Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Member Bio & Journals => Topic started by: Artist on October 06, 2012, 07:46:05 am

Title: What lies behind Artist!
Post by: Artist on October 06, 2012, 07:46:05 am
In news so shocking you will actually find out that behind all the male characters... Is... A... Girl. *gasp*. Please don't kill me. ;-;  Now, I know I've been telling people I'm a guy in real... But I honestly can't keep up with that myself (Also a thanks to Squee for playing along). ^^ I lived with Squee when I first got the account, because my parents were taking some time warming up to a side of me they never really thought could be true (I am bisexual, the full blown phase died out about a month ago.). ^^ Alls sorted out now though. :D Thankfully.

(Squee has been my best girl-friend since primary school when she first moved to my home-town. Just to tell ya'.)

I decided to put up the male front, because everybody needs their breaks from reality? So why not swop a few things around about yourself... :) Now I'm sorry I lied to people. At least you know now... I'm still the same Artist as I've always been. I will keep on playing as a male character and I will keep on being a dood in the lands of Feralhearts. :D

Now that that's sort of cleared up... :I

Mah Name is: Paige :D
Mah age is: None of your business. xD
Mah proffession is: Music! :D I play some killer guitar... o3o
And mah gender: Female, with a second personality that is male... :D

I am a tom-boy. I don't wear guys clothes, except maybe their shoes... and some hoodies I manage to steal off of my friends... Especially since they're iron-fist. Come on. You can't blame me. xD I'm immature for my age and have extreme lack of focus towards school. I used to be an A-class student when I was in primary school, it was 5 years running but dropped slowly slowly until I just didn't care anymore. xD I'm now a C-class kid. And my English teacher's pet. o3o

Mah favourite sport: RUGBY! -Scream-
Mah favourite possession: A lumo yellow teddy bear sent to me from New Zealand when I was born, his name is Mr. Fuzzums and he has a wife (a pink dolphin named Lady), and a son, (Winnie the pooh in a bee costume). I will never be too old to love them like a chocoholic loves chocolate.
Mah favourite colour: Blue
Mah favourite animal: Dolphins and Snakes. c=
Mah hobby: Camping... on my porch. o3o

And.... I hate...

Brussel sprouts. ;-; DUN DUN DUN.

Now... You know... A little (a lot) more about Artist! :D
Title: Re: What lies behind Artist!
Post by: PrettyReckless on October 06, 2012, 08:53:34 am
Hello Artist. It's nice to finally know who the person behind the monitor is. I honestly believed you were a male, you fooled us all. ;3
I'm sure we'll see each other more in-game. ^^ I don't think I'll need to remind you about the rules, as I think you're aware of most of them at least. :p
Title: Re: What lies behind Artist!
Post by: Artist on October 06, 2012, 09:03:06 am
Fully aware and will stick to them like my life depends on it. c= Well at least my second life does. ^^;

Truly sorry about the male front. Was not one of my brightest moves. ^^;
Title: Re: What lies behind Artist!
Post by: PrettyReckless on October 06, 2012, 09:14:49 am
Fully aware and will stick to them like my life depends on it. c= Well at least my second life does. ^^;

Truly sorry about the male front. Was not one of my brightest moves. ^^;
There are more than you who do that. ;3 There are reasons for people to do things like this and personally, I don't mind it at all. I could compare it with a female RP'ing a male character, some people may care, other don't. ^^
Title: Re: What lies behind Artist!
Post by: Squee on October 06, 2012, 09:18:43 am
Finally, Arty has come out of the closet. ;D Good on you! <3 ^^
Title: Re: What lies behind Artist!
Post by: Zaroque on October 06, 2012, 12:42:39 pm
Artist. <33
Hello m'love, and I nevar knew you were a gurl. Iwasfooled. :T
Title: Re: What lies behind Artist!
Post by: Artist on October 06, 2012, 03:00:09 pm
I think a lot of people didn't see it coming.  :-[