Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Topic started by: Seaniamoons on February 16, 2011, 04:32:04 am

Title: Newbie Iamoons Saying Hi
Post by: Seaniamoons on February 16, 2011, 04:32:04 am
Well, as the title says, hello there. I'm Iamoons, and I just joined this site after someone from another site recommended it. I haven't downloaded the game yet, though from the screenshots I've seen from poking about it looks pretty interesting, and I can't wait to find some time to try it out. :) To be truthful, this is a much larger forum than I'm used to (16000 members is an impressive number :O), so I'm actually kind of unsure how to fit in.

I particularly like RPing, and some of the RPs here look pretty interesting. I've been RPing at mostly a semi-lit level so far, and I'd like to move on to literate RPing sometime soon. Just wondering, but can anyone here recommend any good literate RPs I can try out?

Other than that, I look forward to meeting people on here. ^^
Title: Re: Newbie Iamoons Saying Hi
Post by: Sylph on February 16, 2011, 06:16:41 am
Welcome to FH! : D I do hope you enjoy it!
Title: Re: Newbie Iamoons Saying Hi
Post by: kovu2296 on February 18, 2011, 04:22:58 pm
hehe im glad you like it here and i hope to see you in game or floating around the forum