Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Species => Topic started by: Skywolf on February 06, 2011, 03:25:25 pm

Title: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on February 06, 2011, 03:25:25 pm
Rock Island Wolves
Water loving, friendly canines from the Rock Islands that want you to join them!
RIW=Rock Island Wolf

History: The Rock Island Wolves' native country is called the Rock Islands. Sadly, intruders into their home forced everyone out into the rest of the world. Since then, the intruders have left. There may be a mass migration back to the Rock Islands in the near future...

Habits: All RIWs  are excellent fishermen.  (or fisherwolves) They absolutely love the water, and most can't live without it. Besides providing them with food, water provides a place to relax. RIWs often lay in shallow water and lie there for hours at a time. Sometimes, the RIWs will hunt fish together like dolphins. Their bright colors often scare fish, which they use to their advantage. They can also blow bubbles out of their noses to make a bubble net, although it expends their air supply faster. RIWs can hold their breath underwater for nearly 15 minutes. All RIWs are excellent swimmers.

Habitat: Anywhere with water and fish...

Body Appearance: Rock Island Wolves are built for aquatic life. They have very small cheeks and small ears to limit resistance. Also, they have large, furry tails that help to push them through the water. Their ears are folded so when they swim forward less water gets in. They are usually thin and light, but a few here and there might have eaten too much...
The first step of creation looks similar to this:

http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RockIslandWolfBody.jpg (http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RockIslandWolfBody.jpg)

Size: They are smallish size canines. (default size when in the creator, although some are longer, taller, or wider than others. Some also can be shorter or thinner.)

Pelt: The color of a RIW is determined by the color of it's markings. There are 7 colors possible:
Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple/Pink, Teal, and Gray. This color affects the color of everything else except the eyes and nose. The eyes and around eyes are all the same color, but can be any color imaginable. The nose is also any color imaginable, but is usually different from the eyes and markings. The eyes and nose are used to distinguish individuals from one another. The colors of the eyes and nose are also not affected by the parents.
Like I said before, almost everything is affected by the color of the markings. The markings are a rather dark version of the color. The pelt is usually a much lighter version of the markings. Some RIWs' pelts are almost the same color as the markings, but this is very rare among the species. Also, the pelt can never be the same color or darker than the markings. For males, the mane is a color between the markings and pelt. The tailtip is the same color as the markings (doesn't apply to Color hybrids).

Family Life: RIWs tend to behave a lot like humans when it comes to family life. Typically, a family consists simply of a mated pair and their offspring. They are friendly towards other families; playing together, eating together, relaxing together, hunting together, and maybe even sleeping together a few nights. Two families will rarely stay together more than a week at any given time, though, and most meeting last only a day.

RIWs tend to live to be about 7 years old. Some live to be 10 years old, and a select few can live to 15 years old!

Breeding/Pup Life: After meeting much like humans tend to do, a new couple will wander together for quite a while. They usually meet their each other's family and friends and get to know them during this time. When they do settle down and start a family, the gestation is usually anywhere between 5-6 months depending on how many pups the female is carrying. Litters typically have 2-5 pups in them, though 1-7 pups is not unheard of. When the day of birth finally comes, the family finds a burrow in which the female can give birth. The pups are small, never more than 10 inches, and usually smaller. They are born blind, deaf, and naked. The mother and father take turns caring for the pups and going out to fish. The pups grow rapidly during this time. The pups don't emerge from the den until about 2 weeks of age, and by this time they can see, hear, and walk. Their fur is also completely grown. Over the next year or so they grow much more slowly.
The parents take great care of their pups, nurturing them, playing with them, and teaching them to fish and swim. Pups are usually quite playful, and most learn the necessary skills quickly. By the time they are one year old, they are ready to live on their own, but rarely do at this age. Pups tend to not leave their families until they find a mate. Pups finish becoming fertile at around age 1 year 1 month and are ready to mate then. Once they do leave to start a new family, they usually stay in contact with their parents, and spend time with them sometimes. RIWs value family very highly, and will usually stick to families of other RIWs. However, RIWs in clans and packs not of their species is not unheard of.

Hybrids: There are two types of hybrids, Color hybrids, and species hybrids. Species hybrids are your typical hybrids between species, but Color hybrids are different.
Color hybrids are basically hybrids between colors (No kidding!). Lets say a Red male mated with a Yellow female and had two pups. The pups would not be orange, but either red or yellow. The difference between a pure RIW and a Color hybrid RIW is the fact the hybrid's tailtip doesn't match it's markings. Say the first pup is red. It would be totally red except for it's tailtip, which would be yellow. It's dominant color is red, and it's recessive is yellow. Now, lets say this pup grows up and mates with another hybrid. This hybrid is Blue dominant and gray recessive. When they mate, each pup gets only one color from each parent, and only one of the two is dominant. So when two totally different hybrids mate, there is a 25% chance of each color being dominant in the pup.
Did that make sense? If you have any questions about Hybrids or anything else feel free to ask!

Here are some examples:
http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RIWHyrbridCropped.jpg (http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RIWHyrbridCropped.jpg)
http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RIWHybridExample2Cropped.jpg (http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RIWHybridExample2Cropped.jpg)

How to make one:
Body: See above picture link
Tail: Thin Tail
Mane: Backwards Mohawk
Ears: Folded ears
Tufts: Back Mane
Eyes: Normal
Body Markings: Dorsal Stripe
Head Markings: None
Tail Markings: Anything that doesn't cover the tailtip and doesn't take up the majority of the tail. I prefer you use Celtic. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

Tail: Thin Tail
Mane: Maneless
Ears: Folded ears
Tufts: Tuftless
Eyes: Normal
Body Markings: Dorsal Stripe
Head Markings: None
Tail Markings: Anything that doesn't cover the tailtip and doesn't take up the majority of the tail. I prefer you use Celtic. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

Pelt:Same as Markings, but quite a bit lighter.
Underfur: Always White
Eyes:Any Color
Above Eyes: Same as Eyes
Below Eyes: Same as Eyes
Nose:Any Color
Mane:Any Color between the Pelt and Markings.
Markings: 150 of one of the available colors. [Colors: Red (150 R), Green (150 G), Blue (150 Blue), Yellow (150 R, 150 G), Purple/Pink, (150 R, 150 B) Teal, (150 G, 150 B) and Gray(150 all)]

Some examples are as follows:
http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RockIslandWolfFemale1Cropped%20copy.jpg (http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RockIslandWolfFemale1Cropped%20copy.jpg)
http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RockIslandWolfFemale2Cropped.jpg (http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RockIslandWolfFemale2Cropped.jpg)
http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RockIslandWolfFemale3Cropped.jpg (http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RockIslandWolfFemale3Cropped.jpg)
http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RockIslandWolfMale1Cropped.jpg (http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RockIslandWolfMale1Cropped.jpg)
And One above

Want to make one? Fill out and Post this application, and I will add you to the list. However, filling out this application is not a requirement to play your character. In other words, don't wait for me to accept your application before you start playing your character. I will use the information in the application to keep track of who's who in the population of Rock Island Wolves. I know that it looks a lot like a group application, but this is not a clan/pride/pack.

Family: (List names and how they are related)
Misc. Stuff: (Things like name meaning, history, or anything else you want to include)

Species Member List:

Name:Sucephas (sue-keff-us)
Age:1 year, 3 months
Family: None
Personality:Adventurous, strong-willed, caring, curious
Misc. Stuff: His name literally means: "water rock."
Username: Skywolf

Picture: (http://i53BannedImageSite/wcbzo3.png)
Name: Aqua
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year 2 months
Family: None
Personality: She's shy and normally barely talks unless she's talking about something she feels comfortable talking about or finds humorous. She also tends to pry at things a little to much and most of the time she gets people angry with her.
Misc. Stuff: Nothing really other than she's like the emo one of the bunch I guess, just minus the cutting xD (words of the original author. She did not mean to offend anyone.)
Username: BrokenAngel09

Picture: None yet
Name: Aquamarine
Gender: Female
Age:1.5 years
Family: None
Personality: Adventurous, outgoing, persistent
Misc. Stuff: None
Username: ur_my_muse

Picture: None
Age:2-4 weeks
Family:None that is known about
Personality:She likes to be with others. She also tends to hang out at cape a lot.
Misc. Stuff:name means:ocean, which means:lots of water

Picture: None, but is Teal colored
Name: Itsasoa
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year and 2 months
Family: None
Personality: She is very friendly. She can get very ill-tempered at times, but most of the times she can be very outgoing and caring.
Misc. Stuff: Name means "Sea"

Picture: (http://image.blingee.com/images19/content/output/000/000/000/79e/778823676_1470141.gif)
Age:2 years
Family: Unknown
Personality: Kind, nice, caring but sometimes a little snappy
Misc. Stuff:
History: He was abandoned. Sadly, he grew up alone, but survived. He was always kind no matter how bad it got, but he knew the he always had a bad side. (he's snappy)
Username: Wolf

Feb. 6: Rock Island Wolves Thread created and culture finished!
Feb. 6: Sucephas (Skywolf) added!
June 3: Aquamarine (ur_my_muse) added!
January 6: Aqua (BrokenAngel9) added!
Jan. 6: Sea (eeveestan) added!
Jan. 6: Itsasoa (JellyBeanzz) added!
Jan. 14: Blade (Wolf) added!

Map: None, in planning stage (If you would like to help, feel free to ask)

If you make a Rock Island Wolf, please come back here for updates and news.

Thread pretty much done, you can post now!
Note: You can make multiple characters of this species, just make sure you can handle them!
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: ur_my_muse on March 27, 2011, 01:26:29 pm
Picture: (Sorry I don't know how to do this but I will gladly meet you in game)
Name: Aquamarine
Gender: Female
Age:1.5 years
Family: None
Personality: Adventurous, outgoing, persistent
Username: ur_my_muse
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on June 03, 2011, 09:28:59 pm
Thank you for your interest, I appreciate it. I will add you immediately.
Sorry about the fact it took a while to respond.

When would you be available to meet up? I tend to have a lot of free time, so most times in the afternoon are good for me.
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: ur_my_muse on June 11, 2011, 04:35:16 pm
Sure, I'll meet with you. When do you want to meet?
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on June 11, 2011, 08:21:10 pm
I've sent you a friend request in-game. Like I said, I have a lot of free time, so we can meet whenever it's convenient for you.

EDIT: Actually, we have another option. If you answer these questions, I can create your character in my game. I can then take and upload a picture without us having to meet in-game.

1. Is your character's body close to the average RIW? If not, how is it different?
This is an average RIW:
http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RockIslandWolfBody.jpg (http://egvb.home.comcast.net/~egvb/RockIslandWolfBody.jpg)

2. What color is your character? (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Teal, Purple/Pink, or Gray?)

3. Is your character a Color Hybrid? If so, what color is your tailtip?

4.What color are your character's eyes?

5.What color is your character's nose?

6. Is there any specific way you want your character posed for the picture?

I promise to delete my version of your character once I'm done with the picture.

Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: BrokenAngel09 on July 28, 2011, 05:21:04 am
Picture: (http://i53BannedImageSite/wcbzo3.png)
Name: Aqua  (Real creative right? x3)
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year 2 months
Family: No one(I'm all alone)
Personality: She's shy and normally barely talks unless she's talking about something she feels comfortable talking about or finds humorous(is that spelled right?) She also tends to pry at things a little to much and most of the time she gets people angry with her.
Misc. Stuff: Nothing really other than she's like the emo one of the bunch I guess, just minus the cutting xD
Username: BrokenAngel09
By the way about the emo thing I've got nothing against them so I don't mean that in an offensive way.
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: eeveeh on August 15, 2011, 04:14:18 pm
age:2-4 weeks ((wow shes yound 8D))
family:i dont know
persona:likes to be wit others she tends to hang out at cape alot
misc.stuff:name means:ocean witch means:lots of water ((i think 8P))
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: JellyBeanzz on August 16, 2011, 02:52:48 pm
Picture: Srry couldnt get a pic in D: (she is basically teal coloured :P)
Name: Itsasoa
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year and 2 months
Family: none :(
Personality: She is very friendly she can get very ill-tempered at times but most of the times she can be very outgoing and caring.
Misc. Stuff: Name means "Sea"
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on January 06, 2012, 09:46:32 pm
Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't been on for a long, long time. I suppose I got frustrated with technical problems and never came back.

Anyway, I've added all the applications since I left.

Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Wolf} on January 14, 2012, 10:02:16 pm
Picture: How da heck do i get pictures up on this thing! o.O Tell me im going mad not being able to do it o.O
Age:2 years
Family: Unknown
Personality: Kind, nice, caring but sometimes a little snapy
Misc. Stuff:
History: He was abandoned sadly, he grew up alone but survived and he always was kind no matter how bad it was but he knew the he always had a bad side (he's snapy)
Username: Wolf}
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on January 15, 2012, 02:40:09 am

To put a picture up the way I do, you need a Comcast account, Paint (program accessible through the "Start" menu), Photoshop (optional), and, of course, FeralHeart.

1. In the game, choose a pose you want (or just take a picture while in the character creator) and press the print screen button. On my keyboard, it's a small key in the upper right-hand corner between F12 and the windows button that looks like this:
 Sys Req
Press that, and in the chat box, it should say "Screenshot Saved," or something very similar to that.

2. Open up Paint. Once your there, go to Edit, and then press paste. The screenshot should be there.

From here you can do one of two things:
3. If you have Photoshop, you can save it  (I usually save it as a Bitmap file, or bmp at this point. You should probably save it as the same file type you will use in step 3, for simplicity purposes), open Photoshop, and load it there. You can then crop it (cut out the extra background around your wolf) and save it. (I usually save it as a JPEG file at this point, but you should use whatever file format works for you. Some things are simply habit for me, like saving a screenshot as two different file types)

Or, if you don't have Photoshop you can crop it directly in Paint, although it will be harder than in Photoshop that has a separate crop tool. To crop a photo in Paint, you need to click the "Select" tool, right above the paint bucket (aka, "Fill with Color" tool.). You then drag a box around only the background above your wolf in the picture. You then right click inside the box and press "cut," this will delete the area inside the box. Repeat three times more times until there is no extra background area around your wolf.

4. Go to Comcast.net (typing in the Google box and clicking the first link works). Make an account on Comcast, and go to "Account" and then "Users and Settings" from the home page. Under "High-Speed Internet" I think there is an option to enable/disable Personal web pages. (Honestly, I've had my Comcast account for as long as I can remember, so I don't remember this part from my own experience) Once it's on, there should be a question mark beside "Personal Web Pages." Click that, and copy and paste the link (publish.comcast.net) into the address box.

5. You should see a page that says "comcast.net Personal Web Pages" at the top, tabs labeled "Home," "Pages," "Photos," Blogs," "Widgets," and "Files" in bold letters, and a yellow box with a woman and boy on the computer labeled "Quick Tasks." Once your there, go to the "Veiw and Manage Files" tab near the top of the page. Next, go to "Upload Files" under the "Navigate Your Website" title on the left side of the screen.

6. Next, under "Choose Files" header there should be some boxes you can type in, with a "Browse" button to their immediate right. Click that, find your picture, and open it. It should be in the box after you have opened it. Next, click "Upload." If it has successfully uploaded your picture, it should say so in a green bar at the top of the screen. "Click on "View and Manage Files" again, and it should be listed in the box in the middle of the screen.

7. Click on the name of your screenshot (It should be in blue). A little screen should open up with a bunch of options. Look for a little red triangle with and exclamation mark inside. To the immediate right, should be a blue link thing that says "Make File Public." Click that. It should take you back to the list of files. It should now say in
the right-most column under "Public?" "Yes" in green.

Next, you need to get the URL for your website. To do that, right click the "Home" tab in the upper left-hand part of the screen, and click "Open Link in New Tab." A new tab should open up at the very top of the screen that should be the home page for the Personal Webpage Service, the page with the yellow box and the boy with the woman on the computer. Within that yellow box, click "View my Site." Once your on the "Coming Soon" page that is your site, click the tab that has the list of files. Once your there, click on the name of your file again. At the bottom of the little screen is the file-name of your picture, after "As Filename." Copy what's in that box, go back to your webpage, and paste it after what's already in the adress box. Make sure you do not paste over ANYTHING already in the address box. Press enter, and you should see your picture, ready to be put in an application or on a thread.

At this point, you have two options:

Simply copy and paste what's in the address bar into where you type your posts, and it will appear as a link.
OR Above the very first smiley in the place you type your posts, there is a small button that when you hover over it, will say "Inserit Image." Click on that, and copy and paste your picture address between the "img" and the "/img." This will let the actual screenshot become visable in your post, instead of as a link.

Phew, that was a lot, and I hope it helped you. I know it looks like a long and complicated process, but once you get the hang of it you can do it in about 5 minutes. If you confused about something, feel free to ask. If for whatever reason this doesn't work for you, you can either look for another tutorial, or we can meet up in game and I can upload a picture for you.
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Wolf} on January 15, 2012, 04:49:55 pm
My computer wont let Me!! O.O i dont like my computer Ok well thats a lie but its driving me crazy *sreams* o.O
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on January 15, 2012, 06:18:04 pm
Could you say a little more than just "My computer won't let me?" What exactly is your computer not letting you do, as in what step are you stuck on? I might be able to help you if you describe your problem in greater detail.
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Wolf} on January 16, 2012, 12:27:12 am
It says File is too big but its smaller than the max
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on January 16, 2012, 01:25:23 am
What step are you on?
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Wolf} on January 16, 2012, 01:29:57 am
I just sixed it smaller than the max and tried to post my dad helped me
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on January 16, 2012, 01:37:48 am
What? Your on step 6?

Not meaning to be rude, but could you use proper spelling and grammar? It would make this process much easier.

If you are actually on step six, what percentage of your Total Disk does it say your using? Look to the immediate right of "View and Manage Files"
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Wolf} on January 16, 2012, 04:03:51 pm
Oh sorry about the spelling i miss that sometimes and ill get my dad to help me and read the steps over but over all he looks like yours.
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on January 26, 2012, 11:04:41 pm
Wolf, I've seen you post picture links before in other threads. Just give me the link to the picture and I can work with it.
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Wolf} on January 27, 2012, 12:34:59 am
ok here:
http://blingee.com/blingee/view/127844707-Blade (http://blingee.com/blingee/view/127844707-Blade)
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on January 27, 2012, 01:03:58 am
Thanks, I think I can find a way to make this work.

You might see odd things on this post while I play around with it.

EDIT: Got it! By the way, to post a picture, paste the link in the white box where you type your post. (It has to be alone in a white window, like this:
http://image.blingee.com/images19/content/output/000/000/000/79e/778823676_1470141.gif (http://image.blingee.com/images19/content/output/000/000/000/79e/778823676_1470141.gif) )

Then highlight it, and above the first smiley is a button that when you hover your mouse over it it says: "Insert Image."
[=img=] Link Here [=/img=] (without the = signs)
Click that, and it should insert [img=], and [/img=] (without the = sign) before and after the link. Click preveiw, and if you did it right, the picture should show up.

Also, the markings on your wolf look too bright. It might be the lighting, but are you sure you colored your character correctly? Since your wolf is blue, your markings should be 150 Blue, 0 Red, and 0 Green.
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Wolf} on January 27, 2012, 04:13:13 am
idk ill chech when FH is back up
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: neko_wolf222 on January 27, 2012, 10:36:01 pm
I'm very interested in joining on 1\31\12 is when the server turns on how do I join my user is neko_wolf222 and my wolfs name is Aqua im going to be blue I reallt love to swim in real life im very attracted to water im female and i live like a mermaid ( i even mad a tail to swim in) so let me know!
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on January 28, 2012, 03:37:11 am
I appreciate the interest.  :)

To join, just fill out the application posted on the first thread right above the species member list. Since this isn't a pack, you can play your character before I accept your application.
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on March 19, 2012, 11:47:15 pm
Sorry for the double-post

Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Pandoraz on March 20, 2012, 04:57:53 am
Picture: (Well, i didint maked yet character ^^)
Name: BlueShine
Gender: Female.
Age: 1 years old.
Family: Unknown.
Personality: curious, funny and very strong to kill prey, or even a wolf.
Misc. Stuff: History: She becomes into world with small mark on her head. After some days, her family dissapear. Now she living her own life and searches for same dogs like her.
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on March 20, 2012, 11:12:31 pm
I appreciate the interest, I'll add you as soon as you get a picture up and/or have told me you made the character. You do know how to put up a picture, right?

I hope you don't mind if I correct some of your grammar when I post it on the front page.

Thanks, Skywolf
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: opticker on March 22, 2012, 12:13:25 am
meh i had a map you guys could use but eh now way im using those colors
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Pandoraz on March 22, 2012, 12:00:55 pm
okey, and i know how to add a photo. And sorry for grammar, im not from america or something other.
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: blackhayateFMA on March 28, 2012, 09:45:07 pm
I love the amount of information you have, very nice it shows how organized and knowledgeable you are. Well Done.
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Skywolf on March 30, 2012, 07:24:52 pm
I was actually mimicking some of the more successful species threads out there. For a species, in general the more information you have the better the species will do.
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: lolflap on June 10, 2012, 05:40:08 pm
Age:1y 4m
Family: Unknown
Personality: Is clever, but doesn't really show it unless someone needs help. Can be a bit hotheaded, but is usually friendly, though quiet.
Misc. Stuff: Name means "Miracle" because when he was born, he was unnaturally skinny.
Username: lolflap
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: wilbuh on July 13, 2012, 07:02:21 am
Hi! Im pretty much a noob to feral heart so I hope this'll be fun!

Picture: errr...dont have one yet
Name: Kino
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year 6 months old
Family: Ran away from home, refuses to talk about past
Personality: Seclusive, protective, mysterious, understanding
Misc. Stuff: meh..none
Username: wilbuh
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: lolflap on August 12, 2012, 12:09:18 am
Ehm, are the forms gonna get accepted/denied soon?
Title: Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
Post by: Shakira388 on August 24, 2012, 09:55:30 am
Picture:         http://donatellakon.deviantart.com/art/Sadaf-323061118 (http://donatellakon.deviantart.com/art/Sadaf-323061118)
Name: Sadaf
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year and 2 month
Family: None
Personality: Kind and likes to help the others :)
Username: Shakira388