Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: Mewzic on March 09, 2012, 12:33:26 am

Title: Just A Few Ideas... ?
Post by: Mewzic on March 09, 2012, 12:33:26 am
Alright, so I was just thinking about a few cool things FH should add in their next patch/update! :D

- Snarl Action
- Growl Action
- Tail Wag Action
- Ear Flick Action
- Sneeze/Snort Action
- Eye Twitch Action
- Pawing The Ground Action
- Chase Tail Action
- Carry A Pup/Player Action
- Yawn Action
- Paw Flick Action
- A Saunter/Stroll-like Action with fancy foot work.
- "Advertising" Chat Section
- A Village Map [Like A Main FH (Not One You Have To Download) Map That Isn't To Laggy]
- Prey Animals/More Interesting Meshes
Title: Re: Just A Few Ideas... ?
Post by: heartsgirl99 on March 09, 2012, 01:04:22 am
I love the ideas but there is one problem...... Most of these ideas were already suggested (taken) by other members. you can make meshs by using a program like blender.

Also, the creator of feralheart (I forgot his name, sorry, it's kovuLK right?) is adding hunting and prey.
Title: Re: Just A Few Ideas... ?
Post by: Mewzic on March 09, 2012, 01:31:19 am
That's nice, as I said, I just thought of some stuff I thought would be pretty good and just typed it up! And yes, I know meshes and such can be made with Blender and all of that but, I'd like to see some more meshes in the Main FH maps! ;D Thanks for posting though.