Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Media => Stories => Topic started by: BlackCatTrain on March 16, 2012, 02:06:57 am

Post by: BlackCatTrain on March 16, 2012, 02:06:57 am
A really messed up Black Cat fanfiction......

Train licked his lips and rummaged through the fridge for something to eat. He hadn't eaten anything the whole day, and he was STARVING. An Enchilade in the back of the fridge caught his eye.

Train strutted into the living room and sat down on the couch to enjoy his meal. "Mmmm.....Not bad." Sven walked in the room and glanced at Train, then he froze. "What are you eating?" Train stuffed large chunks into his mouth. "Enchilada"

Sven held up a quivering finger. "Train......That was Crazy Steve's Enchilada." Train froze, letting his jaw drop, Food spilled out onto the plate. "WHAT!"

Crazy Steve walked inside. "Hey, have you guys seen my Enchilada? I can't fin-" he stopped to stare at Train. Train's eyes widened in horror as he gently set the plate down. "S-Steve......this isn't what it looks like"

"YOU ATE MY ENCHILADA! YOU ATE MY ENCHILADA! YOU ATE MY ENCHIL ADAAAAAAAAAA!" Crazy Steve grabbed the baseball bat in the corner of the room and started  to beat Train over and over with it. Train started to cry an he fell to the floor under the blows. "I'm soory! Please stop! I'M SORRY!"


In a few short seconds, Train was beaten black and blue and unconscous, Eve walked in, paused, and rolled her eyes, "I'll call the ambulance"
Title: Re: YOU ATE MY ENCHILADA! (WARNING! Its not srs)
Post by: .::Silver::. on April 22, 2012, 12:29:28 am
This is a short story but it's funny, I love the baseball beating part XD