Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Member Bio & Journals => Topic started by: WelcomeToMyWorld on February 04, 2011, 10:29:44 pm

Title: You better run, 'cause Andee Sixx just entered the room <3
Post by: WelcomeToMyWorld on February 04, 2011, 10:29:44 pm
Yo peoples B)
I'm just gonna give a quick synopsis of myself. (the important shiz)
I will never give my real name because I despise it. I will always be Andee Sixx.
I have named myself this after the amazing and beautiful Andy Sixx of Black Veil Brides.
I would be nothing without him, and he means the world to me. 'Nuff said.
I'm emo, bisexual (bismexy), and proud. Don't like it? You can suck it <3
I have an amazing boyfriend, his name is Gabriel. I feel like the luckiest girl alive being able to have him. He's so amazing <3
I'm a very profound person, and a daydreamer. I live in my own fantasy world.
Get on my good side and I'm an extremely loyal friend. Get on my bad side and all hell breaks loose.
I adore music. I'm a singer/songwriter.
I also love to read, write, and draw.
I'm an otaku. <3333333
I have 3 pet rats and 1 snake.
I love rpgs!
So I'll be on here a lot.
I can't wait to make new frands :3

P.S.- That pic over there <--- is moi  
Title: Re: You better run, 'cause Andee Sixx just entered the room <3
Post by: GemWolf on February 05, 2011, 12:24:03 am
 Welcome to FH!~  Lol. For a second when I read the quote under your avatar I thought it was mine.. xD  Well, hope that you enjoy it here!
Title: Re: You better run, 'cause Andee Sixx just entered the room <3
Post by: WelcomeToMyWorld on February 05, 2011, 04:14:56 pm
Thank yewwww :3
Title: Re: You better run, 'cause Andee Sixx just entered the room <3
Post by: Avani on February 05, 2011, 04:19:41 pm
Welcome ;3
Hope we can be friends ^.^
Title: Re: You better run, 'cause Andee Sixx just entered the room <3
Post by: WelcomeToMyWorld on February 05, 2011, 07:23:27 pm
Fo shizzle <3
Title: Re: You better run, 'cause Andee Sixx just entered the room <3
Post by: SacuraShadow on April 20, 2011, 04:56:13 pm
Awesome Andy is beautiful and without him I wouldn't be living.. I have him and his music to thank for that. ^^ I'll have to meet ya sometime!