Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: SummerGlade on September 03, 2012, 03:12:39 pm

Title: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 03, 2012, 03:12:39 pm
I decided to post all my main characters here. .3. Some of them are inactive, but I posted them anyways. xD So, yeah.

Table of Contents:
Post 1. Affrica - The Beginning of the Madness
Post 2. Summersong - The (Deceased) Dramatic Darling
Post 3. Songpaw - The Not-So-Innocent Little Girl
Post 4. Thunderkit - The Shy Guy
Post 5. Iceclaw - Probably the Only Sane Character I Have
Post 6. Nieve - The Foxiest Fox
Post 7. Fiona - The Unused Fursona
Post 8. Vodka & Whiskey - The Epic Mother-Daughter Duo
Post 13. Evanescence - The Mystical Derp

(Omg so many. xD)


Affrica was my first character ever, though she is a bit inactive now, but I can`t bring myself to delete her. <3 She has wings sometimes, and sometimes she doesn`t, and I change her mane color a lot. But here is how she usually looks:


She has a mate, Ichigo , and is a hunter in a pack called GrayBloods, but I like, never get on her, so. x3 She loves climbing Ascension Island and chilling out in Sky`s Rim, and hopes to one day become a Guardian of Sky`s Rim.
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 03, 2012, 03:12:57 pm



Basic Bio
Name: Summersong
Past Names: Summer, Summerpaw
Rank: Queen/Warrior
Clan: StarClan (formerly DuskClan)
Gender: Female
Age: Roughly 110 Moons when she died
Theme Songs:
I Never Told You : Colbie Caillat
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=XfxP4ORIIOY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=XfxP4ORIIOY)[/youtube]
When You`re Gone : Avril Lavigne
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxLbNA6GHVw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxLbNA6GHVw)[/youtube]
Bleeding Love : Leona Lewis
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rIs2S2WH7M (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rIs2S2WH7M)[/youtube]

Just A Dream : Carrie Underwood -For when Spiderleap died. R.I.P.~ <3
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLypiGzgDFw&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLypiGzgDFw&feature=related)[/youtube]

I`d Lie : Taylor Swift - ...I think it`s pretty obvious who this is for...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=M7I22osC0YM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=M7I22osC0YM)[/youtube]

Other Relatives: Garrett - Brother
Kits: Hawkpaw, Silvermoon(?), Swanpaw, Ashpaw (Deceased), Jaypaw, Brookkit, Streamkit(still-born) (Most of them went inactive, or they just like, disappeared .3.)
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Mate/Past Mates: Spiderleap (deceased), Graynose (Secret former mate. o3o)
Mentor/Past Mentor: Coalclaw (For like, a day xD)
Apprentice/Past Apprentices: Nightpaw, Smallstripe

Mice: 9/10
Fish: 6/10
Voles: 8/10
Squirrels: 10/10
Birds: 7/10
Frogs: 0/10 (Hates frogs XP)

Aggression Towards
Clan Cats: 9/10
Dogs: 3/10 (Used to them, from her kittypet days)
Foxes: 10/10
Badgers: 8/10
Large Birds: 7/10
Rouges: 8/10
Kittypets: 1/10
Adders: 10/10

Basic Skills
Stealth: 7/10
Speed: 9/10
Agility: 9/10
Strength: 8/10
Herbs: 5/10
Cunning: 7/10
Overall Hunting Tactic: 8/10
Overall Fighting Tactic: 9/10

Friendly: 9/10
Flirty: 6/10
Aggression: 5/10
Playful: 8/10
Shy: 4/10
Outgoing: 4/10
Loyalty: 10/10

Highly Respected
Best Friend
Though of as Family


Springstar: I greatly respect you, Springstar, my leader. You allowed me to join your Clan, and because of that, I will be forever grateful. May you rest in peace.
Darkstar:  You were the cat I originally met when I came to join DC. You trusted me to stay in your camp to await the approval of your leader. But now you`re the leader, and I`m sure you will be an amazing one at that.
Nightpaw: I first met you in the twoleg place. Because of you, I decided to join DC when the time came.
Ariis: You...you make me sick. You just walked on up into the camp, and Springstar welcomed you with open paws. Well, you know what? I had to work for my position. It`s easier to take in young cats like me, not old hags like you. I should be the one whole just strolled into the Clan. I can actually learn, but an old loner like you can barely catch your breath, let alone a mouse. You will never be a friend of mine.
Stormfoot: Thank you for caring about me after I fought with Ariis.
Bearpaw: You`re a very great cat, I`m sure you will make an amazing warrior one day.
Featherfluff: You rescued me when I fell off a cliff. You stayed with me while I was healing. We earned our warrior names together. You are truly a great friend.
Owlstar: I understand why you stepped down. The Clan was falling apart under your paws. I don`t understand why they all hate you so much. Even if you are mates Coalclaw, I will love and respect you forever. Rest in peace.
Coalstar: You...you are evil. No matter what everyone says, you truly are. Sent from the Dark Forest, or something. You attacked me when we were training- shredded my flanks. You chased me off a cliff for StarClan`s sake! I will never come to like you. However, since you apologized, I do forgive you. I can see how sick you are, and I hope you and your soon-to-be kits are all healthy.
Blackmoon: I understand why you left DuskClan to be with your mother but...if only you had stayed. I`m sure we could`ve been very close friends. May StarClan light your path, always~
Ghoststarviper: Wow. I thought you said you never wanted to become leader? Where did that go? Oh well. I know I can trust you if Featherfluff loves you. I hope you get the Clan back under control. I don`t want this Clan to go extinct. If it does, I will hold you accountable. Just know that. By the way, I told you Coalstar was evil. Who`s the fool now, huh?!
Thrushwing: We earned our warrior names together, and you Featherfluff`s sister. You stayed with DuskClan even when the rest of your family left. I`m sure I can trust you. By the way...I TOLD YOU COALSTAR WAS AN EVIL MURDERER, I TOLD YOU!
Jaycloud: I thought we were foreveraloneBFFs? But whatever...I really like you. I know it`s wrong; you and Lakesong are mates, but...I just want you to think about what could have been. But I respect that you have a mate. Just know I`ll always love you as a friend and brother. Rest in peace~ <3
Smallstripe: You said you loved me! And now you`re mates with Lilyshine?I just don`t even know what to say...Except that I don`t want to fight with anyone anymore. No one, I don`t care who it is, is worth fighting over.
Lakesong: Why couldn`t you let me have a chance to be with Jaycloud? You took him from me. Why?
Graynose: I now you`re a medicine cat and that you have to put the Clan first but...I really loved you. The crushes I had on Samllstripe and Jaycloud, they were nothing compared to how I felt about you. You tried so hard to not break my heart, and for that I thank you. I`m just really sorry I got us into this mess. We should have stayed friends. But then you apologized to me... I just love you so much, even though we could never be together, and I know how wrong it is. I just hope I can die in your paws.
Lilyshine: So. You`re Smallstripe`s mate, huh? ...
Brightkit: You`re such a cutie. c: But...why don`t you mind your own business next time, hmm?
Eaglekit: ^ Same for you.
Squiggle: You do NOT love me. You don`t even know me! Stay away from me and DuskClan!
Spiderleap: Well...no one but me and you knows this, but the reason we first became mates was to hide the fact that Graynose was the father of my kits. But...I think I really do love you now. I hope I can finally have a good life with you~ <3 Rest in peace. I wish you could have lived to see our kits be born.
Nightwhisper/whateveryournewnameisgoingtobe: You`re a really nice she-cat, and I consider a pretty close friend.
Hawkpaw: My beautiful son, you look just like your 'father' Spiderleap. You`d make an amazing leader one day.
Silverpaw: Your so beautiful, little Silver, and don`t let anyone tell you otherwise. Guard your heart carefully.
Swanpaw: You`re very quiet...but I know you`ll make the most excellent warrior ever. Stay on the path you`re on; I know you`re destined for greatness.
Ashpaw: You`re very independent, but that`s probably good for you. You seem to really like Nightpaw....Just make sure you never hurt her, or you`ll deeply regret it.
Nightpaw: So...you`re my apprentice now. .3.
Jaykit: You`re very sweet, but... a little slow at times.
Brookkit: o3o Hey
Streamkit: Rest in peace little on. I`ll see you in StarClan~ <3

Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 03, 2012, 03:13:19 pm
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 03, 2012, 03:13:36 pm
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 03, 2012, 03:14:03 pm
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 03, 2012, 03:14:27 pm
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 03, 2012, 03:14:47 pm
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 03, 2012, 03:15:23 pm
Reserved (This is the last one. x3)
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: Dafniforfree on September 03, 2012, 04:10:11 pm
Poor Summersong :( DARN Smallstripe... :I....
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 03, 2012, 11:25:56 pm
Yeah, ikr? x3 Parts of her bio are really outdated too, most of the people in the relationships part are dead. xD
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: CreamWolf on September 04, 2012, 11:47:21 pm
I lufflez these characters both. And, even though Summersong's bio is outdated... it's... very elaborate. xD
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: Larka13 on September 04, 2012, 11:48:39 pm
That's too bad.... :'(
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 05, 2012, 08:43:50 pm
@Decessei- Yeah, I spent a /lot/ of time on her bio. x3 But she was my main character for about four months irl, so, yeah. x3

@EmberTheFox- I assume you`re talking about Summersong? Yeah, it is...
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 05, 2012, 08:46:47 pm
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: CreamWolf on September 06, 2012, 12:25:40 am
^ I will stalk that reserved post. Forever.
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 07, 2012, 09:35:50 pm
.3. Okay
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: CreamWolf on September 07, 2012, 10:27:35 pm
See? I stalked it just now. >D
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 08, 2012, 12:52:17 am
x3 You stalk anything I do.
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: CreamWolf on September 09, 2012, 02:42:10 am
Why, that is most certainly not true! oh   wait   it   is.
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: SummerGlade on September 10, 2012, 10:25:58 pm
x3 It`s okay, I dun mind. Stalkers are fun. .3.
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: WarriorWolves399 on December 02, 2012, 06:56:08 am
Title: Re: Summer`s Awesome Peoples (Mainly Warrior Cats xD)
Post by: Astraea on December 23, 2012, 04:52:55 pm
Awwww cute characters! I love the names!! ~A fan of Warriors myself~ Floof me? X3