Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Other Mods/Creations => Topic started by: Spartathewolf on September 06, 2012, 11:48:04 pm

Title: Warriors Map Requests (CLOSED) Till further notice of course! ;)
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 06, 2012, 11:48:04 pm
R.E.S. Warrior Cats Map

RainClan Camp from highlog

RainClan from the ground

RainClan Enterence


HighHill Enterence

HighHill and the portal

Emberclan Camp


MoonCave Enterence

StoneClan Camp from the enterence

Star Lake Gathering Area

BadgerClan Camp: Star Lake

(I have many more maps, just so many pics at once)
Hi! ^^ I have been making some of the best warrior maps accorning to others! So I will show it off to more. Here is what you have to do!

Fill this out:

Amount of clans:
Amount of detail:
Anything Extra: (Towns, extra islands/ areas ect.)
Map Name:
When you need it by:

Give credit where needed.

Slot 1: Bluefall
Slot 2: brae
Slot 3: !_!!~!"!~!<!Black!>!_!<!Dream!>!~!
Slot 4: wolflion
Slot 5: Wolfy
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: WolfLuna on September 07, 2012, 12:15:26 am
Should this be in maps..?
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 07, 2012, 01:43:47 am
Should this be in maps..?
Yes XD but I got lazy and now idk how to move it o3o
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 07, 2012, 02:46:20 am
pics posted (the login the tree in rainclan glitched on my >.< the leader is suppose to be able to sleep inside the log and walk out onto the branch to call the clans)
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: hugrf2 on September 07, 2012, 03:36:58 am
Username: hugrf2 (Rhiannon in the forums as you can see)
Amount of clans: 1
Amount of detail: A lot (Trees over the clan and a swampy-like see-through water in the huge river leading to a beach and don't forget a ton of yucky seaweed! Also, make the dusk and sunset very beautiful like crimson and orange and the nights dark with the lunar eclipse at night and i want the map to be BIG with a lot of detail and some animals in the fresh-kill pile in the middle of the tree-shaded clan and make some islands around the huge river and please if you can, put a canoe in the river if you want.)
When i need it: Longest is October second, you have a lot of time to make that detail map, don't worry!

Good luck with it!
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: WolfLuna on September 07, 2012, 07:28:44 pm
Okay, And you can change location by PMing an admin. :)
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 07, 2012, 09:55:31 pm
Username: hugrf2 (Rhiannon in the forums as you can see)
Amount of clans: 1
Amount of detail: A lot (Trees over the clan and a swampy-like see-through water in the huge river leading to a beach and don't forget a ton of yucky seaweed! Also, make the dusk and sunset very beautiful like crimson and orange and the nights dark with the lunar eclipse at night and i want the map to be BIG with a lot of detail and some animals in the fresh-kill pile in the middle of the tree-shaded clan and make some islands around the huge river and please if you can, put a canoe in the river if you want.)
When i need it: Longest is October second, you have a lot of time to make that detail map, don't worry!

Good luck with it!
I will do my best =3
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 08, 2012, 04:22:34 am
Username: hugrf2 (Rhiannon in the forums as you can see)
Amount of clans: 1
Amount of detail: A lot (Trees over the clan and a swampy-like see-through water in the huge river leading to a beach and don't forget a ton of yucky seaweed! Also, make the dusk and sunset very beautiful like crimson and orange and the nights dark with the lunar eclipse at night and i want the map to be BIG with a lot of detail and some animals in the fresh-kill pile in the middle of the tree-shaded clan and make some islands around the huge river and please if you can, put a canoe in the river if you want.)
When i need it: Longest is October second, you have a lot of time to make that detail map, don't worry!

Good luck with it!
This is really hard to understand o3o, can you give me very secific detail as in like What trees you want, territory setting (things like water, heat ect anything that will make your terriotry life like) I have the terrain done and stuff but im not sure what objects to use on the fact it being so everywhere :( sorry. Is this clan suppose to be a clan with the water, the forest, the heat - shrug- o3o Sofar I have pinetrees for the main part and somebirch trees for covor and hiding places
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: hugrf2 on September 08, 2012, 08:42:57 pm
Hammy's trees (The trees NOT with the plants the other trees) and water around the tree-covered territory and some birch trees would be nice to be the farthest trees away from the water and the hammy trees close to the water and the climbable hammy tree as highrock (Hightree XD) and there! answered!  ;) hope ya understand just post the question if you have any other question........... Good luck!
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: BlackVortex on September 08, 2012, 08:47:11 pm
Username: BlackVortex
Amount of clans:  3
Amount of detail: High detail, desert area. If you could, base it off the desert in Idaho. Water should be scare, and there should be lots of rocks in one territory. (The smallest one)  The 3 territory's should be divided by rivers, one territory smaller then the other 2, the other 2 should be big and the same size. Please make one of the big ones harsh and scarce of anything,  another one of the big ones in a valley, with a large river flowing through, and lots of bushes. The 3 three camps should have different types of dens, not just caves. The whole thing should look windblown. Some dead trees in the valley territory.
Map Name: Warriors: The Forgotten Alliance
When you need it by: ASAP, but take your time
Please? Floof if you try.
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 09, 2012, 05:08:02 am
Username: BlackVortex
Amount of clans:  3
Amount of detail: High detail, desert area. If you could, base it off the desert in Idaho. Water should be scare, and there should be lots of rocks in one territory. (The smallest one)  The 3 territory's should be divided by rivers, one territory smaller then the other 2, the other 2 should be big and the same size. Please make one of the big ones harsh and scarce of anything,  another one of the big ones in a valley, with a large river flowing through, and lots of bushes. The 3 three camps should have different types of dens, not just caves. The whole thing should look windblown. Some dead trees in the valley territory.
Map Name: Warriors: The Forgotten Alliance
When you need it by: ASAP, but take your time
Please? Floof if you try.

Alright ^^ I will get started right away! I should, if my computer works right, have it dfone in a wekk or less :P it all depends on if the meshs work and the particals dont jip me again o3o
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 09, 2012, 05:20:19 am
Thats a bit better to understand,thank you ^^
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 09, 2012, 05:21:47 am
BlackVortex doyou have a certain thing for the small territory? o3o or do I just make it and see if you like it?
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: BlackVortex on September 09, 2012, 07:24:22 pm
Lots of rocks please, but as long as it looks like a desert do whatever you want.
And thanks
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: BlueStripe on September 10, 2012, 12:00:13 am
May I request a map?
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: hugrf2 on September 10, 2012, 12:15:51 am
Are you also working on my map?
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 10, 2012, 02:14:40 am
Bluefall - REQUEST AWAY! Im here to make your map dream ^^

Rhiannon - Yes, Im working on yours but slowly for Black Vortex needs his/hers sooner

BlackVortex - Alright ^^ Thanks

Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: hugrf2 on September 10, 2012, 03:26:18 am
Alright, Good luck!
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 10, 2012, 05:46:49 am
thanks ^^
Title: Re: Warrior Cat Map Requests Open
Post by: BlackVortex on September 10, 2012, 02:30:17 pm
You can do there's first, I don't mind.
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 11, 2012, 06:50:14 pm
blue did you still want a map o3o?
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlueStripe on September 12, 2012, 10:01:17 pm
Yes, srry had school i will post it now!

Amount of clans: 4
Amount of detail:Lots
Anything Extra: Grathering Island(Haves mother mother as well)
Map Name:~TheFourClans~
When you need it by:Soon as you can!
(I will snd you a terrian of the map, and you can look around it or i can send pictures as well)
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 12, 2012, 11:33:54 pm
Yes, srry had school i will post it now!

Amount of clans: 4
Amount of detail:Lots
Anything Extra: Grathering Island(Haves mother mother as well)
Map Name:~TheFourClans~
When you need it by:Soon as you can!
(I will snd you a terrian of the map, and you can look around it or i can send pictures as well)

lol ok, do you have a specific things for the clans? like water or desert type ect?
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 13, 2012, 09:27:13 pm
Rhiannon your map is done, if you needany modifications just tell me and I will be happy to! ^^ Where would you like me to post the link, Black vortex, im almost done with yours some of the meshs glitched on me so im fixing it
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlueStripe on September 13, 2012, 09:32:31 pm
I will send you a terrian to use for my map! I would like herbs in it and lots! I will show you pictures, rogues/loners camps in them as well hunting area and training area as well!
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 13, 2012, 11:49:08 pm
Ok bluefall ^^ easy enough :3 im still witing for a terrain XD
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlackVortex on September 14, 2012, 12:19:01 am
Rhiannon your map is done, if you needany modifications just tell me and I will be happy to! ^^ Where would you like me to post the link, Black vortex, im almost done with yours some of the meshs glitched on me so im fixing it

Thanks so much!
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: hugrf2 on September 14, 2012, 03:06:09 am
Just post the link in here. I don't mind if people see it here. No one really often come to the forums but a few people i know anyway. You can post the link in here if you want by clicking "Modify" in this very topic at the top or just post it in a post.
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: bramblewing on September 15, 2012, 06:59:50 am
Okay, could you please do a map for me? btw, those others look amazing!
user: bramblewing
clans: 2
detail: as much as possible. any trees and stuff, preferably not the default. very foresty, lots of trees and bushes. sort of like the original, except clan territories defferent and stuff. please make the camps with special detail...it is going to be a special map. it should sort of look warm but thickly covered with trees and undergrowth. rivers and streams would be really good, with rocks and possibly the IT fish and animals. A fresh kill pile would be good, too. try to make it as realistic as possible please...a moonstone is not necessary, just a meeting place in the middle with an underground cave-filled with water, perhaps? The dens-could they all be different, sort of? Overall, it doesnt really matter. As long as it is forest-like and realistic, im happy XD. Could you put lots of ferns in, hence the name?
Name: uh... Fernclan, i guess.
Time: ASAP, but don't rush. it would be really nice, say, next month?
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: bramblewing on September 15, 2012, 07:02:18 am
if you needs anythings elses, just emails me.
[email protected]
or somethings likes thats, anyways. tys
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Cinderfrostt on September 15, 2012, 11:59:54 pm
Username: ~Black_Dream~
Amount of clans: 3
Amount of detail: Atleast a large map with good scenery
Anything Extra: An island for a clan, A forest for a clan, and a swamp maybe for another clan. A town too. And a motherMouth cave.
Map Name: -Warriors of Legend-
When you need it by:Anytime you finish...
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 16, 2012, 01:31:33 am
I can do everyone's request but it will take a bit, someone hacked me but I backed up the files before they could ruin them. A troll from DA got me :( I will get to work ASAP as soon as my laptop gets fixed in about a week. I will work 24/7 until they are done. I will write them down in my request book and start layouts on paper. ~ love the Sparta from the ipod touch x3
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlackVortex on September 17, 2012, 03:27:32 am
You got hacked? Sorry to here that... don't worry on making mine fast.
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: hugrf2 on September 17, 2012, 04:36:00 pm
Strange....... I can wait though. Don't rush because everyone is doing fine.  ;)
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlueStripe on September 17, 2012, 10:36:08 pm
Did you get my request in PM?
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 19, 2012, 12:24:21 am
Thanks guys and yea I got it blue ^^ I was wondering if the first and the last one where the same map o3o idk how long it will be now, my n=mom is dilly dallying her time saying "You don't need your laptop, all you do is play games." and "I will do it tomorrow." then doesn't get my laptop for a week then I ask her again and she says "GOD I'LL GET IT TOMORROW! Your such a brat you asked me yesterday" ...... I wanna smash my head in with a hammer...
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: hugrf2 on September 19, 2012, 12:45:08 am
All i can say is, Wow.
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlueStripe on September 19, 2012, 02:09:42 am
Thanks guys and yea I got it blue ^^ I was wondering if the first and the last one where the same map o3o idk how long it will be now, my n=mom is dilly dallying her time saying "You don't need your laptop, all you do is play games." and "I will do it tomorrow." then doesn't get my laptop for a week then I ask her again and she says "GOD I'LL GET IT TOMORROW! Your such a brat you asked me yesterday" ...... I wanna smash my head in with a hammer...
No they are both different, both very different rps and map looks!
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 19, 2012, 04:58:21 pm
ah ok ^^ just making sure cuz they were both titled the same thing o3o n yea, I told her people were starting to get upset cuz I could not work so she might get my USB today
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlueStripe on September 19, 2012, 08:52:23 pm
Really they do, the one with the fourclans of OC,LC,PC and SC is ~TheFourClans~ and the other that is like the book territiory is ClansOfTheForest.
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 25, 2012, 02:30:51 am
Oooooh ok I get it!
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: hugrf2 on September 25, 2012, 02:51:26 am
You nearly done with my request or something?
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 26, 2012, 04:35:53 am
im done just still waiting for my laptop so I can get the download ready and post it up. My mom wont let me download anything for fh on her laptop
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlueStripe on September 26, 2012, 09:12:14 pm
Hey sparta, just woundering if you started any of the requests of mine? ^-^
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 28, 2012, 01:09:24 am
Yea ^^ I got the terrains done
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlueStripe on September 28, 2012, 03:06:30 am
Yea ^^ I got the terrains done
oh cool! Can't wait to see them ^_^
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on September 28, 2012, 07:05:56 pm
I will get them up as soon as I can
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlueStripe on September 28, 2012, 07:13:53 pm
I will get them up as soon as I can
Ok thanks! ^-^
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on October 12, 2012, 05:15:43 am
I got a call from the computer company and they said I should be getting my computer back sometime this week/next week. So I will be able to get all the requests done.

Rhiannon: I will give you your map ASAP

BlackVortex: I will have to re-make EVERYTHING on yours because of a major glitch that happen before, your should not take to long.

Everyone else: Your will be worked on 24/7 till they are at least all half done then I will rest and finish them when I wake up =3

I hope posting this does not jinx my computer from getting to me ;3;

BlueFall: You will get one of your maps along with everyone else, but then your other to will be worked on along with my map only because you requested 3 O.O
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: bramblewing on October 13, 2012, 09:12:37 pm
yay! I cant wait for my map! Thanks Sparta!
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlackVortex on October 13, 2012, 09:56:03 pm
My map hates you xD

Thanks for trying so hard! I'm looking forward to see this map.
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on October 26, 2012, 01:18:38 am
XD lol np! The computer company keeps spazing me, everytime I get my hopes they make the date I get it back farther away.
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlackVortex on October 26, 2012, 01:35:47 am
Oh... not my map :P

Well, thanks for keeping at it.
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: animaljamrules on November 10, 2012, 06:08:49 pm
Username: animaljamrules
Amount of clans: 4
Amount of detail: as much as you can do! (can you do climbable trees?)
Anything Extra: (Towns, extra islands/ areas ect.)
Map Name: GC+SC+PCmap
When you need it by: max time: a month
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Snowlily on November 10, 2012, 08:45:24 pm

Username:Snow Lilly(Ingame)
Amount of clans:4
Amount of detail:Reedclan should have reeds sourding and have a pond near by,i would like a fresh kill pile with Frogs and fish,Fe trees around it.Spiderclan is more swamp like and fresh kill pile shod have frogs and rats.Mothclan should be a moor with few trees(Any kind really).Rabbits should be in the fresh kill pile.Treeclan should be a foresty place with oaks and pines and birchs.Woodland creatures should be in fresh kill pile.In Mothclan there should be four pines and a rock for gatherings.
Anything Extra: (Towns, extra islands/ areas ect.):Moonstone with portals to starclan and darkfroest.
Map Name:The four clans of wild
When you need it by:By Dec.16
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: trinitylovespink on November 15, 2012, 11:22:15 pm
Hi there. If you are still taking map request...I got one.
Fourm name:Trinity
Amount of clans:4
Map name: FourclansV2
Amount of detail: First camp: Well an Island. Reed beds, lots of undergroth...Stuff like that. (Like Rainclan camp on a island). Second camp: Muddy, Swampy, moggy and filled with undergroth.The dens maybe twiggy or shubs. Third camp Gourge (Like thunderclans new camp). Cave dens or bushes what ever you think is better XD. Fourth camp: I really dont care. Up to you. Just a little less detail then the others.
Note: I am looking for what ever Highrocks/Hightree/Highstone/Highlog, or what ever you think would do best in esch camp
Anything extra: Twoleg-place/town. Moonstone. (If you have time Junk yard)
Map sized: Fairly big
Needed by: 2 to 3 weeks or when ever you get it done
Just message me the link when finished
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on November 21, 2012, 08:37:41 am
Rhiannon your map is done! I'm sorry it took forever but I just got my computer back today ^^" I finished it as fast as I could.

--> http://www.mediafire.com/?j99idker8n9dvg7 (http://www.mediafire.com/?j99idker8n9dvg7)

I ask no one to use it other then the person who requested it.
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlueStripe on November 21, 2012, 01:51:29 pm
Can't wait for mine! ^_^
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: hollister1922 on November 22, 2012, 02:40:20 am
Username: hollister1922

Amount Of Clans: 4 clans and 2 tribes please

Map Name: The-Clans-Last-Hope

Amount Of Detail: Alot please. (I would like one corner of the map to be a dark, foggy and scary swamp, another corner to be a heavily forested area, another corner full of streams and an islandin the middle of a lake that all the streams connect to, and the last corner to be open hills. In the middle of the map an island with a log going over to it (Gathering Place) As for the moonsstone just a small cave by the tribes. For the tribes I was wondering if your could make another map and link them together? If you cant thats fine. Anyway the tribes one tribe should have a GIANT cave filled with smaller caves in it as dens. The other tribe should be in the mountains were it is well-hidden and hard to get to. )

Map Size: If your cant link the maps then very big and if you can both of them mediem sized.

Needed By: I will give you till after christmas :)

If you need details on the camps or anything just messege me and when you are finished messesge me the link. By the way thank you. :)
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on November 22, 2012, 11:08:06 am
I will try to meet all the dead lines but alot of them have either passed while i was computerless or are soon. I will work as best as I can with school around. If you have any specific meshs you would like me to use just leave me a link and I will use them. If you have any questions just ask and I will do my best to answer and thank you for asking me to make your map! Im glad I make good enough maps for requests to be made. ^^ I will have the maps as fast as I can get them out!
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: hollister1922 on November 22, 2012, 02:42:40 pm
I appretiate that and I can wait awhile if you need more time I dont mind at all. :)
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: trinitylovespink on November 22, 2012, 07:17:43 pm
No problem.
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: trinitylovespink on November 22, 2012, 07:20:41 pm
If anything its better to wait beacause that makes my clan want to come on more. :D
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on November 23, 2012, 10:08:24 am
thx guys :)
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: tigerlove on November 23, 2012, 12:11:10 pm
Should this be in maps..?
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: hollister1922 on November 23, 2012, 06:29:12 pm
No problem :D
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on November 24, 2012, 12:32:23 pm
i'v got half the terrains worked on, the ones that have a date of before I got my computer back I will need to know if you still want me to make your map.
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Snowlily on November 24, 2012, 01:11:29 pm
I can wait
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on November 24, 2012, 09:34:44 pm
BlackVortex your map is done! Im sorry it took so long! If you would like me to do anything in change just ask and I will. I have to admit it was a bit rushed because of the holidays and stuff.

---> http://www.mediafire.com/?ihgwe4f4z2i7osq (http://www.mediafire.com/?ihgwe4f4z2i7osq)

Please no one other then BlackVortex Download this, it is private unless you are given permission by BlackVortex
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: trinitylovespink on November 25, 2012, 03:04:51 am
Can you pm me the link, I dont want anyone else to see it. (Some peeps these days)
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on November 25, 2012, 01:32:00 pm
Sure Trinity ^^
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: BlueStripe on November 25, 2012, 09:02:15 pm
When u think one of my 3 be done Sparta I mean I can wait but just asking?
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: trinitylovespink on December 08, 2012, 12:58:57 am
Sure Trinity ^^
Thanks Sparta
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests Open
Post by: Spartathewolf on December 25, 2012, 02:24:55 am
- flails my arms - I LOVE YOU ALL! And I have no clue. Im working as hard as I can to restore everything and get the maps out I truley am, Blue idk when you will be done o3oI have been puttting atleast two of them to the side because you requested three and there are others but wen I was working on yours everything wiped on me and I flipped my table and went and ate unicorns ;3; I was hitting to upload button and POOF! I foze for a few moments then went on a rampage.
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests (CLOSED) Till further notice of course! ;)
Post by: Wolflover87 on December 25, 2012, 03:13:49 am
 Wow! I love these maps; I can't wait to see some more screenies soon!
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests (CLOSED) Till further notice of course! ;)
Post by: Spartathewolf on December 25, 2012, 06:58:08 pm
Wow! I love these maps; I can't wait to see some more screenies soon!
Oh yea o3o....screen shots....XD I forget to take them, I will try to post more soon
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests (CLOSED) Till further notice of course! ;)
Post by: Snowlily on December 29, 2012, 09:50:24 pm
Hey its me wolfy i Changed usernames
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests (CLOSED) Till further notice of course! ;)
Post by: Osiras on January 10, 2013, 09:29:22 pm
May I ask a question? The light gray stone dens in Rainclan's camp, where did you find those? I've been looking for ages. ;-;
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests (CLOSED) Till further notice of course! ;)
Post by: Spartathewolf on January 13, 2013, 12:25:52 am
May I ask a question? The light gray stone dens in Rainclan's camp, where did you find those? I've been looking for ages. ;-;
Uhh, i think i got them from therriy actually o3o if not there then im not 100 present positve XD look under "Meshs" He is usually at the top

@Everyone: Im sorry it is taking so long I have been sick with the flu on and off and people are rushing me for my own maps along with art requests and others. I have been rather lazy and im sorry but since I have had to make many of the maps more then twice already its really pulling on my hair so anyone who I havent heard back from will be cut from the list to shorten it ^^ if you see this and still want it done then I will add you back on
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests (CLOSED) Till further notice of course! ;)
Post by: bramblewing on January 29, 2013, 12:43:11 am
Sorry, Sparta, I've been offline for ages because of computer and Internet problems. I would still love the map, if you have any questions in regard to meshes or anything like that, just email me. But don't rush, I am not to fussy when I get it. Sometime around anytime would be great. I don't mind waiting.
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests (CLOSED) Till further notice of course! ;)
Post by: bramblewing on January 29, 2013, 12:45:49 am
Oh, I forgot to add this...Sparta, could you give me a hand? I have never been able to get my media fire to work, because when I give people a link, the link takes them to their home/folders page...could you assist me? Thanks heaps,
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests (CLOSED) Till further notice of course! ;)
Post by: Snowlily on February 11, 2013, 03:36:07 pm
Oh i'm sorry i haven't been on
Title: Re: Warriors Map Requests (CLOSED) Till further notice of course! ;)
Post by: RedMagnum69 on July 25, 2013, 04:05:39 pm
amount of clans:4
Amount Of Deatail: A Lot, One camp in the sky with steps up to it
Additions: A River Between Each of the 4, with fish and stuff in the river and animals jumping around, also have freash kill piles
Time Needed Done: Whenever Possable