Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: preshus30 on June 02, 2012, 05:42:16 am

Title: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: preshus30 on June 02, 2012, 05:42:16 am
OK So I've made this Custom map for rescue personal (K9 units, rescue units, etc.) and thus so fast access to all the FH Default maps is necessary so I added a portal to every Default map in FH but Something has gone wrong.

When you step through the portal It takes you to the map everything is there except for two things in all of them, other players and working portals. Like for instance In my custom map I went through the portal to the temple of dreams got there, there wasn't anyone around (not that abnormal) , but when i tried to step through the portal back to the Flourite Plains it popped up and said "Map not found!" and so i used my home thing and I went to all the other maps and all the portals inside of them where Doing the same thing, And what really tipped me off was when I went to the Flourite Plains through the portal in my map there was absolutely no one there.

So is there a reason that its doing this? If so, why? Is there anyway to fix it?
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: Ramine on June 02, 2012, 07:39:48 am
You shouldn't mess with the default maps. >.> Uninstall the game, you /will/ lose all your files, if you don't back them up.
Next time just put the portal into Cape, like you're supposed to do please.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: preshus30 on June 02, 2012, 07:46:01 am
You shouldn't mess with the default maps. >.> Uninstall the game, you /will/ lose all your files, if you don't back them up.
Next time just put the portal into Cape, like you're supposed to do please.

No no no you've misunderstood me i didnt put the portal to my map in the default maps I put portals to the default maps into my map.

If i use the normal portals to navigate through the game its fine but if I go into my custom map and use the portals there to go to the default maps thats when I get the trouble. I dont even know how you would add your own portals to already made default maps <.<
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: BigSkippy on June 02, 2012, 07:51:35 am
As Ramine said it isn't allowed though you have put the default maps into YOUR map, You are still technically not allowed to do so. Remove those portals from your custom map and leave so you simply enter and exit through the cape portal. Then re install your game but make sure you back up your map file or as Ramine said you WILL lose your map completely.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: preshus30 on June 02, 2012, 08:04:25 am
As Ramine said it isn't allowed though you have put the default maps into YOUR map, You are still technically not allowed to do so. Remove those portals from your custom map and leave so you simply enter and exit through the cape portal. Then re install your game but make sure you back up your map file or as Ramine said you WILL lose your map completely.

And What may I ask is wrong with putting portals to FH maps in your own maps? I see where it can do no harm. And linked is what I'm talking about just to clarify.

http://pmaps.webs.com/Picture.png (http://pmaps.webs.com/Picture.png)
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: Ramine on June 02, 2012, 08:12:17 am
It's against the rules. Kov doesn't want anyone to mess with his maps.
Would you like it if some totally random person came and put your maps portal into theirs?
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: preshus30 on June 02, 2012, 08:15:33 am
It's against the rules. Kov doesn't want anyone to mess with his maps.
Would you like it if some totally random person came and put your maps portal into theirs?

That still makes no sense for

1. People use his maps everyday,
2. It's not like I'm editing His maps, they aren't editable by us normal players.

But whatever I'm not going to sit here and waist my time arguing.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: Ramine on June 02, 2012, 08:17:38 am
It doesn't have to make sense, Kov has said that people should not put his map portals into custom maps!
It's his game, his rules.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: BigSkippy on June 02, 2012, 08:20:02 am
It's against the rules. Kov doesn't want anyone to mess with his maps.
Would you like it if some totally random person came and put your maps portal into theirs?

That still makes no sense for

1. People use his maps everyday,
2. It's not like I'm editing His maps, they aren't editable by us normal players.

But whatever I'm not going to sit here and waist my time arguing.

Well Ramine is the mod speaking here, Do you not think it would be wise to do as she says?. Kov is the game creator and has stated it is against the rules and that is not up for argument.  So please we are trying to help you out do not get cranky.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: preshus30 on June 02, 2012, 08:28:47 am
It doesn't have to make sense, Kov has said that people should not put his map portals into custom maps!
It's his game, his rules.

Well then, (this is me being serious not sarcastic), does there happen to be a list of rules anywhere that I can read and go through for future reference? Seeming as how there are ,rules, that I'm unaware of.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: Ramine on June 02, 2012, 08:32:00 am
http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=18317.0 (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=18317.0)

http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=16560.0 (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=16560.0)
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: preshus30 on June 02, 2012, 08:44:25 am
No Map Claiming
You should never claim parts of public maps as your own for "you" or your pack/pride. The maps inside the game are meant for everyone and not only a certain user or user group, you need to share all the public locations with any user that you might bump into, as well as other users must respect the fact that there might be those roleplaying in the public chats and locations that exist. When it comes to downloadable private maps you are never allowed to claim any work(maps downloaded) as your own, this also goes for other creations such as items, meshes, markings etc. This could get you warned, kicked and in some cases banned from the game.

Altering Game Files
Do NOT alter any of the decrypted files or codes for the game that might affect the maps and/or gameplay. Giving your an advantage or not, the files should remain intact unless you are given a permission to change them. If you are caught doing this you will most likely face a longer ban.

Ok now I'm not doing this to pester or get myself banned I'm just doing it to try and understand a little further.

After reading the game rules those two above are the only two that state anything about maps. The only thing I see that comes relatively close is: "Giving your an advantage or not, the files should remain intact unless you are given a permission to change them."

It talks about an advantage but in alerting files None of Kovu's rules state that we cannot place Portals to FH maps in our Custom maps. Which is making me blatantly confused on what you and Skippy have been trying to pound into my head. I mean I'll take you're word for it but, still the rules state nothing.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: Redlinelies on June 02, 2012, 08:58:32 am
Sorry if I didn't read the replies properly but to clarify things.

As long as you do not modify the original map files in any way you should be fine. If you just edit your own map files and manage to set up portals for the original maps then you should be fine, as long as you stay away from altering the original maps.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: preshus30 on June 02, 2012, 09:01:20 am
Sorry if I didn't read the replies properly but to clarify things.

As long as you do not modify the original map files in any way you should be fine. If you just edit your own map files and manage to set up portals for the original maps then you should be fine, as long as you stay away from altering the original maps.

Thank you Red For Clearing this up! I wouldn't even have a clue how to alter the originals so all is well. Have a wonderful Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night!
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: preshus30 on June 02, 2012, 09:05:12 am
SO now to be sure it's safe to re-ask my original question correct? (in a new thread of course)
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: CloudFish on June 02, 2012, 02:22:51 pm
My theory on why this isn't working, is because while you're linking it to the map found on your files, it's not being linked to the one sitting on the server. To do this, you /would/ have to alter the original game files, just like you say you couldn't or did not know how to do.

Therefore, it's not really possible. Probably for a reason. But meh. Not gonna argue if Red said it was okay to do.

Granted it was possible to do. Which don't think it is unless you alter the main files. Again, not possible/allowed for you to do.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: Redlinelies on June 02, 2012, 03:16:05 pm
The majority of the official maps are not easy to link to your maps via portals. If you are able to get it to work then it's really not much we can do about it.

But in most cases you will not be able to get them to do so without altering the game files in such a manner without it being against the rules.

I think you miss my post here a bit cloud. I will mention again that if you get portals to work to the official maps by just using your map files and the map maker then it should be ok. But who says it's something that is done with a breeze. You can get a portal to work to any place in cape, but you cannot get it to work for any place in flourite as far as I know. If you'd make working portals the ones downloading the map would probably need to use these custom maps the same way.

The official maps in the game are hosted the same way on the server as the ones you make. You need the map files in order for you to see any of the maps, and even map custom as official has their own process on the server. The difference is how the maps themselves work, and the official maps are slightly different compared to the custom ones.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: Jitters on June 02, 2012, 03:42:41 pm
Okay putting the rules aside....

It isn't possible to put map portals of default maps into a custom map. It just doesn't work.

Allowed to or not it just doesn't work.

And actually, this isn't against the rules since none of the encrypted files are edited...
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: Redlinelies on June 02, 2012, 03:45:47 pm
It's possible if you alter the game files sameth xD
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: CloudFish on June 02, 2012, 03:50:17 pm
Which would mean is against rules, which is not allowed, so thus not possible?
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: Redlinelies on June 02, 2012, 04:13:20 pm
You can still set a portal anywhere you want in cape but also a bonfire version without doing this.

official maps? Indeed they are.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: CloudFish on June 02, 2012, 04:30:43 pm
Aye, but they will not work like the person is wanting them to. So believe point is, thing they are wanting to be achieved can not be done so without altering game files, which has been stated against rules.

This isn't to say rule breaker could not do so, but regardless, would be frowned upon by doing it, and thus in fragment of rules.

Am not arguing point that can not be done. But in regards to the person's question, and goal. Is not.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: Redlinelies on June 02, 2012, 04:33:06 pm
Sounds like the same things we've been talking about all along aye?
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: CloudFish on June 02, 2012, 04:40:48 pm
 Only thing in question was way server maps and the map in question were/ were not related, but you answered that for me.

Otherwise is what was I said from beginning, basically, so yes. Sorry for needlessly continuing to spin in circle with.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: Redlinelies on June 02, 2012, 04:42:27 pm
Just added onto the earlier post to correct what was said in your previous one, nothing more nothing less.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: CloudFish on June 02, 2012, 04:45:54 pm
Misunderstood then, apologies.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: Redlinelies on June 02, 2012, 04:50:13 pm
My apologies for sloppy writing? xD

The matter can easily move into related subjects like any thread if something is brought up regarding that matter. But we are all really on the same track just starting the string at different ends.
Title: Re: Why is this so screwed up D:<
Post by: CloudFish on June 02, 2012, 04:55:12 pm
Am not sure, for some reason thought were saying something that wasn't being said. Having read over, can see what is being said now, and how it does indeed relate to what you were making point of. Brain is not fully functional, atm, so may just be comprehension skills.

Believe are right, was just different starting/view point. Will try to see various others before babbling beforehand.