Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => Maps => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Finished Maps => Topic started by: Tearless on June 01, 2012, 06:47:47 am

Title: Tearless's Maps (Most Recent Finished: Gallifrey!)
Post by: Tearless on June 01, 2012, 06:47:47 am
Tearless's Corner O' Cartography

Well, not really cartography. You know what I mean. I had an old thread of maps... but I lost it, so I thought I'd just make a new one since the old was all messy, outdated, and disorganized anyway. I should mention up front that the way I go about public maps is a little weird. Most of them are what I term 'Perpetual RP maps,' which means while you're on the map, you are in character, and you can assume everyone else is, too. That's because I always hear people complaining about not being able to do this on the regular maps, and agree with them. It also eliminates those awkward 'Oh, I thought they were RPing so I answered in character but they weren't...' moments. Not all of them will be like this (there are some I haven't finished that will be for doing whatever you want), but it's a sort of experiment that I never got to try because school started and I ran out of time for map-making.

All the maps I post here will be available (if not now, at some point) for public download, but they will have some rules attatched and, at the risk of seeming persnickety, I'd really appreciate it if you respect them.

Rules Applying to All Maps:

Follow the FeralHeart rules. (they're in the forum, plain as day)

Be nice to each other.

I hate to discriminate, but please, unless I specify otherwise for certain maps, keep non-OC characters (ie. Naruto, Okami, Toboe, Simba, etc.) off of these maps.

For the love of all that is good, DO NOT USE CHATSPEAK ON THESE MAPS. Do what you want in Fluorite, or on your own maps, but on maps I have created, no. Just no. I really, really don't like chatspeak and there are plenty of other maps on which you may speak however you wish.

 Cool, done with that. Now, on to ze maps!


For anyone who watched Doctor Who and felt sad that they couldn't go romping through the fields of red grass (or maybe it's just me) I have provided you with just such an opportunity: one small corner of the Shining World of the Seventh System, brought to the Milky Way galaxy for you!

It's not a very big or complex map, just a nice little red field with a river, and some shiny structures.


Map Rules:

- This is one of those maps onto which you can bring your non-OC characters, but ONLY if you can be civil and not get into a fight if someone else is also RPing the Doctor. Heck, this shouldn't even be a problem in this case. Just play the 'it's a paradox, hi other me!' card and get along. What else is time travel for?

- Gallifrey is NOT a perpetual RP map, but obviously you can RP on it if you want.

To preemtively answer the questions I know will arise:

I notice you're using game meshes. Will this mess up my default files?
No, it won't. I made a separate object group for the stuff.

What the... is the texture on the shiny stuff supposed to be doing that?
Yes. Yes it is.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?6mrouz24ubemat7 (http://www.mediafire.com/?6mrouz24ubemat7)

More maps to come! I've got a very shiny cave in the works (shiny in the literal sense and the Firefly-slang sense!)

Title: Re: Tearless's Maps
Post by: Tearless on June 01, 2012, 06:48:07 am
Saved space.
Title: Re: Tearless's Maps
Post by: Tearless on June 01, 2012, 06:48:30 am
And one more saved space for good luck. Post away, my friends!
Title: Re: Tearless's Maps (Most Recent Finished: Gallifrey!)
Post by: Dafniforfree on June 01, 2012, 11:50:29 am
Its awesome *0*
Title: Re: Tearless's Maps (Most Recent Finished: Gallifrey!)
Post by: Stormfrontier on June 01, 2012, 05:29:17 pm
I love you for that Gallifrey map
Title: Re: Tearless's Maps (Most Recent Finished: Gallifrey!)
Post by: Fussyjason on June 02, 2012, 01:31:03 am
Lovely map~ <3
Title: Re: Tearless's Maps (Most Recent Finished: Gallifrey!)
Post by: almonds on October 21, 2012, 09:54:43 am
I cannot express in words my love for you for creating this gorgeous map. o.o
Title: Re: Tearless's Maps (Most Recent Finished: Gallifrey!)
Post by: thatfangirljade on October 28, 2012, 03:28:54 pm
Wow good work :D this is really good as soon as i saw this I went to download it ;)