Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: mersulla on March 02, 2012, 08:59:24 am

Post by: mersulla on March 02, 2012, 08:59:24 am


Welcome ~ !

ResurgereLuna ~Trailer~ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QakM4ouVOmo#ws)

The RP is called Resurgere Luna, a.k.a; The moon's rise. This RP is about animals, who live in Japanese forest called Midori Forest. Me and my friends have been making this RP very long. But, as we all know, every RP needs members ! The reason why im taking members from the forum, is that we dont have map yet. The map is WIP, but dont worry, we will have map soon. First, you need to know the rules, right ?[/size]


1. Do not make too much drama at once. For example, your character cant die with out good reason. Once you start, you cant die immediatly.

2. Your character CANT have any kind of superpowers, or wings. This RP is character side semi/realistic.

3. Your character has to be realistic. Your wolf can have items on, if those aint un-realistic.

4. Useless mating is not allowed.

5. Do not beg to get as god, we have only 2 gods, and no one else can be god. After god there will be pack leaders, and there is only 3 of those. But dont forget, you can get as pack leader, but NOT as god.

6. Remember to listen and obey the staff.

7. Follow these rules !

About species:

1.What species you can be:
Ok, so this is very simple question. We take every feline and canine species, but NOT cats or dogs. We take just wild animals to this RP. Feel free to make wild dog, if you need to. But please, not kitties.
2. Can the felines kill canines ? Or otherways ?
Yes. If the reason is something like: ''Mm, food'' then no. But please, your canine/feline cant get insane and kill everyone, that would be just stupid. If your character got's killed, you can always make new one. But i take ONLY 1 character from each user.

Simple rules ? I know right.

Then the rank list. As you already noticed, there will be some pack ranks. I quess you wanna hear them ?

Rank's :

From most highest rank to most lover rank.

1. Gods - Gods are in wolf-form, and they can speak to other gods if its necessary. (We already have 2 gods, so the god places are not open, and will never be open to members. Sorry guys.)

2. Leaders -  Pack leaders lead the pack like kings and queens. (Every member can get to leader, when they are ready for that)

3. Warriors - Warriors protect the pack with their life. Only males can be warriors, unless, if some female is very strong [Rarely]. (Every member can get to warrior)

4. Guardians - Protect the pack/pride with their life, and also provide important messages.

5. Healer - Pack healer heals every damaged wolf, physically and mentally. Only a female can be healer. No options. (Every member can get as a healer. But once we have one, we cant take other one. Only one healer please.)

6. Young ones - Pups/cubs and teens who are not yet prepared to fight for the pack/pride. (Everyone can be on this rank. Actually, if you cant find a rank for you, choose this one, please)

7. Old ones - Very old ones, who are not ready to fight for the pack/pride anymore. (Everyone.)

8. Loners - Ones who dont belong into the pack/pride. These are the canines/felines who usually just travel alone. (Everyone. Only 2 loners, please).


Rank abilities and items :

Gods - Gods rule the whole forest, and change the weather for good. They can command others, and have any kind of items.

Leaders - Leaders can rule everyone under gods. These are same as pack leaders always, but under gods. Leaders can have any items they want (Only 2 items)

Warriors - Warriors are on the same spot as healer. Warriors can set commands to everyone under them, but not to healer. Warriors can have 1 weapon item.

Healer -  Healer usually commands no one. She's usually just the one who commands just herself, but takes commands from everyone. Healer cannot have items, unless you found something realistic for the healer.

Young ones - Pups/cubs and teens cannot command anyone. Tiny ones cant have items, teens can have something little. Just ask from me first [mersulla] ..

 Old ones - These old canines/felines dont usually command anyone. For now, it seems that they look a little bit after the young ones.Old ones cannot have item, no options.

Loners - Loners have no rights to command anyone in the pack/pride, cause they dont belong in there. Loners have only rights to command other loners. These ones cannot have items, unless you found something realistic for them.

About the transformation:
Your character can transform into other animal. It can be everything, but not like: Phoenix's, Dragons, Monster's .. Anything like that. As a RP transformation example[You dont need to write yours into your app, this is just an example to the RP]:
Male wolf looked up to the sky and felt the blowing wind in his fur. He knew that he didnt have time for anything like this, but he stepped a tiny careful step to long grass, and his soft fur changed into a beautiful green feathers. Suddenly there was a green sparrow standing on the rock.
Btw, as a leader you can have 3 transformation forms [Canine/Feline, *animal*, *animal*] , as a god you can have them all, but not those what i told. As any other, you can have only 2 forms (If you choose the loner rank, you can have 2-3 forms, but not them all..) [Canine/Feline, *animal*].

Then, finally. The applications !

Application form:


In-Game Username:

Character Name:

Character Species:

Character Gender:

Character Rank:


Character Biography: (What about your characters personality ?)

Roleplay Sample: (Regular RP sample ! Remember that this RP is literate!)

Please reply the form to this topic, then i accept them !


Map Download: www.mediafire.com/?s6rvg3kso0oqaep (http://www.mediafire.com/?s6rvg3kso0oqaep) [MAP IS MADE BY CLOUDFISH !]
Tetsu's Items: www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=17047.0 (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=17047.0)
Hamilton's mass markings: www.mediafire.com/?a9k5fsrg21i8vfq (http://www.mediafire.com/?a9k5fsrg21i8vfq)

PICTURES OF THE MAP (Map made by CloudFish) ! :







Welcome to Resurgere Luna !
Title: Re: *~Resurgere Luna~*
Post by: mersulla on March 02, 2012, 12:13:35 pm

[Screenshot taked from CloudFish's map]

In-Game Username: mersulla

Character Name: Kanari

Character Gender: F/M/Other=Other

Character Rank: God

Character Biography: Kanari is the most kindest creature of the world. Kanari protects the pack from everything bad.

Roleplay Sample: White wolf stretched his back and yawned. He narrowed his eyes from a shining sun. Rays of the sun came out from a small hole in the cave's roof, just into his eyes. It was very strange to see sun so early morning, cause Kanari didn't raise the sun, because he just woke up. Who did it ? With steady step's he walked to the pack. He tilted his heavy head, when he saw how the other wolves still slept. He walked out from the cave and raised his head, then he saw something horrible. [The RP sample doesnt have to be that long, just a normal RP sample.]
Title: Re: *OPEN&ACCEPTING**~Resurgere Luna~*[Leader ranks are now open]
Post by: mersulla on March 06, 2012, 04:23:11 pm
Needing members badly, so i open the leader ranks.
Title: Re: *OPEN&ACCEPTING**~Resurgere Luna~*[Leader ranks are now open]
Post by: wolfgirl56 on March 07, 2012, 12:32:08 am
(Might join soon)
Title: Re: *OPEN&ACCEPTING**~Resurgere Luna~*[Leader ranks are now open]
Post by: mersulla on March 07, 2012, 03:07:00 am
(Might join soon)
Okies, take your time ~
Title: Re: ?WOLF RP?**OPEN&ACCEPTING**?Resurgere Luna?*[Transformation]
Post by: mersulla on March 09, 2012, 04:29:31 pm
Title: Re: ?CANINE AND FELINE RP?**OPEN&ACCEPTING**?Resurgere Luna?*[Leader Ranks: Open]
Post by: mersulla on March 10, 2012, 07:28:34 pm
*Felines added
Title: Re: ?CANINE AND FELINE RP?**OPEN&ACCEPTING**?Resurgere Luna?*[Leader Ranks: Open]
Post by: mersulla on March 12, 2012, 08:03:15 pm
*Edit. Once again
Title: Re: ?CANINE AND FELINE RP?*OPEN&ACCEPTING*?Resurgere Luna?[Preset's for everyone]
Post by: mersulla on March 14, 2012, 07:01:46 am
Title: Re: ?CANINE AND FELINE RP?*OPEN&ACCEPTING*?Resurgere Luna?[Preset's for everyone]
Post by: CloudFish on March 21, 2012, 07:52:01 pm
Running around the map as Hazard has been fun, I've actually roleplayed alone in the map. Means I might join. I'll probably wait till you advertise in-game though.
Post by: mersulla on March 30, 2012, 06:27:04 pm
./EDIT ~
Post by: Swift on April 02, 2012, 01:24:28 am
I would like to join as a leader if possible c: