Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: Nowe on August 10, 2012, 01:17:13 am

Title: Moar Ideas
Post by: Nowe on August 10, 2012, 01:17:13 am
It may just be my need for Realisticness on some but here are some of my ideas.

A Water swim cycle
A good example from WOW

Honestly dogs do not swim like they run and lions don't either XD

When coming out of water your character has Wet hued appearance and leaves foot prints for a few seconds.

Dance moves:
Paw Tap

Submissive Stance and Active
Warning Stance
Whine-Sound Effect
Warning Growl-Sound Effect

Heres more Info for maybe some Inspirations to new actions

There are two levels of submissive behavior: active and passive. Active submission is a contact activity in which signs of inferiority are evident such as crouching, muzzle licking and tail tucking. The behaviors typical of active submission are first used by pups to elicit regurgitation in adults. These behaviors are retained into adulthood by subordinate wolves, where they function as a gesture of intimacy and the acceptance of the differentiation of the roles of the wolves that are involved.
Passive submission is shown when a subordinate wolf lays on its side or back, thus exposing the vulnerable ventral side of its chest and abdomen to the more dominant wolf. The subordinate wolf may also abduct its rear leg to allow for anogenital inspection by the dominant wolf. If two wolves have a disagreement, they may show their teeth and growl at each other. Both wolves try to look as fierce as they can. Usually the less dominant wolf, the subordinate one, gives up before a fight begins. To show that it accepts the other wolf's authority, it rolls over on its back. Reactions to this behavior may range from tolerance (the dominant wolf standing over the submissive wolf) to mortal attack, particularly in the case of a trespassing alien wolf. Following the dominance rules usually keeps the wolves in a pack from fighting among themselves and hurting each other. Wolves convey much with their bodies. If they are angry, they may stick their ears straight up and bare their teeth. A wolf who is suspicious pulls its ears back and squints. Fear is often shown by flattening the ears against the head. A wolf who wants to play dances and bows playfully.

Instead of the group  saying group depending on your character it would say Pride or Pack with the option to change it and have customizable ranks.

More Mane options

Perhaps more manes like a Complete Eye cover for people who have Scene dogs or Manes that extend farther down the neck

Marking Layers- Allow users to Select more then one marking.

Make a Option to Select if your male or female or unlisted.

Have a Security system that will Log the IP of a User who cusses perhaps in the World chat and have it Auto Ban depending on the word.

Make buttswing less..yknow mating looking. I notice there is a bit of a pelvic thrust in the animation itself perhaps edit the move to make it less tempting.

The Idle animations. When a User is away I think the character should maybe twitch its ears or look around maybe sniff the air sneeze sit down lay down etc. Also the legs on the Wolf and Lion during Idle move very wierd.if possible could that be changed?

Breathing; Maybe add more breathing movement into the models so they seem more alive. After Running maybe have the pace pick up with breathing.

Turning animations. Instead of the body just turning like a Water bottle why not have the body actually move in the direction like in WQ?

The flying position in all honesty looks VERY Awkword perhaps have the wings and body bounce a little instead of such plain animations.

The Wings..They are sharp enough to kill someone walking by you perhaps unfallten them and have good 3D wings.

When idle the body floats up and down wings have a bit faster pace to keep body up when moving forward body leans forward and wings slow down when flying straight down or in a certain direction after so long the wings go straight out. when going sideways the wings move accordingly.
I know this is a dragon Model its all I have so XD

Straight When Flying Forward so long the limbs fold in and the wings go straight out


Wings and body turn accurately when turning in flight

Users should have a Away or busy sign above them when away for may not reply.

When on Rocky or dirt terrain the Grass loop changes to a more accurate sound

Also Good Legit Run Cycles that are more realistic

Option to have rough waters that may slightly push or drift objects or characters

Add animations to Objects

Sound effects for Wings or when using Growl or Snarl emote.

Curled over tail option

Perhaps have the body bend more when going uphill.

Title: Re: Moar Ideas
Post by: RawSyndicate on August 10, 2012, 01:20:52 am
Well, honestly, i adore these ideas, it would make Feralheart much more realistic. Although, would be some hard work. I think all those dance moves were from IT, which i think would be very nice to add into the game, and take away buttswing, because it does add problems. I like the pack and pride idea, may be fairly easy to add... same with the manes. These are all great ideas, that you should get some of the mods to read, so they may suggest them to kovu. Goodluck with your ideas! <33
Title: Re: Moar Ideas
Post by: Nowe on August 10, 2012, 01:32:40 pm
Title: Re: Moar Ideas
Post by: Nowe on August 10, 2012, 10:37:40 pm
Added Some
Title: Re: Moar Ideas
Post by: LordSuragaha on August 11, 2012, 06:41:30 pm
As interesting and cool as most of these ideas are I do think alot of it is a bit too much for Feral Heart and some of the detail you are suggesting to add is too much work for something that is not that necessary. The most I think this game really needs is like you and many others have said which is the more manes, more markings, marking layers as you said, maybe some new actions and interactions, a little improvement on the wings, the different tail types for the canines like the curled akita inu type and long foxy tail type, and new dance moves. As for changing the "buttswing" dance too I don't think they should have to totally edit the dance move or remove it just cause some immature people make something perverted out of it. It's a fun and funny dance and its fine the way it is some people just need to get their minds out the gutter or just find a private map where they can do all that sillyness. Either way not to discourage you Nowe I love your ideas I just think Kovu should focus more on the bigger details then the small ones although they would make the game look even better the game is good enough for what it is as a free game with one person working on it.