a glass of milk with her magic as she looked over her to-do list for today she repated outloud "wash comforters,  make sure that..." she cut her self off takking a sip of milk before contenuing "the.." she was cut off by hoofsteps heading twoard her " what? she asked the pony, turning twoard before letting out a gasp... (end of sample)
http://umbreonlover777.deviantart.com/art/Princess-Soul-298876002 (http://umbreonlover777.deviantart.com/art/Princess-Soul-298876002)
 P.s can you make me a preset of her? thanks
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: dragonegg on April 28, 2012, 06:20:43 pm
Can I Be Princess Celestia my user name is dragonegg tell me if i can be her ok?
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: NeonANDKyro on April 29, 2012, 03:54:24 pm
Dina, if you wish to join the rp, you must fill out the application on page 1 and post it in another post here.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: dragonegg on April 29, 2012, 11:58:43 pm
Oh ok
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: dragonegg on April 30, 2012, 12:01:24 am
In Game Username: dragonegg
Wants To Be: Princess Celestia
Rp Sample: (from my little pony royal wedding part 2)  "quick! You Must Get To The Elements Of Harmony, and Defeat The Queen!"
Ps: it was the queen Of The Changling
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: CrowDrake on May 01, 2012, 12:45:27 am
i'm going to make my own ponysona i just need to think real quick, i'll post the results after homeschool
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: dragonegg on May 01, 2012, 12:47:43 am
wait better rp sample:  As She walked down the hallway in the palace she noticed a small shadow in the corner of her eye she turned around and saw nothing then she continued walks and she saw it again and when she turned around she gasped then fell to the ground onto her side....
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: dragonegg on May 01, 2012, 12:48:13 am
sorry for my few typos
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: CrowDrake on May 02, 2012, 05:40:27 pm
i finally figured it out!

in game username: horses120

pony you are applying for: my ponysona Blossom

small RP sample: As the pegasus walked silently staring at her hooves, she mumbled questions to herself like. "Why am i so different?" or "Will i find a home?" well, the second question was answered because she had just found Ponyville.

p.s.: i don't know how to put in pics
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: cutekawaiikoneko on May 02, 2012, 07:35:31 pm
In Game Username: Cutekawaiikoneko
Pony you are applying for: AppleJack
Small RP sample:
The orange pony with the blonde mane was just finishing her long hard days work. She was tired from bucking apple trees all day and needed a rest and a nice hot bath. Just as she was walking in to her home, Big mac stopped her, and reminded her that today was yet another party Pinkie was throwing, and the the pink party pony had come by that afternoon to deliver a reminder notice. If it was anything like the invite? She better wait until after she opens the reminder to take a shower.

:3 I has a screenshot of my Aj if you want/need to see her
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: ShadowSwiftclaw on May 08, 2012, 11:24:00 am
Awesome if this is still going:


In Game Username: ShadowSwiftclaw

My Pony: Night Surfer
Image: http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k536/princekenai86/hiResPony1.png (http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k536/princekenai86/hiResPony1.png)

Small RP sample:
The young Pegasus flew through the air headed towards Pony-ville where he hoped he could meet the group of friends that he had heard so much about, his name was Night Surfer and he had come from Canter-lot where the pony known as Twilight Sparkle had come from; He had heard a lot about her too, mainly because she always sent letters to the princess telling her what she and her friends had learned and seen. Night was blue with a green and blue mane and tail of which he was very proud of as it showed people that he was one with Night, well he hoped that was true; On his front left leg, he wore a blue watch of which he rarely checked the time on it and mainly wore because it added to his handsomeness.  This day Night had decided to visit Pony-ville not only to meet Twilight Sparkle and her friends but because she had never been there before, and wanted to see what it looked like, the sun was just coming up and so knew that everyone would be waking up at this time and getting ready to go to work on the farm or in the library; Whom should he visit first?
He want desperately to see Rainbow Dash as he had a huge crush on her but wanted to make that time last so decided he would visit Twilight Sparkle first, landing at the library he approached the door and knocked softly and waited patiently for her to open the door, and absentminded he looked at his watch which was of course not working as he never really used it.

((Could you make me a preset based on his picture?)) Thanks!!
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: copper4me on May 08, 2012, 03:23:33 pm
hmm I'd love to join. tho Princess Cadence isnt up there tho Can I play her? ^^' I will make a app if so.

In Game Username: Copper4me
Pony you are applying for: Princess Cadence (She is in the newest MLP episode so she may be easy to find ^^)
Small RP sample: Cadence walked down the streets. The wind blowing through her mane. She walked out into a field then looked around. She started galloping happily and Gracefully. She was happy to be in a field. There were so many flowers she smelled them and picked a few.

(this is just if you will accept Princess Cadence '^^')
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: meeeea on May 08, 2012, 03:44:48 pm
Woot :D
In Game Username: meeeea
Pony Your Applying For: My Ponysona: Minty Heart - Desc. Pic: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/284/c/6/mlp___lyra_by_joehellser-d4ckfh2.jpg (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/284/c/6/mlp___lyra_by_joehellser-d4ckfh2.jpg)
Small RP Sample: The small turquoise mare trotted down the street, sighing frequently as she passed Rarity, then came galloping back to her in a flash. "Te-teeee-tell me that my dress is ready!" Minty gasped, hopping from one hoof to another, her horn glowing eerie blue in frustration. "Of course I made it! Duh," Rarity replied, trotting into her house to get her beautiful baby blue dress. "EEK!" Minty screamed and grabbed the dress and ran galloping to her fancy house. "Thanks Rarity, bye Rarity!" She screamed, running through other ponys and bumping into them.
Extra: Minty is a professional singer, and rich.    YAY :D
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: VioletCyrodiil on May 08, 2012, 10:45:28 pm
In Game Username: IrishDixieGirl
Pony you are applying for: My ponysona, Dust Devil (or Dusty)
Descrption: Green body, black mane and tail, tornado swirl cutie mark, brown eyes
Small RP sample: She galloped down the road,  trying to reach Ponyville in time for the play that was showing that ngiht. "Ah can't miss this one." She said to herself "Not like I did last time!"
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: alexterri on May 09, 2012, 10:30:44 pm
pinkie pie(even thoughe she creeps me out)
rp sample   pinkie pie bounced up to rainbow dash and tighlight sparkle hi how are you  doing she said happlely i am making a pie do you want to help me she asked her eyes filled with  happness
etd        oh waitim sorry  i cant downloed maps lol
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: jifferson on July 07, 2012, 08:28:40 pm
i would like to apply for GILDA.

user name is JANGO123
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: jifferson on July 07, 2012, 08:37:16 pm
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: jifferson on July 07, 2012, 08:37:59 pm
and  think that was a good idea kovu
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: jifferson on July 07, 2012, 08:54:19 pm
kovu i think you shold make a gremlins rp
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Nukascar1 on August 12, 2012, 12:17:03 pm
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: NeonANDKyro on August 13, 2012, 03:32:01 pm
Hey, uh, Taylor? Is the map taking a REALLY long time to make? o_o or did u just loose motivation for the time being?
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: agata69 on September 18, 2012, 12:05:41 am
are you still making them?if so can you make me a pony preset please?
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Fabi on September 21, 2012, 04:32:11 am
In Game Username:FluffyArt
Pony you are applying for:My own Pony
Small RP sample: A Silver pegasus whit golden hooves fly in the blue sky, lookin for something to do: "I'm bored", She said laying in a cloud, her father get married whit an other mare, Fluffy never trust her but no one wants to listen her, after being called liar from his own family, she decide to left her home, in the search of adventures, and trying to find a new home "I don't know if i will find a..." she get interrupt, in a flash a Big rainbow apeard in front of her "Wow, what was that?" she follow the rainbow, to find a blue pegasus teaching a group of kids "This place is awesome!" She exclaime with a smile on her face "I think that i found a place to live" Fluff end up in PonyVille.
This is FluffyArt; file:///C:/Users/Rafel%20Vega/Desktop/Artistas/FluffyArt%20New%20air%20copia.jpg
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Elz-bellz on October 03, 2012, 02:51:26 pm
In game username: Elz-bellz

Pony I am applying for: Princess Celestia

Small roleplay sample: *Celestia looks at Rainbow Dash* "Whats wrong Rainbow?" She said putting her head to one side. Rainbow Dash did not answer. Princess Celestia knew something was wrong, Rainbow Dash was normally a happy and chatty pony. *Celestia backed off and walked away, looking back at Rainbow, she could see in the ponys eyes that something was horribly wrong.*
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: dukey101 on October 21, 2012, 11:31:52 pm
well i would kinda like to see what they would look like before i would want to apply  ;D ;D ;D :P :)
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: BlackVortex on October 22, 2012, 01:06:37 am
Please ignore my post... :P
I don't really want to be in this RP. No offence.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: meeeea on October 22, 2012, 02:04:47 pm
I think Taylor just left the RP sitting around. So, ignore my post. Sorry.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: JulietTheWolf on November 07, 2012, 01:27:50 pm
Can i take the place of Twilight or Celestia please? :3
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: bramblewing on November 22, 2012, 01:46:58 am
Oh, could I be TwilightSparkle?
My username is bramblewing
Here's my RP sample.
As Twilight Sparkle opened up the old, dusty book, she breathed in. Her most favorite smell in the world was the smell of a book, whether old or new, leather or parchment. She closed her eyes, dreaming of the adventures this book could take her on. Suddenly, Twilight was woken from her daydreams. "Twilight! Rarity wants you. She's near the apple orchard, and she thinks she found something new. It's a type of flower, and it looks odd." Spike breathed heavily, panting. Seeing her hesitation, Spike added, "Now. She wants your opinion." Twilight sighed. She knew that Rarity would have seen a flower, thought it was beautiful, and declared it new and rare. But Twilight also knew that if she didn't go, Rarity would work up a fit. "Fine," she mumbled, snapping the book shut. "I'll go. But I get to read afterward, OK?" Shaking her mane, she followed Spike out the library door.

Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Tenturo on December 13, 2012, 09:32:37 pm
In Game Username: woofkita
Pony Applying For: Rarity
RP Sample:  She gleamed as her hair flounced by her side.  She smiled, trotting out into Ponyville.  She crossed the streets at the market area, going to visit Fluttershy.  She wondered if she was home, even. She slowed infront of Flutteryshy's place, making sure her mane was perfectly fine.  She smilled, and tapped on the entrance door with her front hoof.  A little rabbit opened the door, pointing to the sign.  It read: "Out in the meadows. -Fluttershy." She sighed, nodding at the rabbit, then trotted out to the meadow, hoping to find Fluttershy out there.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: PoisonGirl on December 17, 2012, 06:23:20 pm
aww can I join too with my pony? >:D
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: PoisonGirl on December 17, 2012, 06:24:49 pm
can i have my own name or do i need to have one of them?
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Smilodoncat on December 17, 2012, 09:57:02 pm
I know he's not on your list, but could I be Discord? I have a preset.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: ritat on December 25, 2012, 01:48:23 pm
I am going to be applejack
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: meeeea on December 25, 2012, 03:21:47 pm
I believe Taylor dumped the whole group, so, I don't think you need to post applications any further.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: bramblewing on January 21, 2013, 02:56:00 am
I hope not. I would love to be in a MLP RP...as Twilight. And if the RP is disbanded, why doesn't anyone tell us? I would like to be told, not left waiting for a response. I might just make my own MLP RP.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Wizardmymom on January 27, 2013, 02:18:23 pm
In Game Username: Wizardmymom
Pony you are applying for: Thunder Dance (Custom)
Small RP sample: Thunder Dance flew through the clouds before landing on one. She nudged her way to the softest part before falling down on her side. She had spend the whole day racing her sister, and her wings ached. To top it off, she had to go cloud-busting in a few minutes.

I haven't taken a pic yet, but she's a dark blue (a bit darker the RD) with lighter blue stipes. Cutie mark is a storm cloud with a normal lightning bolt on it.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Wizardmymom on January 27, 2013, 02:18:59 pm
-Just noticed post above- AWW DARN IT.
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Lukas245 on February 05, 2013, 01:32:17 am
I'll be one ill be soarin or however you spell it XD  username:Lukas245
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: amyrose500 on March 08, 2013, 12:00:33 am
Hello, I wanna join as my own pony I need a preset for her.

In Game Username: Amyrose500
Pony you are applying for: Princess Hellestia
Small RP sample: Hellestia grinned as she looked over the strapped down ponies in her basement. This princess was evil yes, but it was in a good way. She kept populations down. She walked over to Pinkamena and grinned, "I've been waiting a long time for this." She said and got out a knife with her alicorn magic and started to disect her. After a few moments, she drew the knife into her heart.

Sorry for crappy rp. No muse. Anyways look over here for pictures of my char. www.askprincesshellestia.tumblr.com (http://www.askprincesshellestia.tumblr.com)
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: AssassinPegasus on May 12, 2013, 01:07:59 pm
I'd love to join as gilda...of corse im working on the preset now im a little stuck at the wings thei always show up white :I
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: TacoLover101 on June 01, 2013, 10:09:22 pm
i could be King Sombra but my preset WON'T LET ME EXPORT IT!!! D:<
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Spiritwolf223 on July 09, 2013, 06:31:29 pm
Ooh! I am interested! X3
In Game Username: Spiritwolf223
Pony you are applying for: PinkiePie
Small RP sample:
The pink mare hopped in the air squealing in excitement. "Ooh! Do you know what this means? A party!!!" PinkiePie giggled, and bounded over to cupcake corner getting her party cannon starting to decorate, baking yummy treats, gathering candy. Delicious scents of sweet treats oozed out of Cupcake Corner, attracting ponies all around the block.

Character picture: I'm working on a preset of Pinkie Pie... So coming soon! ^^
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: AssassinPegasus on July 10, 2013, 12:47:08 pm
i think all this is gone D:
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: icessloveslps on July 20, 2013, 12:03:00 pm
I dunno why everyones saying its gone but can somebody PLEASE make a MLP RP Map I NEED one >_<?
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Spiritwolf223 on July 20, 2013, 04:05:55 pm
I would make a MLP map but I cannot find meshes for it
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: AssassinPegasus on July 28, 2013, 10:26:02 am
i cud too...but im lazy to make meshes AND i cant find any :C
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Spiritwolf223 on July 28, 2013, 07:25:48 pm
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: meeeea on July 29, 2013, 02:46:13 pm
I would like a mod to lock this thread as it is (seems) abandoned and I don't think Taylor will bring it back to life. Also, if you would like to request a map, request it on the right board. :3
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: halfnhalf on August 16, 2013, 06:07:39 pm
In Game Username: halfnhalf
Pony you are applying for: Thistle Whistle (Older Gen 3 pony Gen 4-ized)
Small RP sample: Thistle Whistle darted back and forth between the clouds. She increased speed, bursting through a white puff with an audible swish. Swooping downward, the pegasus flapped her wings, pressing hard against the violent wind. She neared the ground, sand and rocks coming at her at full speed.

Then, just before she crashed, Thistle pulled up, cutting a sharp turn. She let a loud whistle escape her lips, and twirled in the air triumphantly. Giving her signature pipe, she blew her bangs out of her eyes. Thistle fluttered a moment longer, then settled again on the firm ground.

"Beat THAT, Rainbow Dash!"
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: starthewolf445 on August 19, 2013, 01:33:19 am
P O N I E S :D
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Feareh on August 19, 2013, 02:25:25 am
 Good lord its like this My Little Pony thing literally fallows me everywhere.
Also just a note if this trend was made back on 2012 and the original poster hasn't been replying then chances are that this RP thing is closed/done with.

I would like a mod to lock this thread as it is (seems) abandoned and I don't think Taylor will bring it back to life. Also, if you would like to request a map, request it on the right board. :3
Yus as this stated if this trend is done and over with then perhaps a staff member would more likely close it, since this is kind of a old trend and this doesn't need to be brought up anymore For further questions that don't really pertain to the actual RP group but about this map thingy some post have been talking about, then I would do some digging around in the "Feral Heart Creations" section as it has ALOT of stuff there. Perhaps a unused MLP map is in there you ya'll to frolic in

http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&board=21.0 (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&board=21.0)
Title: Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
Post by: Plava82 on August 28, 2013, 09:45:01 pm
Is this still active?