Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => Maps => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Finished Maps => Topic started by: ZombieKitteh on October 24, 2012, 06:13:27 pm

Title: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Crytpic Refrain made public!
Post by: ZombieKitteh on October 24, 2012, 06:13:27 pm
I always wanted to make maps ever since I was a newbie in FH. I'd step in others' maps and be blown away and looked into making my own. Since then I've made tons of maps whether it be for my own roleplays or others. So I figured it's about time to make my own thread. I tend to be a bit obsessive when I make maps and like ensuring I do the best I can. Which means some of my map downloads tend to be a bit.. big. Sorry. xD


Post 1- Intro
Post 2- Public Maps
Post 3- Private Maps
Post 4- WIP Maps

Note: Some of my older and newer maps may conflict with each other's .fho files. I edit my object groups as I find new meshes and make maps, so fair warning in advance.

Map Requests: Open to public maps

I'm not open to map commissions at the moment, but will be soon when I set up a Paypal account. c': DA points will always be an option too; ofcourse I have no idea what to set them as. Requests open up from time to time too; so keep an eye on that.

Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Public Maps
Post by: ZombieKitteh on October 24, 2012, 06:13:58 pm

Public Maps

These maps are open to the public and free for anyone to use. Some were made for the public and others once belonged to roleplays that are no longer running. I'll try and post some info about the maps with them too. I'm pretty lazy so any maps that once belonged to roleplays still have the same old downloads with their Read Me's. You should probably follow the map instructions but anything pertaining to the maps "being private for yadda yadda only.." can be ignored. c':


1. Be friendly to your fellow FH members
2. No den claiming/fighting
3. Everyone is welcome
4. Do not claim the maps as your own

If there is an official group listed for the map please do not harass them and ask before roleplaying with them. You may not use their designated camp either. Packs and groups wont become official without my permission.



Download: Open (http://www.4shared.com/zip/ws0Ft908/Shadows_of_the_Night.html)

OR if you don't want to sign up or have a 4shared account to download you can grab it from mediafire instead. It had to be split into two downloads though. GET BOTH.

Download #2:
http://www.mediafire.com/?eclrpt2bh09dt3e (http://www.mediafire.com/?eclrpt2bh09dt3e)
http://www.mediafire.com/?8s3j663cssw17zj (http://www.mediafire.com/?8s3j663cssw17zj)

Was a map made for a wolf roleplay that died many months prior. I really enjoyed this map so I hope you guys do too.

Shadowed Night is a snow themed map centered around pine forests and cliffs. There's a small, cozy camp nestled against the cliffs with the chilly water below. Lots of ice to play around on and swim under. Perhaps if you're able to find the hidden hot spring you can relax there out of the cold.


Download: Open (http://www.mediafire.com/?ub9vv2zn2609h15)

This map was originally made on a whim to test out some new meshes I downloaded and ideas I had. I gave it to a friend for a roleplay that is now dead. Alot of people seemed to like this map and I really enjoy it so I'd hate to see it go to waste.

Legend tells of a band of foxes who once needed to escape from harms way. A god by the name of Chiru took pity on the foxes and thousands of cherry blossom trees bloomed. The pastel pink petals danced in the wind forming a bridge for the foxes to cross to a new island home. Cherry blossom trees too grew in their new home and the foxes worshiped them in thanks to Chiru who continues to keep the land safe.
(You may not make a character after Chiru. She's my own personal character that I roam around in there as sometimes)


Download: Open (http://www.mediafire.com/?au145oj6ht1ku4s)

A map made for my friend Kifo for a roleplay of hers. The rolepaly is no longer open and thus I asked iif she'd mind if  I made the map public. She didn't aand here we are. It's a cute, small map that features mostly forest and fields with a small camp nestled along some cliffs.


Download: One (http://www.mediafire.com/?33jbj050rga4cjd), two (http://www.mediafire.com/?ilhwes4bk1frdj5) and three (http://www.mediafire.com/download/57dytnulxz9xrl0/CrypticRefrain_3.zip)

(get all three)

This.. this is my pride and joy right here. It's one of my most recent set of maps that had a month or so in planning. It features ten maps and possibly more to be added in the future. Cryptic Refrain is no longer a active roleplay. It was based off of the popular Warriors series and as such most of the camps have... well smaller dens. I love this map and I hope making it public you'll all love it too.

There were cats long ago, hundreds of years that called a place called Etheria home. They lived in multiple tribes that changed throughout time. Midori, Anjuu and Shinku. A volcano erupted, destroying the land. The tribe cats were chased away and those remaining perished in the chaos. Overtime the land healed and new cats came to claim the lands calling it Crytpic Refrain for they said memories and stories of cats long ago were whispered in the wind. Overtime these elemental cats simply vanished. It's uncertain what happened to them, but the lands remain peaceful.

Those that tread on these ancient lands are sure to hear the faint tellings of times long ago on the wind if they listen carefully.

Portal guide://

Cryptic Refrain- Rainy Ravine, Perpetual Passages, Weleful Woods, Arid Abyss, Inferno Isles
Inferno Isles- The Dark Forest, Moon Tree
Moon Tree- StarClan
Starclan- Glimpse Into The Past

Offical map groups:

Silent Embers Pack - Claims Inferno Isles - run by Zombeh
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x|
Post by: ZombieKitteh on October 24, 2012, 06:14:06 pm

Private Maps

These are maps that are for my own personal use only or roleplays that are still up and running. You may not download said maps without permission from that roleplays owner. If a map is indeed being used by a rolepaly still I'll link to their website or thread.


Roleplay Status Open
Website (http://pandemoniumplague.webs.com/)

Pandemonium Plague is a post apocalyptic roleplay set up in a swamp and barren area. It features a small little town like area and various other maps. There's seven maps in total connected together. Two rival tribes struggle to survive in this wasteland, constantly fighting with each other. Pandemonium is my only roleplay I run personally at the time. It's by far a roleplay very dear to me, so you imagine why I reopened it. Lasted a year before it closed last time, lets do better this time around. c;

Other maps within this pack:

Laboratory (http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/084/c/d/pandemonium_plague___laboratory_by_zombiekitteh-d5z93n0.png)
Elevator (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/084/3/c/pandemonium_plague___elevator_by_zombiekitteh-d5z94c7.png)
Fallacy Labyrinth (http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/084/7/f/pandemonium_plague___fallacy_labyrinth_by_zombiekitteh-d5z9514.png)
Placid Retreat (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/084/f/9/pandemonium_plague___placid_retreat_by_zombiekitteh-d5z97qh.png)
Delusional Chasm (http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/084/8/3/pandemonium_plague___delusional_chasm_by_zombiekitteh-d5z9bmq.png)
Disquiet Conduct (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/084/4/e/pandemonium_plague___disquiet_conduct_by_zombiekitteh-d5z9f3c.png)

Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Public Maps
Post by: ZombieKitteh on October 24, 2012, 06:14:23 pm

WIP Maps

Aaand finally we have maps that I'm currently working on actively. I'll have some sort of progress bar or something to let you know how far along a map is. Some may be for public others private; that and any otheri nformation will be listed as well.


Som Niveus


Progress: 30%

This will be a public map I know for sure. It was once used for a roleplay that's dead. Sooo I'm revamping it for the public to use. It was one of my first maps made, actually maybe only my third- so the revamp is needed xD Actually it happens to be the only one of my first maps that I still have the files for. Will be snow themed and may or may not develop into a map pack.

Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New public map
Post by: ZombieKitteh on November 02, 2012, 04:46:22 am
Made a new poll asking about what sort of public map you'd wanna see next. Got the ok by Kifo to make Time Stands Still public.. so yay another one for you guys to use. c: Also gonna post some update screenies for Som Niveus later. Also open to suggestions ^-^
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New public map
Post by: xVictoriaBloodx on November 24, 2012, 10:32:17 pm
(: Your maps are FANTASTIC! <3 Dude, I love your map making skills.
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New public map
Post by: lilyfairy on November 24, 2012, 10:50:35 pm
Keikan is awesome! Can't wait until your finished. (By the way, it's Kanti here. xD) And I see you've put my ribcage. :D Love it. <3 I also like your other maps, too!
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New public map
Post by: ZombieKitteh on November 28, 2012, 08:45:57 pm
Thank you both :'3 I really appreciate it and yes Kanti couldn't forget that ribcage of yours you requested in the dens. xD

Few more screenshots of the map c: Going to update the progress meter as well. Bump it up to err- *thinks* 70% Don't want to cause uber lag, so I'll just post the urls to the screenshots.

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c106/Nay_B/screenshot_11282012_153617213.png (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c106/Nay_B/screenshot_11282012_153617213.png)
http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c106/Nay_B/screenshot_11282012_153859483.png (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c106/Nay_B/screenshot_11282012_153859483.png)
http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c106/Nay_B/screenshot_11282012_153747398.png (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c106/Nay_B/screenshot_11282012_153747398.png)
http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c106/Nay_B/screenshot_11282012_153842052.png (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c106/Nay_B/screenshot_11282012_153842052.png)
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: private map WIP
Post by: aviannerd on November 28, 2012, 08:52:41 pm
When the Plague rps back, can I join? And if it shuts down; could I have some mesh's if I give you credit? I'm a mesh-begger in the extremes.
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: private map WIP
Post by: ShadowClasher on November 28, 2012, 08:54:54 pm
Really nice, Zombie! It's Kesi here, if you didn't known. Lol.
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: private map WIP
Post by: Tatsu Kuchiki on November 29, 2012, 09:21:34 pm
Those screenshots look freakin awesome  ;D
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: private map WIP
Post by: animals_rock on November 29, 2012, 10:54:35 pm
You're an amazing map maker, Zombie and I applaud you. o3o
I'm glad you put Shadowed Night to good use. ^^
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: private map WIP
Post by: ace13 on November 30, 2012, 09:03:01 am
Woah...! These are so... GOOD! You're such a good map-maker! I so want! -brofist-
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: private map WIP
Post by: hailtehwolf on November 30, 2012, 10:52:25 pm
Hey Zom, love the maps and downloaded and installed all the public ones ^^

One worry though, on Otium Silva, theres a notepad named 'READ ME YO'
In it, you put that 'and is for her use only and may not be used without permission'
I want to go on de map D:

Actually read the post and realized, thanks.
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: private map WIP
Post by: xxaaliyahxx on December 29, 2012, 05:41:13 pm
For the first 0ne, do you NEED to download both?

just askin'.
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: private map WIP
Post by: ZombieKitteh on March 03, 2013, 11:04:51 pm
Oh woah tons of posts o^o ily guys thankyou so much for the kind words *snuggles all of you*

And it depends for Shadowed Night. I have two download options, The first one is for 4shared and only has one download- but you need an account to get it. The second one requires no site joining but has two downloads that you need .Either or is fine.

I took a break from FH and map making in general and I'm back with all new plans and reviving a once fallen roleplay. Pandemonium Plague. c:

Unlike my other maps I'll be doing regular Join Mes for anyone who just.. wants to watch me map make. Or is interested in the roleplay. I'll start posting here and on my DA when I do Join Mes ^-^I'd do Live Stream but LS just lags me to butts o-e and my computer handles JoinMe better.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lU-Dix769l8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lU-Dix769l8)
Title: Re: !JoinMe in progress! |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Revamping Pandemonium Plague!
Post by: ZombieKitteh on March 03, 2013, 11:13:24 pm
Watch me map make~

Join Me:

So sorry if it lags alot. It shouldn't though unless your internet is as bad as mine :D

Join me is over :B Thanks for watching if you did :'3
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Revamping Pandemonium Plague!
Post by: ZombieKitteh on March 10, 2013, 03:38:02 am
So most of you know of my Otium Silva map that I made public. Well I started up a small rolepaly to pass time with called Misted Veils pack and have decided to use this map as our place of roleplay.

Now, this does not mean I will take the map down. It will always be for public. You can still come and roleplay and even use the loner and smaller dens. YOu can still roam and even roleplay with us if you see us all online. What this does mean though, the map has an official pack. You may not claim the main underground den as you're own and for your roleplays now. We will also frequent the waterfall cave.

We are a literate pack and all I ask is that you not bother us in roleplay if we're online and roleplaying. You are welcome to join in if you ask first and hey maybe even roleplay into the pack if you like. ^^

I am however sorry if this affects any roleplays currently using the underground main den as a camp. :c You are still welcome however to stay just find another den/area to use.

Aside from that announcement, have a Pandemonium Plague teaser.

Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Revamping Pandemonium Plague!
Post by: hailtehwolf on March 14, 2013, 07:03:34 pm
Herro Zombie :3
I would absolutely LOVE to join Pandemonium Plague! Also Otium Silva. I may see yous this weekend -lesnuggle- your maps are amazing! Just one question - how do you put maps up for download? Im soon going to be working on a map to match my upcoming horse stories. Thank you for zee maps :D In-game I'm hailtehwolf, but my FH won't let me properly use portals without it crashing .-.
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Revamping Pandemonium Plague!
Post by: ZombieKitteh on March 23, 2013, 05:16:54 am
Herro Zombie :3
I would absolutely LOVE to join Pandemonium Plague! Also Otium Silva. I may see yous this weekend -lesnuggle- your maps are amazing! Just one question - how do you put maps up for download? Im soon going to be working on a map to match my upcoming horse stories. Thank you for zee maps :D In-game I'm hailtehwolf, but my FH won't let me properly use portals without it crashing .-.

Oh, hey ^^ Thanks; I appreciate that. c: You can always poke the Pandemonium Plague site to join that if you like. As for putting maps for download you need to export them, them put all the files in a folder and convert them to a .zip file. Then you can upload them to like.. Mediafire for people to download.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v6RoFJISvE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v6RoFJISvE)

Another WIP Pandemonium Video. You guys will be pleased to know the maps are all finished now. I'm jsut working on coding out the main maps object group still. As soon as the game server comes back up and I can test it properly it'll be up and running. :3



Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Revamping Pandemonium Plague!
Post by: BouncyLion101 on March 23, 2013, 05:57:52 am
Herro Zombie :3
I would absolutely LOVE to join Pandemonium Plague! Also Otium Silva. I may see yous this weekend -lesnuggle- your maps are amazing! Just one question - how do you put maps up for download? Im soon going to be working on a map to match my upcoming horse stories. Thank you for zee maps :D In-game I'm hailtehwolf, but my FH won't let me properly use portals without it crashing .-.

Oh, hey ^^ Thanks; I appreciate that. c: You can always poke the Pandemonium Plague site to join that if you like. As for putting maps for download you need to export them, them put all the files in a folder and convert them to a .zip file. Then you can upload them to like.. Mediafire for people to download.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v6RoFJISvE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v6RoFJISvE)

Another WIP Pandemonium Video. You guys will be pleased to know the maps are all finished now. I'm jsut working on coding out the main maps object group still. As soon as the game server comes back up and I can test it properly it'll be up and running. :3



How did I not see this thread before??
<3 *purrs on maps*

You need to give me your map making skills, because these are truly beautiful. :3 The small details are what I enjoy the most, and all of the objects look so awesome.
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Revamping Pandemonium Plague!
Post by: ZombieKitteh on March 29, 2013, 04:31:12 pm
Thanks. :'3 I really appreciate the kind words. I love adding details to my maps, sadly the details make them a little laggy for some people.

Pandemonium Plague is finished, up and running guys~ Updating posts with screenshots and info.

Also decided my next public map will be a swamp. c:

Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Crytpci Refrain made public!
Post by: ZombieKitteh on June 25, 2013, 06:16:11 pm
After some thought decided to make my Cryptic Refrain maps a public map pack for you guys. Hope you enjoy exploring and finding all the maps in this one~ Theres *counts* 8 maps in this pack ;3

And here have a small teaser for another map pack I'll be working on over time.


Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Crytpic Refrain made public!
Post by: avomeir on July 09, 2013, 11:14:42 am
Wow, Zombie. These maps are amazing! I can't wait to see more of them.~ c:
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Crytpic Refrain made public!
Post by: Vespian on July 09, 2013, 11:18:01 am
Your maps are completely flawless. I am jealous of your skills, though that's a compliment. Can't wait to view more of your mapwork.
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Crytpic Refrain made public!
Post by: ZombieKitteh on September 16, 2013, 05:14:35 am
LirykinGrinn has made a Pandemonium Plague group and been advertising it. This will not be tolerate as will no theft. I spent real time and effort making Pandemonium what it was and will be again soon. I do not appreciate someone trying to claim it.

They claimed to love the group and were doing this because non of the staff or me were online. Well that's still not acceptable!! It is my group, my plots and ideas. If I want it to be down then so be it. It is my decision and staffs, no other. Do you understand?


Just no. I will find you. I will crush you and rip your throat out with a toothpick.

IF anyone spots ANYONE claiming a group that is not Caedis or Fidelis within the maps or without them being mentioned on the sites, they are fake! Report them to me with screenshot evidence and I will deal with it.

Theft isn't cool guys, just don't do it. I figured people would know better??

Also apparently someone has been claiming Cryptic Refrain is their own. Again if you spot them, screenshot and report it to me please so I can send it to FH staff. I don't appreciate being stolen from.

Also thankyou to everyone with the kind words and praise c: I appreciate it it.
Title: Re: |x--Zombie's Maps--x| New: Crytpic Refrain made public!
Post by: KingRex on November 26, 2014, 11:44:51 am
sounds cool im going to download this map