Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Media => Stories => Topic started by: Celeyan on October 27, 2012, 03:10:07 am

Title: .?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??.
Post by: Celeyan on October 27, 2012, 03:10:07 am

I flipped over in my bed, snuggling into my soft pillow with a soft sigh. I had forgetten about school for the time being; and right now, all I wanted to do was rest. It was night, 10:00 actually, and here I was trying to go to sleep so i'd wake up early tomorrow. But then, I heard something coming from outside; It was music, and it was stupid rap. I frowned, and moved in my bed, shoving my pillow atop of my head as I tried to sleep once more.  Soon, it began to get louder, and I got up, glaring out the window at my neighbor. Of course it was my best friend, Ashley, who was dancing like a crazy person across from me. "Go to sleep!" I shouted, giving a small laugh as she hit something when she heard my voice. "You scared me! You butthead!" I heard her shout, and I laughed, staring at my crazy friend. "I'm trying to sleep! Stop being such a crazy person and turn the music off!" I laughed, rolling my eyes as she flailed her arms about in irritation and I heard her yell a small 'fine'. "Goodniighhtt!" I spoke back to her, grinning when she turned towards me to glare. "Night." She laughed, closing the window as I did the same thing.

When I woke up, it was 6:00, and I was pretty early since school starts at 7:30 for me. I swung my legs over my bed, and I walked over to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, even though I took one last night; I wanted to take another one to wake me up. After that, I brushed down my short hair, curled it, and put a bow in my brown hair. I brushed my teeth, put on deodarent, and all other things that I needed to do; like put on lotion and stuff. I was really only doing this stuff because I was early, and it was my first day of school anyway, first appearances and all. I got dressed, and put on my glasses and went downstairs to go get some breakfast and get my bag. I decided to eat some pancakes and some scrambled eggs, I prided on the fact that I was a good cook, and I added some green peppers and some more spices to my eggs. I ate them hungrily, happy that I wouldn't be hungry at school, I hated being hungry at school. My mother was awake, from what I could tell by rushing water and the sound of her heels clicking against the ground. I don't know why she wears those stupid things she calls shoes, they hurt too much.

Finally, she came downstairs; and waved at me as she grabbed a donut from a small glass bowl in the middle of our table, we got them yesterday so it was okay for her to eat them. I went out to the car and got in, waiting for my mother to come outside so we could go to school and I could get this first day stuff over. Soon, she got in the car and began to drive, and I stared out the window at the passing cars. Once we got to my...new school, I got out the car and went into the building, pulling my schedule from my bag. "Okay..Ms. Evans." Oh no, I don't even know who that is...I walked to my locker with a sigh, and put in my combination. I was pretty fast with that, and I quickly grabbed my books and closed my locker. "Time to fidn my teacher.." I groaned and looked around, and I was sure that I looked pretty stupid as I did it. "Luna!" I heard, and I gave a mini scream as I turned around to see my friend; who tackled me into a giant hug. "Sup girl!" I heard her say, and I laughed, rolling my eyes. "Ashley we saw each other yesterday, you're acting like we haven't seen each other for a whole year." Ashley groaned, and stomped her feet playfully. "It felt like it, sista!" I sighed, giggling a little at my crazy friend. "Ooh! Let me see you're thingy." She pulled my schedule from my hand, and read over it and I watched her smile. "We have so many classes together, woo!"

I cheered also, and I watched her do a mini dance; earning some stares from passerbys. "Oh were gonna be late! I don't have Ms. Evans, sorrryyy! But to find her go down this hallway, turn left, then keep going straight, she's near the band hallway." I nodded at this, and I waved at my friend before going off towards my first class. "Okay...go straight.. go left.." I did exactly what she said, and I found myself at the front door of her class. Suddenly, I felt really nervous and I began to break into a small sweat. "What if they judge me?" I wondered aloud; but I sighed and opened the door. It was quiet, and Ms. Evans was writing on her papers at her desk. Was I late? I shrugged my shoulders a little and sat down, watching as she glanced at me for a moment then called me over here. "Yes?" I spoke, trying to make my voice not shake a little, I didn't like getting in trouble; no matter how hard I tried to play it off. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble." I mentally gave a happy sigh, and I watched her smile when I relaxed. "Here is you're work for today, it might take you all class, but it might not; I heard you were a very good student." I smiled at her, and said a small shy 'thanks', before sitting down and beginning my work. It was basic math, and it was really easy for me, I finished in five minutes. I flipped it over to cover my answers, and I chuckled mentally at what I did. That was a pet peeve of mine, cheating; it didn't help you, and it got you in trouble most of the time, but what I hated the most was when someone was cheating off of you, see you notice, but keep cheating! Ugh! S.t.u.p.i.d!

My next classes I passed by in a breeze, I barely talked to people other than my best friend, Ashley; even though she tried to get me to speak to some of her friends. This was my last period before lunch, and we were in history. "Hey!" I heard, looking  at Ashley who called me over to sit next to her, and I did. Someone beside me, looked over to me, and gave me a small wave. "Luna, this is my friend, Fama, she is shy." Ashley laughed a little, earning a small punch in the shoulder by the girl named Fama; who had got up quickly to do that. "H-Hi, Luna." I heard her say, and I smiled back at her and waved, watching her sit down again before the teacher came in. "Hey." I casually said, about to speak again when the teacher came in. "Hello class." He said, and I heard only a few others mumbling a hello, I said my hello too, loud enough for him to hear it. He passed out the work, not really bothering to say anything; only explaining what to do before telling us to do it and stop being lazy. I began, and of course, it was pretty easy, but for Ashley...well...I saw her struggling, and I wished I could help her, but I didn't want to get in trouble. Someone next to me, tapped my shoulder, and I turned to stare into another girl's eyes.

 "C-could you help me?" She whispered, glancing over to the teacher as she pointed to three questions that she found difficult. I explained it the best I could without revealing the answer, while also trying to make sure the teacher didn't catch us. She thanked me for my help, and she did those three questions without needing to ask me for help at all. Soon, class was over, and I was about to leave when I heard the teacher call me over. I gulped a little, and stared at him. "I heard you talking today, that's gonna take away some of you're class points." I frowned a little, about to agree when the girl from earlier came in. "I was the one talking, sorry!" She laughed a little, rubbing the back of her head and winking at me. "Oh, really? Fine, you get the points taken away." He began writing her name down in his book, and putting a -10 next to it. I saw her cringe, and I felt really bad for her, but she pulled me out of the classroom. "You're welcome." She huffed, laughing at me a little, I soon realized that, it was Fama. "Oh, Fama! Uh, thanks." I shyly closed my eyes, giving her a small and shy smile.

"Don't worry about it." Fama said, and looked to me. "But now you must help me whenever I get in trouble." I laughed and agreed, and we headed to lunch.
Title: Re: .?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??.
Post by: Celeyan on October 27, 2012, 03:23:22 am
Reserved for storry
Title: Re: .?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??.
Post by: Celeyan on October 27, 2012, 03:23:31 am
Reserved for storry
Title: Re: .?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??.
Post by: Celeyan on October 27, 2012, 03:23:37 am
Title: Re: .?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??.
Post by: Celeyan on October 27, 2012, 03:23:44 am
Title: Re: .?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??.
Post by: Celeyan on October 27, 2012, 03:23:54 am
Title: Re: .?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??.
Post by: Celeyan on October 27, 2012, 03:24:03 am
Title: Re: .?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??.
Post by: Celeyan on October 27, 2012, 03:24:15 am
Extra reserve
Title: Re: .?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??.
Post by: Celeyan on October 27, 2012, 03:24:34 am
Extra extra reserve...you never know..
Title: Re: .?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??.
Post by: Celeyan on October 27, 2012, 03:24:49 am
Post everyonee!

+ Extra extra extra xD
Title: Re: .?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??.
Post by: ponyHORSE61 on December 23, 2012, 09:18:03 pm
Awesome! I think this sounds really good and realistic, although it went a little fast lol. I also like the girl's name--Luna. Also, Ashley seems a lot like me....ya' know...the crazy dancing and energetic personality....XD.
Title: Re: .?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??.
Post by: Chimaera on January 17, 2013, 02:59:58 pm
I love it! Totally stalking this thread.