Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: Haruki on June 19, 2012, 06:53:02 am

Title: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on June 19, 2012, 06:53:02 am
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes, ranks available][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on June 19, 2012, 06:54:54 am
Work in Progress.

 Feel free to post, but I'll be tweaking for quite some time.
If you were a part of the first version of the Packs, please post here. c: I'd love nothing more than to get it going again. There will definitely be more plots and roleplays with the addition of Avalon and Carpe Diem's presences.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes, ranks available][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Stormfrontier on June 19, 2012, 07:17:26 pm
Thought I'd jump in, if I may :3

Which pack are you Applying for? The Avalon Pack
Sorry, none :S

I hope that pictures the right size, I had troubles getting it correct o3o;
Ingame username ;; Stormfrontier
Sex ;; Male
Species ;; Catalina Island Wolf
Age ;; 15 (30)
Mate ;; None
Offspring ;; None
Personality;; Relentlessly chirpy, Rollo enjoys the simple life. He's an excellent team player because of his 'up and at 'em' attitude to problems. Rollo is very clumsy and is a poor hunter, but because of his size he has plenty of stamina. When fighting, Rollo prefers to take up a defensive stance and rarely provokes scraps apart from when he gets under another creature's skin.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes, ranks available][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on June 19, 2012, 08:38:22 pm
Added you. Welcome to the pack!
Feel free to sign up on the Packs' website. c:
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes, ranks available][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Stormfrontier on June 19, 2012, 08:44:41 pm
Thank you!
Sure thing, I'll do so now
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes, ranks available][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on June 19, 2012, 11:44:20 pm
Accepted. C:
A quick update, the map is in it's final stages right now. I'm going to release the Island map first, and the separate den maps likely later tonight.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes, ranks available][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on June 20, 2012, 05:21:11 am
The map download has been posted. C:
For now it's just the Island, as promised. Sorry it took so long, but there was an issue I was running into with the object file. It's all resolved now. The download is on the packs' website.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes, ranks available][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on June 20, 2012, 08:39:37 pm
Update: Roleplay has begun on the pack website.
Applications are officially open to the public.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes, ranks available][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on June 22, 2012, 06:44:10 pm
Please excuse the double-posting. I'd just like to update that the den maps are nearing completion.
Plus, this thread hasn't seen action in a little while. :U
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes, ranks available][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on June 26, 2012, 09:29:57 am
Update: Added Kaylee, Orkan, and MoonlitFlower. Welcome to the tribes, you three!
Chief of Avalon has also been decided. Orkan is all supreme. :U
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes, ranks available][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on June 29, 2012, 10:03:30 pm
Added Miraja and Enif. Welcome to the tribes!
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: LIONHEART201 on July 06, 2012, 12:41:49 pm
hi im looking forward to join this group and which one are recruiting now please reply =)

Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on July 06, 2012, 01:10:39 pm
Both Avalon and West Island are recruiting. c:
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on July 15, 2012, 02:50:15 am
Bumping from god knows what page. No, we aren't inactive. Yes, things are moving forward. xD
Still recruiting and still active. Website's getting some advances and plots are being negotiated. ^^
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on July 15, 2012, 10:34:49 pm
So, I've got an update on the den maps.

West Island Den Status: 100% finished. 8D


One down, two to go. 8D

Read more: http://catalinaislandpack.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=announcements&action=display&thread=20&page=1#ixzz20pMa5T8M (http://catalinaislandpack.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=announcements&action=display&thread=20&page=1#ixzz20pMa5T8M)
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped AGAIN
Post by: Haruki on August 26, 2012, 07:51:04 pm
Catalina Island has overcome a very large obstacle facing us, and after lots of hard work and revising, a few new systems have been put in place. Among them is a new welcome system, a refined recruiting system, and three new den maps.

Please come check out the forum, get a feel for the island. We welcome everyone with open arms!
The information on what to do as a potential recruit is right here http://catalinaislandpack.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=readfirst&action=display&thread=2&page=1 (http://catalinaislandpack.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=readfirst&action=display&thread=2&page=1)

Now, guests no longer have to login. Feel free to browse around!
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on August 29, 2012, 01:32:17 am
A new recruit has been added. C: Welcome, Pandora. ^^

Also, who are these two? Anyone know? The claim to be here "researching". What's up with that?
Flametrail will determine whether they will be allies to the West Islanders or the Avalons... or not at all.
They applied the right way, can't wait to get mini-plots going!

Also, a quick recap of a teeny-roleplay from today: Chase, a random character played by Panther, washed up on shore and was attempting to hunt the sacred bison. That didn't role over so well with Lurai and SeaSpray. Will he be allowed to stay?
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on September 06, 2012, 06:11:17 am
Added Pandora, Arcane, Tigra, and Jasper to the West Island Recruits. Welcome to the island, guys!
At this rate, we may have to close down recruiting for the West Island and just leave it open to the Avalon Pack to even it out.

C'mon guys, Avalon is just as good if not better. XD
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Grosskatze on September 06, 2012, 02:43:29 pm
When is RP? im bored. XD
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Zaroque on September 06, 2012, 04:17:29 pm
This looks wonderful, could you tell me which tribe is in need of more members? /Toolazytolook/
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on September 06, 2012, 11:10:13 pm
Avalon Pack is the one with the fewest recruits. ^^

And Tigra, I dunno. D: The official time is 4:00pm -8GMT, but  it isn't strictly enforced. Friend the people around the group and try setting up some roleplays. 8D I'm gonna be gone today in about thirty minutes.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Zaroque on September 07, 2012, 12:37:45 pm
Mmm, I might join the Avalon later today, I'll check everything first then edit this post. ~
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: candy2468 on September 07, 2012, 02:48:14 pm
Thank you, thank you very much Lurai ^.^ I have been in the map a couple of times (It's awesome btw!) But there's nobody else in it D= Oh well, I'm sure people will soon get as active in game as the website xD
Hope to see ya soon! Oh one more thing... I won't be online from Monday-Friday next week as I'm going out of town with my class =P
But see you maybe before and after that!!! ;D
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Grosskatze on September 07, 2012, 06:20:34 pm
Can you find out what is that in germany time? :S
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: candy2468 on September 07, 2012, 07:11:01 pm
I think that 4:00 PM in Pacific Standard Time will be 7:00 PM in Germany. (But I'm not super sure)
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on September 08, 2012, 05:26:44 am
Oh whai thank you. x3 Yes, we need to get roleplay activity up.
Much is in my life at the moment, and what I cannot ask of myself I won't ask of my members. :c

And yes, I believe that is correct for Germany.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Grosskatze on September 08, 2012, 10:23:31 am
what day? and how long does it take? 8:00 pm? this is too late for me. );
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on September 08, 2012, 10:26:35 am
There is no specific date. It is a daily time.
You don't have to stay all the way until the end. You don't HAVE to do anything.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: candy2468 on September 09, 2012, 07:23:50 am
But you HAVE to join! (Just kidding ^.^) But it is a great RP with a fantastic map! <3
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on September 09, 2012, 05:17:02 pm
Looks like a good deal of people did!
West Island Tribe is full of recruits. Recruiting for WIT is CLOSED.

Avalon's still open.
Seriously, if anyone has critique for Avalon, please give it. I personally would ape-sht to join Avalon first. XD
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Zaroque on September 10, 2012, 07:12:52 am
Haruki, I'd suggest putting the application form at the front topic, because its proving difficult to find. ~
Some people might be put off searching on a forum as well. 3:
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on September 11, 2012, 01:52:07 pm
I see. I'll make those changes as soon as possible. o:
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Zaroque on September 11, 2012, 04:27:04 pm
Oh fank yew. ~ <3
I'll be happy to send in my application in once done.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on September 12, 2012, 03:50:40 am
Alrighty, I copy+pasted the application on the recruit forms.

Basically how I propose this works, a recruit can post their application here on the thread, but if they don't create a recruit thread on the forum, I do it for them. And that just looks silly. XD

But now applications can go here. I hope this makes things more convenient for everyone. ^^ Thank you, Zaroque.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Zaroque on September 13, 2012, 09:15:18 am
D'aww. +Floof for you, I shall edit this post with it in.

Which pack are you Applying for?
Avalon, babyy.
MSN account, if applicable.

Character name
-300 x 300 image here-
- Do be added in. -
Ingame username
N/A, she doesn't seek a companion.
N/A, ^Or any children.

- I shall edit this along with the picture -
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: candy2468 on September 14, 2012, 06:54:58 pm
Heya guys, I'm back from camp! :-D
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on September 14, 2012, 11:45:13 pm
Heyy, welcome back! 8D

I'll add you in as soon as it's all filled out, Zaroque. Your imput was much appreciated. ^^;
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on October 16, 2012, 03:30:22 am
Hey guys. So, I'm back from vacation. Plus a week. I apologize for slowness.
Aw, c'mon, I busted me booty for them map packs. I could take a week.

Or two.

Or three.

THE POINT IS, that's done. Sleepy time needs to wake up. >:|
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Zaroque on October 18, 2012, 01:05:06 pm
 /Sleeply/ I have the screenshots noaw, I'll put 'em up.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on October 20, 2012, 09:47:19 pm
Yay. 8D
Oh, guys. On the forum I just posted a thread on the site asking for your opinions regarding roleplay here on these forums on this thread. I went into the pros and cons of it on the Catalina Site, but what do you all feel about it?
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Hotdogsrule on June 17, 2013, 04:31:47 am
Which pack are you Applying for?  Avalon

Character name
Either I'm a derp, or my screenies aren't working with me. :c *Fills in appearance instead*
Maeva's main pelt color is a mid tan, and her under/above eye is very much the same. Her mane (flame and back mane) is brown, and her markings (I use aug22) are some stripes on her legs, and a pretty cool tail tip, as well as two thin crescents on her forehead. (All are white.) Eyes, using the fire model, are very blue. The underfur is a light cream, and her nose is grey.
Ingame username ;; Hotdogsrule
Sex ;; Female
Species ;; Catalina Island Wolf
Age ;;  11.5 (23 human)
Mate ;; N/A
Offspring ;; N/A
Personality;; Maeva is extremely quiet, and only really talks if need be. Although it's hard to crack her shell, I can tell you it will be worth it. Once she gets to trust you, Maeva can be like fun in a nutshell. Coming with this, she can also have some pretty good ideas if she's up to the challenge of sharing them.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Scapette on July 09, 2013, 10:14:28 am
Hey, I was wondering if I'd be able to join? Once I can get into the game would you mind adding me and then we'll speak in-game? c: Either that or I can talk through PM's. My ingame user is Scapette, so if you're willing enough to let me join just send me a friend request or if you see me around the game give me a quick whisper. Thanks.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Haruki on July 13, 2013, 06:10:14 am
Ah, I feel awful for getting people's hopes up. D:
This roleplay hasn't really gotten off its feet as I'd hoped and as of late, I've been so inactive that I'm not all too confident I can keep it going again.

Besides, my laptop crashed and I lost the .map files for Catalina map, so I can't edit it like I need to. Dx I'm sorry, guys. I may be able to get it up and at 'em again if I could get some solid administrative help. Other than that, I don't see it happening.
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: Miraja on December 30, 2013, 12:47:49 pm
I feel weird.... :| There is Miraja in the pack... And it's not me O.o
Title: Re: Catalina Island Tribes [Two Tribes][Mapped!] Revamped
Post by: wolfboy2 on December 31, 2013, 06:03:47 pm
if this is still open could I join
my character's description: white or light silver with orange eyes and red scars
character's name:silver
in game username : wolfboy2
Gender: female
Species : Catalina Island Wolf
Age: 1 year (still a pup I guess)
Mate: none yet (too young)
Offspring : none yet (too young)
Personality: loyal , kind, proud and shy but silent