Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: SynthAero on June 12, 2012, 08:41:51 pm

Title: Original Roleplays
Post by: SynthAero on June 12, 2012, 08:41:51 pm
I'm getting tired of those "hunt, eat, drink, get a mate, die." roleplays. Anybody else feel the same? I was wondering if anybody wanted to help me make an original roleplay or find one.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: ameliaparcel on June 13, 2012, 03:54:59 am
Hey! Yeah. Honestly, it just really makes me narrow my eyes and think, "Is that the best you can come up with?" when I see those kinda RPs in the game.

Fortunately I've found SEVERAL awesome RPs that aren't like that.

I don't know about you, but in the game I have RP standards.

For me, if you don't find these, its likely not a FANTASTIC Rp.

I'm into the genres of war, survival, and fantasy.
I'm not really of fan of gushy romantic cheese. XD

So here's a list of my favorite RP groups I've found. (not the exact group names)

Here's a link to the RP explanation. http://www.draconifors.webs.com/ (http://www.draconifors.webs.com/)
Sadly, Draconifors is no longer an active group, but a group like it would surely be a hit. (note that the group should have a totally different approach and plot not copying this group at all)

TEP (The Evergreen Pack) -unmapped located in South Pole
It's about a pack whose each unqiue individual characters helps the alpha, Conflict, to reclaim territory and battle rogue packs. Mostly battling and we usually just have fun. The group is hilarious and great people to be around. Its sort of a spin off of the "live eat die" plot, but with a lot more interesting and its strictly detailed literate.

May Zani FH Wars-mapped sometimes.
May Zani FH Wars is a group of lions and wolves (headed by myself and my friend May). The name is the name of our main group on DeviantArt and each war has a different group. We have several different plots such as "Fight For the Crown" which is a competition to find the King or Queen warrior RPer in FH. It starts out as two groups of up to ten to twenty people who battle each other till ten to five of each are left. Then it goes down to every-man-for-himself combat between randomly selected pairs. The winned who comes out on top is crowned one of the best if not the best warrior on FH. We do have several other War Rps, but we aren't kicking off the season till July.

I do know a few more RPs but they basically fall along the line of war and fantasy, and I don't know what genres your into. These are personally my favorites. They aren't huge groups. Only groups of about twenty or more people. If your interested. Friend me on FH. My username is ameliaparcel.

I hope I could help if not confuse you more. XD

Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: SynthAero on June 14, 2012, 04:23:42 pm
I agree, and lol, I like those three genres the best too. Romantic gushy cheese is...."okay" and sometimes it happens, but I'm not a big fan. I like the options you gave, sound pretty interesting.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: ameliaparcel on July 13, 2012, 07:41:00 am
thanks. XD
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: Tearless on July 17, 2012, 04:29:37 pm
Agreed, I almost never join RPs in the plains any more. Seems like every wolf RP I join has at least one of each: The wise but stern leader, the angry female with a dark past, the sweet light-coloured female who's there to look for a mate, the emo who sits off to one side and waits for someone else to come over and start RPing with them, and several hunters who immediately go off to singlehandedly (pawedly?) take down a few elk.

I found one once called "Wolves of the Pastel Islands" which looked good when I joined a while ago. Semi-realistic, a bunch of packs with very unique attributes to each, and a religious system. Ulimately had to leave because my computer kept derping the map, though, so hard to say what became of it.

Only other I can think of is one I started, which I'm wary of saying lest I sound like I'm turning it into an advertisement... basically a post-apocalyptic street dog RP with three different packs who have each responded to the end of most life in a different way. Lot of the plot tends to center on tensions between the three and problems with a nearby laboratory. Very literate, mostly because I'm just a tiny bit OCD about grammar.

Anyway, yes, I feel your pain.

I also wish there were more literate RPs that would allow less common animals.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: Okami-Shiranui on July 17, 2012, 05:23:29 pm
I agree. Your best bet might be to make one yourself and try to get members. I was pretty successful with my own packs in the past. The one I was in was alright, but too much drama!!!

And the good thing about making your own pack: You get to make the map. (If it's mapped of course)
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: Tweetie on July 17, 2012, 05:36:35 pm
Me and a few friends have an RP. It's not a pack, or even a group, but has been going for two or three months now.  Anybody can walk up and RP, if they stay, they stay, if not, fine. Although, we'll ignore them to a certain point if they tlk lik tis. It really involves everybody, but they only have to talk if they want to. You'd know what I meant if you ever watched us in action. I'm thinking about making a mapped RP, but I'm going to have to work out a plot first. And make a map, duh.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: ameliaparcel on July 18, 2012, 05:51:28 pm
What a coincidence Tearless. I was in Wolves of Pastel of Islands too! XD I agree, it was a very interesting literate RP, and the map was brilliant but extremely friendly with Mr.Lag. I had to take a long leave from the group on account I went on vacation to the tropics. When I came back, the leader, a friend of mine, had disbanned the group on account he said that, "It had turned into a big dating game for the girls." He told me that he might remake a new RP later on and be more strict on who he let into the group. XD

I think I'll go talk to him some time about that new RP and see if I can get the details on that one. He comes up with these splendid RP plots, and I hope I can join another one of his masterpieces.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: Tearless on July 18, 2012, 10:25:15 pm
Heh, small world, I guess. I'll have to keep an eye out if he's making another RP.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: jesija on July 19, 2012, 12:00:18 am
Hm, you know what would be awesome? If someone combined all these sweet ideas and just made on awesome multi-species rp. What annoys me is that you never have any roleplays were everyone is a loner and wanders on their own. It makes it more interesting when your character is always meeting new characters and everyone isnt in a 'pack' or ina group. It would make multi-species rps just a bit more realistic, and takes care of the whole hype when a new member joins. You know, when your like 'should I act like the new character is new to the pack, or should I act like they were already in the pack?'
Thats my dream. Having an rp where everyone can do what they want without the limits of pack... things. I mean, deep into the rp you might get a group of friends travelling with eachother, but there would be more loners than packs xD
And sorry if this is random, but GOSH JOLLY, some people dont know the difference between UNREALISTIC and ILLITERATE. ('Unliterate' is a term I see used alot as well =_=)
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: Tearless on July 19, 2012, 04:05:48 am
I'm in the process of making a few 'perpetual RP' maps just so we could do that. If anyone's interested I could make some of them literate only.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: jesija on July 19, 2012, 12:30:37 pm
That sounds pretty cool actually ^_^ I'd be interested once I get my FH to start up again. Too many bad tokens, man :P
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: Tearless on July 19, 2012, 04:17:49 pm
Ha, yeah, the server's been a little unpredictable lately, to say the least. Good luck getting it all working.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: Okami-Shiranui on July 21, 2012, 12:25:48 am
Yes, I agree. Flourite doesn't like me. :I
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: ameliaparcel on July 21, 2012, 12:56:32 am
The whole canine and feline loners group and whole map idea is nice, but I personally prefer if there's at least SOME sort of order. When your a loner, its about RPing yourself. Which is suppose to get the attention of everyone in a group. If everyone is a loner, how are you suppose to keep track of every single person's individual story?

Its to chaotic in my opinion. There should be some sort of centralized power to tie it all together. If something like that is in your mind Tearless, I'm interested.

And my computer is fairly new, so lag is a thing of the past for me.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: ameliaparcel on July 21, 2012, 12:59:05 am
Oh and BTW Tearless, in your signature... I couldn't help but notice that the lion's arm looks kinda.... broken. I keep staring at it every time I read one of your posts and I'm trying to see how it works. XD
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: Tearless on July 21, 2012, 01:58:18 am
I agree about the chaos problem... maybe it would be possible to have some form of government (a king, a parliment, anything, really) on the map, but otherwise have the loner RP concept? I dunno...

And yeah, about the signature...  that was supposed to be the shoulder/elbow, which is supposed to bend like this...

And I was too lazy to find a reference at the time, so it looks a bit weird.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: jesija on July 21, 2012, 02:10:02 am
@amelia, good point. Maybe, although you are a loner that wanders on your own accord, the loner community is closely knit? I also like the idea of having one figure that takes charge when needed and is looked up to. Hmm.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: ameliaparcel on July 21, 2012, 04:23:02 am
XD thanks for explaining the shoulder thing Tearless.

And yeah. A leader of some kind would be nice. :P
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: SynthAero on July 30, 2012, 08:33:37 pm
I came up with my own semi-original roleplay. It's basically the citizens of Zura'ra are having trouble with a wolf who keeps taking and murdering the townspeople. His name, would happen to be, SlenderWolf. As a popular group arose, known as Anti-Slender Team, some dark canine and felines of the city joined SlenderWolf's side. Now nobody knows...who shall reign supreme. And nobody knows...who's safe and who isn't.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: LordSuragaha on July 30, 2012, 10:08:25 pm
lol Paint your post is something I have been saying myself for a while now. Its very hard to find really good RP groups on FeralHeart but even harder to find good RPs that actually LAST  >:(. I have joined many great RP groups before but the moment I finally get into the swing of things the whole group dismantles itself. Most of the good long term RPs can be found here on the forum but look anywhere else like Flourite Plains and you'll most likely end up in a group of noobs who spend more time joking around and talking about pancakes and tacos and other random things instead of RPing. I am sick of the same old themes myself and I crave new unique groups with unique stories. If you guys hear of any others please let me know or better yet lets just create one ourselves! 
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: DivineHeroine on July 30, 2012, 10:25:27 pm
Hm, you know what would be awesome? If someone combined all these sweet ideas and just made on awesome multi-species rp. What annoys me is that you never have any roleplays were everyone is a loner and wanders on their own. It makes it more interesting when your character is always meeting new characters and everyone isnt in a 'pack' or ina group. It would make multi-species rps just a bit more realistic, and takes care of the whole hype when a new member joins. You know, when your like 'should I act like the new character is new to the pack, or should I act like they were already in the pack?'
Thats my dream. Having an rp where everyone can do what they want without the limits of pack... things. I mean, deep into the rp you might get a group of friends travelling with eachother, but there would be more loners than packs xD
And sorry if this is random, but GOSH JOLLY, some people dont know the difference between UNREALISTIC and ILLITERATE. ('Unliterate' is a term I see used alot as well =_=)
I have been doing a group like that, actually..it is really hard to keep it together..barley anyone joins and comes back. Best members get free presets :).
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: ameliaparcel on July 30, 2012, 11:12:49 pm
Hmm. Paint... I think this is turning into an advertisement page. Maybe you could put up some rules. ._.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: Tearless on July 31, 2012, 03:07:27 am
That does seem to be the biggest problem, keeping people. So many just join, disconnect, and are never seen again...
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 31, 2012, 03:17:49 am
I came up with my own semi-original roleplay. It's basically the citizens of Zura'ra are having trouble with a wolf who keeps taking and murdering the townspeople. His name, would happen to be, SlenderWolf. As a popular group arose, known as Anti-Slender Team, some dark canine and felines of the city joined SlenderWolf's side. Now nobody knows...who shall reign supreme. And nobody knows...who's safe and who isn't.

Hahah, I thought of something like that two nights by playing Slender- I log off everytime I see Slenderman though -w-. But we changed it up abit, 'Slenderman' was a demonic wold named 'Kakuroji' that would terrorize locals in the forest, but there was an organization known as 'Sakura ink' that was against Kakuroji. It more or less an all-out war against Kakuroji and Sakura ink (It turned into a war after three hours X3) , though unfourtantly, our only fifteen members haven't been seen since. owo.
My Roleplays never get very far X.X
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: jesija on July 31, 2012, 04:02:48 am
That does seem to be the biggest problem, keeping people. So many just join, disconnect, and are never seen again...
I, admittedly, am one of those people *Sweatdrop* But I only drop out of rps that don't interest me once I join, and I think it would be awkward to tell them 'Oh, um, hey, I join thinking it was pretty cool but it turned out it wasn't very good, so... Seeya!'

That is one of my problems, once I see an rp and it looks good, I join, then once we start roleplaying everything starts going down and I'm not interested anymore TT_TT Maybe its just me.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 31, 2012, 04:17:24 am
That does seem to be the biggest problem, keeping people. So many just join, disconnect, and are never seen again...
I, admittedly, am one of those people *Sweatdrop* But I only drop out of rps that don't interest me once I join, and I think it would be awkward to tell them 'Oh, um, hey, I join thinking it was pretty cool but it turned out it wasn't very good, so... Seeya!'

That is one of my problems, once I see an rp and it looks good, I join, then once we start roleplaying everything starts going down and I'm not interested anymore TT_TT Maybe its just me.

It's the same way with me Fused X.X I join an RP, thinking it's cool, but then I don't like it, but I'm too afraid to tell the others in the RP that 'It's not my thing.' because I think I might hurt they're feelings DX.
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: Kyugima on July 31, 2012, 05:58:41 am
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: wolffoxalliance on July 31, 2012, 06:00:57 am
I agree aswell to other RPs.I use to RP alot woth packs/prides or other groups but all seem to be the same.And those apocalyttpic RPs are quite borinng.All you say there its just destruction,pain blah blah blah,wheres the funny part?
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: jesija on July 31, 2012, 02:28:44 pm
^_^ Im glad there are people that agree.
I agree aswell to other RPs.I use to RP alot woth packs/prides or other groups but all seem to be the same.And those apocalyttpic RPs are quite borinng.All you say there its just destruction,pain blah blah blah,wheres the funny part?

I was only ever in one apocalyptic rp, and it was pretty good, but its like you described 'destruction, pain, death'. It's like the 'live, eat, mate, die' rps, with even less to do. And the last part gave me an idea, why are there no humor-based rps? I mean, not one where you fool around like idiots, but one where you genuinely roleplay with others to make it funny?
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: Tearless on July 31, 2012, 03:26:47 pm
Huh... I love that idea, Fused! I'd totally join one of those if I saw it.

(Oh, and I've also left RPs quietly; there aren't really that many other ways to do it...)
Title: Re: Original Roleplays
Post by: SynthAero on July 31, 2012, 03:55:35 pm