Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: srutis on June 12, 2012, 04:21:22 pm

Title: Srutis's RP Characters (Finished!)
Post by: srutis on June 12, 2012, 04:21:22 pm
Srutis's RP Characters


Darius ?
Age: 13 (Lifespan 40 years)
Personality Darius lively and fun, and enjoy being the center of attention. He lives in the here-and-now, and relish excitement and drama in their lives. He is often very sympathetic and concerned for other people's well-being when is 'bad boy' image falls, and often usually quite generous and warm. Darius is known for bad advice, often which is reckless and unplanned, which can be blamed on his spontaneous and optimistic being. Loving fun. Not very rational and often very self-indulgent, placing more importance on immediate sensation and gratification than on their duties and obligations which has lead him to being kicked out of a few past packs. Darius is constantly putting on a show for others to entertain them and make them happy, selfishly loving the attention. One of his greatest gifts is their general acceptance of everyone, he is upbeat and enthusiastic and genuinely likes almost everybody. With friends Darius is unfailingly warm and generous with their friends, and they generally treat everyone as a friend.  However as an optimistic individual who lives in the world of possibilities, negative possibilities do not sit well with him,  which can lead him to wallow in his own thought and as a simplistic thinker can lead to a negative impact on his psyche.

Pack Group: Nomadic
RP Status: Inactive

Character Plan: I'm unsure with Darius, I though it be cool if he had like a punkish gang/pack.



Kai ?
Age: 4 (Lifespan 20 years)
Personality Kai is rather a gambler, being nomadic for over a year has created him to take an opportunity when it is open. Quite the Blunt, straight-forward risk-taker. He lives in a here-and-now and places little importance on introspection or theory. The look at the facts of a situation, quickly decide what should be done, execute the action, and move on to the next thing. And when something needs to be done, then he is one to "do it and get on with it". When matter lack interest with him he is a rather impatient individual, often flaring in temperament, this is one of the reasons why he was chased out of the pride so early do to his aggressive nature towards other individuals in the pride such as the other sub adults. But thankfully his impressive ability to quickly improvise an innovative solution to a problem has kept him safe and well up to his current point.

Pride Group: Nomadic
RP Status: Inactive

Character Plan: Considering I'm having ago at a 'realistic' lion, I thought it would be cool to have him go about nomadic life, rather join a collision with another nomadic lion and rather take over a pride or start a create a pride on it's own.



Arooj ?
Age: 25 (Lifespan 84 years)
Personality Arooj lives in the world of theoretical possibilities. Looking at everything in terms of how it could be improved, or what it could be turned into. Arooj secludes herself to her own mind, preferring to live primarily inside her own mind, having the ability to analyze difficult problems, identify patterns, and come up with logical explanations. But this may be the fact why Arooj is rather a morbid character, despite having good intentions and ambitions, it seems to have turn her into a rather cold and invisible character. Arooj values knowledge above all else, one reason why she will never stay down with a group of companions as she is on a forever ending quest to quench her thirst for knowledge. She find herself to despise leading or being put in control of people, she's very tolerant and flexible in most situations, unless one of her firmly held beliefs has been violated or challenged, in which case she may take a very rigid stance. She's very shy when it comes to meeting new people however on the other had Arooj is very self-confident and gregarious around people they know well, or when discussing subjects of interest. However she lacks emotional understanding, sometimes not realizing the value of attending to other people's feelings causing her to become overly critical and sarcastic with others in uncomfortable social situations. Arooj is a very independent, unconventional, and original individual and doesn't place much value on traditional goals such as popularity and security

Pride/Clan Group: Nomadic
RP Status: Inactive

Character Plan: Because Arooj is quite a reserved character, I thought it be cool if she drifted from group often given advice when needed, a wandering scribe or such.



Iestyn ?
Age: 94 (Lifespan 130 years)

Clan Group: Nomadic
RP Status: Inactive
Title: Re: Srutis's RP Characters (Finished!)
Post by: srutis on June 14, 2012, 02:56:45 pm

Kai: Looking for a male collision to create a pride


Title: Re: Srutis's RP Characters (Finished!)
Post by: Dafniforfree on June 14, 2012, 03:06:12 pm
I like Kai :O
Title: Re: Srutis's RP Characters (Finished!)
Post by: srutis on June 14, 2012, 03:12:05 pm
I like Kai :O

Kai is secretly my baba so thankyou kindly amigo! Hehe.
Title: Re: Srutis's RP Characters (Finished!)
Post by: Dafniforfree on June 14, 2012, 03:13:42 pm
I think Arooj is just sameas my character owo awesome :O....I will go brb to feed the baby sparrow >_>
Title: Re: Srutis's RP Characters (Finished!)
Post by: srutis on June 14, 2012, 03:22:18 pm
I think Arooj is just sameas my character owo awesome :O....I will go brb to feed the baby sparrow >_>

Then we both have great taste in character creations amigo! And wait you have a baby sparrow? Cause that's awesome and cute rolled up in one!
Title: Re: Srutis's RP Characters (Finished!)
Post by: #Uzuri# on June 14, 2012, 06:30:06 pm
Awesome Bio's, you got some skill. I like how abstract your character's designs are. ^^ I also like the realistic lion characters the colors you chose for their pelt and markings work great with each other.
*Love it*
Title: Re: Srutis's RP Characters (Finished!)
Post by: Dafniforfree on June 14, 2012, 07:15:21 pm
I learnt the baby sparrow how to fly *o* I am superman or maybe..SUPERWOMAN!!!!I am Arooj :3...I am so happy that soon after like 2 months I will go online on FH :D I can't wait :o
Title: Re: Srutis's RP Characters (Finished!)
Post by: #Uzuri# on June 15, 2012, 10:43:45 pm
FH is awesome but the GodMods annoy me..^^ Less power play would make Rping with others much more enjoyable. Anyway I hope to see you in the world of FH some time soon.
Title: Re: Srutis's RP Characters (Finished!)
Post by: Dafniforfree on June 16, 2012, 05:25:15 am
Yeah we can all meet each other somewhere and maybe rp all together :D
Title: Re: Srutis's RP Characters (Finished!)
Post by: rexline on June 26, 2012, 07:10:48 pm
Woah! 130 years! xD lol
Title: Re: Srutis's RP Characters (Finished!)
Post by: srutis on June 30, 2012, 07:32:50 am
Haha thankyou Aceart! and shhhhh Rex, secretly he is a sea turtle. shhhh.