Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: Wolfie_Lover on September 11, 2012, 02:20:18 am

Title: Any other languages, other than English?!
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on September 11, 2012, 02:20:18 am
Title: Re: Any other languages, other than English?!
Post by: Bloo. on September 11, 2012, 02:40:29 am
I speak just a teeny bit Russian
 I'm still learning :3
Title: Re: Any other languages, other than English?!
Post by: Crin on September 11, 2012, 02:41:48 am
I speak English, a little bit of French, a handful of phrases in Latin, and quite a bit of SikSikan Blackfoot, a type of Native American language.
Title: Re: Any other languages, other than English?!
Post by: PrettyReckless on September 11, 2012, 02:45:29 am
I speak English as it's my second language, and Swedish. I'm sorry to say I don't know more than such. :P
Title: Re: Any other languages, other than English?!
Post by: wolffox on September 11, 2012, 02:49:18 am
Hrmm... English, a bit of Latin as I studied it for two years, I can understand most Spanish but not speak it... And I am quite fluent in sarcasm as well as the Floof Language.
Title: Re: Any other languages, other than English?!
Post by: Dafniforfree on September 11, 2012, 02:50:09 am
Greek,English,some German and some Spanish ._.
Title: Re: Any other languages, other than English?!
Post by: shusuke on September 11, 2012, 09:00:31 pm
I originally used to speak French but after moving to the United States I got out of practice and forgot most of what I knew. On top of that we didn't really speak French at home anyway.

I'm learning Japanese, but I can read it better than I can speak it [not that I completely understand it all the time].

Title: Re: Any other languages, other than English?!
Post by: Hallucination on September 11, 2012, 09:28:03 pm
I speak some Pennsylvania Dutch, normal Dutch,and German, and I am learning Chinese soon, hopefully. =3
Title: Re: Any other languages, other than English?!
Post by: lugailover on September 11, 2012, 09:36:44 pm
  In my school it is necessary to learn:

Spanish, French, Irish.

Although I learn Japanese myself because I enjoy learning it =>
Title: Re: Any other languages, other than English?!
Post by: shusuke on September 11, 2012, 09:43:36 pm
The hard part of learning Japanese for me is double consonants. I always get confused about how to romanize them. XD I can read it but I can't romanize it or I always get paranoid that I'll be wrong.

Take ????????'s user for example. It's "red fox" in katakana but I forgot the small tsu [?] and o [?] were SMALL, so I pronounced it all wrong when I tried saying it out loud. If I were to try and say it it would come out as "reddo fokuso" [it's easier to say than it looks, though] or something along those lines.

?? also means "red fox" [as in the species; vulpes vulpes), but is pronounced akagitsune.

I'll stop rambling now and go back to isolate myself in my study corner.
Title: Re: Any other languages, other than English?!
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on September 12, 2012, 12:45:43 am
Wow, I didn't realise that this would become so easily popular. XD

Hrmm... English, a bit of Latin as I studied it for two years, I can understand most Spanish but not speak it... And I am quite fluent in sarcasm as well as the Floof Language.

I am also fluent in sarcasm, but not as well as in the Floof Language. I'm very well spoken in 'Animal Motions' and their 'langauge.' I'm thinking of going on America's Got Talent for it, too. ;)
Title: Re: Any other languages, other than English?!
Post by: wolfgirl56 on September 12, 2012, 12:49:29 am
  In my school it is necessary to learn:

Spanish, French, Irish.

Although I learn Japanese myself because I enjoy learning it =>

I dislike you with great intensity. Just kidding, just kidding. <333
I speak Spanish, only know four words in German, two words in French, and two words in Japanese.
But since I speak and understand Spanish, I often notice a lot of Spanish people in my state, and I can actually understand some of them.
When my mom and little sister and I were at the store, we saw a Spanish family my mom met (she doesn't speak Spanish, but they speak English as well. They were speaking Spanish when they were in the store), I could understand what they were saying a bit. And since the family were behind us in the line, I heard the mom saying to her baby, "Can you say hello?" in Spanish. Lugai and I were talking about that one time on Skype, lol.
Title: Re: Any other languages, other than English?!
Post by: Thierry on September 12, 2012, 12:57:23 am
a little of french and full spanish.
If someone need help in spanish im here ;)