Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Species => Topic started by: Kashii on September 29, 2012, 10:37:02 am

Title: Kashii's Species List
Post by: Kashii on September 29, 2012, 10:37:02 am
Kashii's Species List
Hey everyone, just came to say that I've decided to create a species list for myself and others to use. ;3; All the species on this list belong to me and came with my characters, but then I decided to put the breeds or 'species' up for public use. So, back to the point - if you use these for your characters, you must give credit to 'Kashii' or 'Kashikuari' in the bio/species description! You also must PM me and tell me you're using it so I can keep track of the species. Once I update this list with more species, they will be more 'public' for people to use. If you do want to use any of these, read the below descriptions on them. Thanks!

I created a password-protected album on tinypic.com so I could post what each species might look like. Here is the link on the album: http://photobucket.com/species-password (http://photobucket.com/species-password) - PM me for the password so you can view it.

Kentonian Halfbreed
Artentic Wolf-fox

Rincadian Wolfhound (Currently not up for public use.)

The Kentonian Halfbreed consists of three breeds: the fox, the wolf, and the bear. Kentonian Halfbreeds are mostly known as quiet, self-minding creatures. In fact, they are also very fast, sly and strong. Their fox-side consists of the following features: slyness, sleekness, quick-ability and intelligence. On the other hand, their wolf-contained side consists of: tough bodies, strength, love, and passion. But their bear-feature contains: roughness, fair-game, and just the fact of being funny - To explain this better; Kentonian Halfbreeds have the same body-structure as a wolf at all times. They are not shapeshifters and they do not consist of any powers.

Color genes for the Kentonian Halfbreed: Black and grey and white, black and grey, black and white, white and grey, dark brown and black and white, grey and light-grey, black and silver.

The Artentic Wolf-fox is a small and cute 'lil creature. They are gentle and loving, and are usually the average size of a growing wolf-pup. (When they are adults, they are half the size of a teenage wolf.) They are 1/4 part wolf - Artentic Wolf-foxes are kind and helpful, along with their intelligence. Due to being so small, they are fast and sly too.

Color genes for the Artentic Wolf-fox: Silver and white, cream and white, cream and white and silver, silver and cream.
Title: Re: Kashii's Species List
Post by: Dafniforfree on September 29, 2012, 11:03:07 am
Interesting species,could you take some screenshots from FH showing how it would look like :O I'd like to see it
Title: Re: Kashii's Species List
Post by: Kashii on September 29, 2012, 11:07:14 am
Thank you and sure thing! ^^'' One mommento and I'll have them posted.

I created an album on tinypic.com so I could post what each species might look like - but it's password protected. I just PMed you the password so you can view the photos! Link: http://photobucket.com/species-password (http://photobucket.com/species-password)
Title: Re: Kashii's Species List
Post by: Tessel. on September 30, 2012, 12:57:30 pm
They sound pretty cool! I would love to see screenshots.