Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: allielllow on August 06, 2012, 08:14:03 pm

Title: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 06, 2012, 08:14:03 pm
I'm sorry if this has been posted before, but I desperately need help with making maps using GIMP. I just downloaded GIMP today and have followed all of the instructions for it. I have a Mac computer version 10.8.6 so I got xQuartz version 2.7.2 like it said to do. But whenever I try to open GIMP, it still won't load no matter how long I wait. I've had it loading for an hour and it's still not working. Please help! I've done everything I know of and have ran out of ideas.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: littlepinksprite on August 06, 2012, 09:35:20 pm
I can't give a solution to this, but I do have something on the subject. First of all, if your assumption was that you can only create heightmaps in gimp, this is not true. You can use greyscale in average old Microsoft paint, but what you can not do is blur colours for smooth transitions. Gimp for me usually comes up slowly and says "not responding" before it finally realizes it is actually functional, and comes up fine. Your computer may just not be able to run it. Can you say at what point of the loading it freezes? Have you tried re-installing it?
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 06, 2012, 09:37:37 pm
I'm not exactly sure when it freezes and I've tried reinstalling it millions of times. And Microsoft Paint isn't working either which really stinks.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: littlepinksprite on August 06, 2012, 09:42:46 pm
Does Microsoft paint not even open for you? If it is a more specific problem I can help you identify the issue. Because you have a mac though, you might want to try out other programs you might have on your computer. Do you have paintbrush?
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 06, 2012, 10:15:47 pm
I just downloaded paintbrush and it seems to be working :)
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: littlepinksprite on August 06, 2012, 10:44:40 pm
Good. But because I haven't used it myself, I can't tel you how to change dimensions/colour settings. I hope you are able to figure those out well enough on your own.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 06, 2012, 10:49:08 pm
It's pretty simple. And thanks for your help!
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 07, 2012, 12:10:53 am
Now I have another issue. When I try to load my terrain, FeralHeart freezes.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: Cecilia~ on August 07, 2012, 12:13:51 am
Is the picture set to grayscale, not RGB?
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: littlepinksprite on August 07, 2012, 12:17:07 am
It will have frozen for one of these three reasons: itsn't grayscale, the dimensions are incorrect, or the alpha channel is on.

I don't think it will freeze, but it might not accept your entry if: it isn't case sensitive, you included spaces, you left out or included the file extension. 
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 07, 2012, 12:20:05 am
What's the alpha channel? Besides that, all of those things are correct.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: littlepinksprite on August 07, 2012, 12:27:16 am
You add an alpha channel when you want to enable transparency for multiple layers. I've had plenty of trouble with terrains before, but I am quite certain it is one of those three issues that will be the solution to your problem. If you tried picking grey scale colours for the picture, but not changed the picture settings, that could be the problem. Also check to make sure it is 513x513 in file settings as well.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 07, 2012, 12:28:35 am
I will. And for the record, my mask is working just fine.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: jclucy on August 07, 2012, 12:36:29 am
Not to bumb you out of place, but this question should be on help section, or on GIMP forums. FeralHeart site is not a place to put issues with GIMP. Please sign up on Gimps forums and post your question there. thank you. Just a reminder.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 07, 2012, 01:20:18 am
Sorry but this isn't a problem with GIMP anymore. I just thought that it would be better to ask another question in here then start a whole new topic. And by the way, everything is correct on my terrain, but it's still not loading.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: littlepinksprite on August 07, 2012, 01:27:40 am
Is it still crashing, or is it just not accepting it. If it crashing it is a problem with the file, if it is just not accepting it, the file is either in the incorrect place or you typed the name in differently than it wanted you to.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 07, 2012, 02:18:05 am
Sometimes it crashes and other times it freezes. I don't know why I'm doing wrong. It's a png file, it's 513 x 513, its in grayscale, and it's saved int the terrains folder of FeralHeart.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 07, 2012, 03:36:48 am
I  figured out the problem but unfortunately there is no way to fix it. Paintbrush doesn't have a way to set grayscale.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: Pakhet on August 07, 2012, 04:11:48 am
Photoshop elements is what I use. It works fine and is easy enough to understand. May as well say that masks have never worked for me. And also, I'd recommend that you edit someone else's height map, since they'll have everything set right already.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 07, 2012, 04:13:59 am
But I really just want to get GIMP to work on my computer. I have a bunch of ideas for maps so I don't want to have to work off someone else's. I just wish I could figure out why GIMP won't load.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 07, 2012, 04:18:02 am
Well if worst comes to worst, I can get my dad to help me out :p. He's an expert with computer so I'm sure he could help me figure out what's wrong.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: littlepinksprite on August 07, 2012, 02:24:54 pm
This is a common problem and has always been one of the following solutions:
Gray Scale
No alpha channel

Another possible thing that might have gone wrong if you named it .png, but  it didn't take it as a new file extension, only added it to the title.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 07, 2012, 04:02:32 pm
Like I said, I already know that you can't use paintbrush to make height maps because there is no way to set it to greyscale or do anything about the alpha channel.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: littlepinksprite on August 07, 2012, 07:47:31 pm
I don't understand how I can help you then.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 07, 2012, 08:17:16 pm
I was just looking for someone who could help me with my GIMP problem, but no one seems to know how to fix it.
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: Cecilia~ on August 07, 2012, 08:31:42 pm
Have you tried downloading different version/whatever of GIMP?
Title: Re: GIMP Help
Post by: allielllow on August 07, 2012, 08:36:27 pm
Only one version is meant to work on a mac computer so no. But I have tried reinstalling it many times.