Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: LasVagas on September 03, 2012, 01:04:26 pm

Title: Rescue or buy?
Post by: LasVagas on September 03, 2012, 01:04:26 pm
Hello there.

I have made this topic to bring up awerness of the rescue dogs and cats in local pounds and adoption centers. People breed dogs and cats, not for the love but for the money. Im sorry if there are dog/cat breeders reading this, but 10% of the puppies and kittens born, when they grow up, will be reduced to scrap on the streets or in rescue centers. Baby animals are cute and fun, sure, but if you buy one, make sure its for life. I have seen videos of people buying puppies for christmas and when they grow up, they are thrown away like garbage. Please let me hear your side of Rescue or buy, because there are many dogs in the centers that need homes, and if you want to buy a dog, please think of the rescue centers first. Me, personaly would never buy a puppy, but i would rescue one, and my family has always rescued dogs.

Please no hate or things like 'Puppies bring joy',  because think of the joy a rescue would give you, because they need a second chance in life.

Thank you for taking some time to read this. Comments of your thoughts would be great. xxx
Title: Re: Rescue or buy?
Post by: Raz. on September 03, 2012, 01:31:49 pm
Not all breeders breed for money.

My mum breeds dogs because she's a dog person/favourite animal/etc not for the money.

It's surprisingly very very hard to make a profit out of breeding pets. Most of the money made actually goes into vet bills and caring for the newborn puppies in their first weeks of life before they go to their owners.

Although yes, there are things like "puppy mills" who are just...breeding factories. Pumping out animals for the hell of it.

This is avoidable if you do research on the owners and stuff first so you don't give a cent to those who breed in such cruel ways.

Title: Re: Rescue or buy?
Post by: Kyugima on September 03, 2012, 01:39:02 pm
Honestly, I do prefer getting animals from rescues over a pet shop, but you also have to remember that they're not just things you can buy, they're living breathing animals with personality. And sometimes you'll find that animal that is perfectly suited for you in a pet shop, and you can't just say, they're cheaper at a  rescue, or, my money goes somewhere better if I go to a rescue, because that is just something you can not do. You find your perfect companion, the one you love with all your heart, and you buy it, no matter where it comes from.

So yes, while I do prefer getting animals from shelters, always look there first, I honestly don't give a damn in the end, because all that matters is you LOVE that animal, not where it came from. You can not just say no to buying your new family member on the case that it isn't a rescue. rescue animals come with a whole tonne of issues as it is as well, depending on the animal, rescues are not always the best for first time pet owners. It is a situational thing really.


yes, as Draak said, breeding animals actually isn't a profitable thing anyway. My mum used to breed bull terriers. Lost more money than she earned. Puppies died (mum dog was new, didn't know how to take care of them, killed a couple of the pups), got sick, expensive vet bills and food bills, trying to then find homes for said animals, breeding animals isn't something you take up lightly, and isn't a very profitable thing to do.
Title: Re: Rescue or buy?
Post by: wolfgirl56 on September 03, 2012, 06:03:57 pm
Enough said.